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Everything posted by cdemundo

  1. Different question. You asked: "If it's not Phuket, then it's Pattaya. People with ill intentions seem to gravitate towards the two... Any particular reason why?" To even formulate your question about Bangkok and Samui would require a lot of thinking and fact finding. Apparently you are implying first and foremost that Bangkok and Samui don't have their share of bad actors. I don't know if that is true. Anyway, I think my answer to your question stands.
  2. Every denomination has these and nearly very denomination has one that has been exposed. You are adorable, thinking ordained ministers are less likely to be predators. IMHO, part of the problem is that because Christians revere these creeps they say things like "the Pastor overstepped the bounds of propriety" instead of "the Pastor had sex with" or sometimes "the Pastor raped" that child. So the reality of what they do on a regular basis is masked. It's not a stretch, it happens in all denominations.
  3. Every time there is a Pattaya thread the Pattaya bashers remind me of something. Wallace, Idaho, USA used to have a reputation for (as Popeye the Sailorman called them) "houses of ill repuke". Someone in Wallace used to sell bumper stickers that said "Honest, I've never been to Wallace Idaho".
  4. All the cheerleaders for Christianity ought to take note.
  5. Great idea. I feel like saying "doh" since I never thought of it. The big pain of getting defrauded for me has been going to all the auto payments I have set up and changing them while I wait for the new card. Thanks for this idea, I'm gonna use it.
  6. So are you saying you have never been to Pattaya?
  7. Not trying to troll you, serious question. Were you drunk or high? Seems like that is often a factor.
  8. "Why would anyone want to go to Pattaya in the first place?" Cuz Pattaya is a fun place.
  9. I don't know if this kind of economic scoring is really absolute performance. It's the kind of stuff that MBA's make up.
  10. Geez, when are straight white men gonna get a break in this world? Pathetic.
  11. I think it just signifies that he has given up the dream of bing a Certified Public Accountant.
  12. It's always a live option for a former bargirl. Easy way to make money and don't discount the appeal of getting some attention from men. She was used to that, big change to a one-man / one-woman relationship.
  13. He didn't say anything about race. You were the first one to mention race.
  14. If Scotland Yard didn't help you try this guy: S. Holmes 221B Baker St. London, England I have heard he is good.
  15. CC company will reimburse. What is your problem?
  16. Note to self: Don't feed the trolls, Don't feed the trolls, Don't feed the trolls.
  17. Playing innocent? You don't think the Obama's race had anything to do with it?
  18. Pathetic, both you and those who think it's funny. Both racist and miisogynist, sad really.
  19. Don't mean to patronize you but sounds like you are unaware. There are extensive restrictions on foreigners working in Thailand. You must be able to do a job that a Thai person cannot do or you are considered to be taking a job from a Thai. Do you have unique specialized job skills? Otherwise you could start a business that employs Thai people.
  20. "Coffee is bad for the liver. Switch to green tea rather if you can in moderation." Source: "The Journal of Old Wives Tales." "Who are you gonna believe, me or your own eyes?" Source: Groucho Marx "Coffee good." Source : Me. "Lots of studies have looked at coffee and liver health. Overall these found that drinking coffee is likely to be good for your liver." Source: The British Liver Trust https://britishlivertrust.org.uk/information-and-support/living-with-a-liver-condition/coffee/#:~:text=It should be safe for,cirrhosis if they drank coffee. "Coffee lovers will be glad to know that coffee is perhaps one of the best drinks you can have to promote liver health, even if you already have liver problems. " Source: Ochsner Health https://blog.ochsner.org/articles/top-foods-and-drinks-that-improve-liver-health "Coffee and Liver Disease. Abstract. Coffee is the most popular beverage in the world. Consumption of coffee has been shown to benefit health in general, and liver health in particular. This article reviews the effects of coffee intake on development and progression of liver disease due to various causes. We also describe the putative mechanisms by which coffee exerts the protective effect. The clinical evidence of benefit of coffee consumption in Hepatitis B and C, as well as nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and alcoholic liver disease, has also been presented. Coffee consumption is associated with improvement in liver enzymes (ALT, AST, and GGTP), especially in individuals with risk for liver disease. Coffee intake more than 2 cups per day in patients with preexisting liver disease has been shown to be associated with lower incidence of fibrosis and cirrhosis, lower hepatocellular carcinoma rates, as well as decreased mortality." Source: Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hepatology. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4862107/ Sorry, but I don't use YouTube for information,
  21. Sounds like Bob is Tom's biatch.
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