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Everything posted by cdemundo

  1. Doesn't seem different from buying drinks for the mamasan which benefits the bargirl but no benefit to me. No reason to say yes to requests for drinks you don't want to buy.
  2. "And firearms have kept the citizens free of tyranny, from foreign or domestic tyrants." Hard to establish the truth of this assertion, but I'm sure many can try.
  3. "Here's one for you, make owning a firearm outrageously expensive." I think requiring liability insurance for guns like is done for cars would help. responsible gun owners should have no problem with it. Let insurance companies create rates reflecting their risk for insuring a 22 pistol vs an assault rifle. Can't think of any argument against this. Check that, Can't think of any reasonable argument against this.
  4. I would say that almost all people are against a totalitarian government. That being said... Is your gun a magic talisman that prevents a totalitarian government? Or do you imagine yourself in a firefight with FBI agents, ATF agents, Seal Team Six, helicopter gunships? I have never heard an explanation for how individuals owning weapons of war prevents a totalitarian government. I think it is because there isn't one.
  5. I emailed them and asked if they would take Thai baht. Hope that works, thanks for the suggestion.
  6. Where can I get money order or cashier's check in US dollars? I need some documents verified at Thai Consulate in US and they require payment in money order or cashier's check in US dollars. Have tried Kasikirn Bank, Bangkok Bank, Western Union (but I think different WU locations offer different services), Thailand Post, UOB bank. Anyone know where I can get a money order or cashier's check (only for $30) in USD. I don't have a an account with any Thai bank. Thanks for helpful replies.
  7. How to get attention? Flat earthers are the equivalent of flashers. Anything for attention.
  8. Thank you. I didn't know about the appointment. I don't understand "Second application does not come into it." I thought I needed to fly to VTE as I thought I needed to exit Thailand and re-enter.
  9. Can I piggyback on this thread with a another question about Vientiane embassy and visas?. What kind of turn around time can I expect when applying for a second Tourist Visa at Vientiane? I have to go before August 29th. I will fly and was wondering if I should do a round trip or one way flight since (if I understand correctly) the time to get a second visa at Vientiane can vary.
  10. Not a recommendation, just my experience. I have been taking 5 mg/day for BPH for 3 years, no side effects that I have noticed, I get labs done every 6 months, no problem in the labs. Helped with my BPH symptoms. I know nothing about Cialis for high blood pressure.
  11. Brings up a question, does the Vatican Air Force have the F-35A?
  12. I don't really follow military aviation; does the Thai Air Force have a history of crashes? More than other countries? Not trying to be argumentative just curious.
  13. Makes me laugh as a friend of mine once told me when he was in a discussion that appeared to be pointless he would say "You might be right". I have often used this tactic myself.
  14. Mike posted " Some are simply irreparable.". Pretty safe bet, doesn't contradict your experience. Key word being "some".
  15. I guess killing a person's pet is a form of cruelty abusers favor. I once read a little boy's wish list for a guardian or step-parent and the one wish that stuck with me is that he wanted someone that wouldn't kill his pets. So sounds like he had experienced this. Heart-breaking. So sad. So cruel.
  16. "People using it should read the instructions." Thanks for this advice, I was just rubbing some on when I had pain. The instructions say 4 times a day and a 4 inch stripe of gel for lower extremity application. I was not using enough or frequently enough, even still I got some relief. I had previously used for pain in my hands and it relieved it very well, but again I was using less and less frequently than recommended, Also, some pretty specific warnings about risk that are good to know. Sometimes I think those warnings are very conservative to protect the manufacturer, but who knows.
  17. Yes, I was wondering about the personal experiences of those who used the tablets among ASEANNOW members. You are right, the list of side-effects that comes with medications is so all-inclusive that it isn't very useful.
  18. "The regulations are the regulations. Don't think about why. There is no why." Exactly, and not only in Thailand. Love it when nonsensical regulations work in my favor, hate it (but accept it) when they don't.
  19. Voltaren/diclofenac used to require a prescription in the US, is a prescription required in Thailand? Also, I read in another thread that there is an oral diclofenac available, I have only used the topical gel. Any side-effects noted from using the diclofenac tablets?
  20. Yes, I remember when people would say that. I remember I tapped on my girlfriend's bra cuz i was hard like armor and she said "Ladyman". Now it seems no one says ladyman anymore.
  21. Physically or cognitively, or emotionally? I think it's normal. Doesn't mean we can't do anything about it. I had a friend who would always say "Tomorrow will be better" when having a bad day. I have adopted this simple practice and it helps me. If you are thinking negatively you might look up "common cognitive distortions" on the web. I went to a seminar on the "common cognitive distortions" for my work once and I learned a lot about negative thinking leading to depressive moods. Has helped me. My belief is that as far as solutions to this kind of problem, everything works for somebody and nothing works for everybody. So I would take the suggestions that seem helpful (by which I mean my suggestions LOL) and don't worry about the ones that don't seem helpful. Good luck to you.
  22. No doubt the great minds on Aseannow will make short work of the subject that the world's great minds have argued over for centuries. I guess I'll check out that thread... never.
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