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Everything posted by cdemundo

  1. Sig, you are avoiding or misunderstanding the point. All I am referring to are the two parts of the story (virgin birth and resurrection), are they probable? I am not making a comparison to the story of Jesus. You implied that the improbabilities i referred to were a matter of opinion, that isn't the case. Since I didn't communicate with my thought experiment, let me try another way. If this doesn't make my point I will leave it alone. The number of human births and deaths in the last two thousand years is many millions.. If the virgin birth and resurrection of Jesus are unique, then they are clearly improbable events, since they are both one event out of many millions of events. "One in a million" is a common phrase to express improbability, these events are more improbable than that.
  2. I don't want to attack you, so please take this as just a discussion and try not to feel like you need to defend yourself. "something that appears to be improbable to someone" The beliefs are manifestly improbable, let me show you what I mean. There is a board member with screen name "Coolguy". Coolguy's mother was a virgin when he was born. Last week Coolguy died, he was buried and after three days he rose from the dead and visited with friends and posted here on ASEANNOW. Do you believe me?
  3. "does that now require people to publicly or personally deride the sincere and well-meaning beliefs of others?" No one is required, they are glad to do it, and do it freely, gleefully, joyfully. Why do you suppose that is?
  4. My thought is that you might consider taking up stamp collecting. Another alternative would be model railroading. Others might have suggestions as well, but exercising control over the life of your wife is not a healthy hobby.
  5. If you were introduced to Christian beliefs as an adult, you would probably say, "You've gotta be kidding." A story that starts with a virgin having a baby and ends with a dead guy rising and appearing to his pals. Improbable isn't it?
  6. Sad for the pigs for sure. For the believers meh. I believe in the myth of democracy, in spite of this misguided belief I find that I am usually about as happy as I make up my mind to be.
  7. In the USA there are long lines for lottery sales at "Lucky Retailers" thinking their chances of winning are better if they buy their ticket where others have won before. Of course Lucky Retailers continue to be lucky it they sell lots of tickets. Even though they either choose their own numbers or let the lottery's machine pick their numbers. The chance of winning big bucks seems to reveal superstitions.
  8. There are most certainly types whose appearance and behavior warrant putting distance between you and them. "either don't take any notice or engage in conversation" Engage in conversation; maybe ok at the Drones Club Bertie. Have you been reading "The Fine Art of Small Talk" or maybe "How to Win Friends and Influence People"? Maybe you can ask them if they think the Elgin Marbles should be returned. There's a conversation starter to engage them with.
  9. He paid attention in middle school health class.
  10. The question has arisen as to whether Dave Chappelle is funny. I submit the following, make up our own minds.
  11. "I guess haters are just going to hate." Exactly. This young lady checks a lot of the boxes that trigger some folks. They are obvious and I won't state. Doesn't take any imagination to see why some are hateful to her.
  12. So 79% of who? So "four of five Americans who’ve been following the Hunter Biden laptop scandal" respond in this way. Proves what? . Point is, it depends on who you ask. I hope the info will come out. It seems like Hunter is no boy scout, but what is the extent of any scandal? Remains to be seen.
  13. No shade on Brittany, it's a mistake many make. But Westerners and it seems especially Americans don't seem to get the message about how careful you have to be carrying drugs across foreign borders. What's legal in my country may be a major offense in another nation. I even take care with making sure i have documentation if needed for my Rx and OTC medications; I don't use any recreational drugs (well caffeine in coffee) so I don't have that concern. Glad she was released, I know there will be carping over this or that aspect of her release, but to me it's a good thing.
  14. I agree, in general, Schwab is very customer oriented and helpful and I would recomend you check into them as well. Schwab has a variety of account types and I would check on minimums needed to open Schwab account (if this is an issue) as this has changed over the years. I believe i opened my domestic US account with less than $25k and I see on Schwab website that the "Global Account" has no minimums.
  15. Or just have her monitor the weather channel. Thai people usually can't believe how cold it is in UK.
  16. Mean SOG (stands for "son of a gun" wink, wink). Says he killed the cat in front of its owner, mean as heck.
  17. Lots of hotel Sunday breakfast buffets offer alcoholic refreshments. It's what separates us from the animals.
  18. Wait, what? So what he worries about, about what other people worry about, shouldn't worrying about what he worries about what other people worry about be none of your business as well?
  19. cdemundo

    Cargo Shorts

    Don't worry Roger101, a lot of us highly respected elders wear cargo shorts for the reasons mentioned, carrying stuff. Some of these fashion icons are shocked to find out another man doesn't moisturize. I don't care what other men wear, don't see why anyone would.
  20. Due to the interest of one board member: if you want to visit, here is a google maps for you. And always keep in mind what the Terminator said to the landlord/super when he knocked on his door.
  21. No, I won't be sending you a link. Geez.
  22. Exactly, it is an obscure church in an obscure town. That is the point. The t-shirt was out of place in Thailand and referred to something that was incongruous to hipster fashion. Had it said "Notre Dame, Paris" it would have been less incongruous as it is world famous. Humor is subjective, you didn't find it funny, I understand.
  23. The thing about St. Margaret's Bell Gardens is that it is an obscure church in an unknown town. If the t-shirt had said for example, "Notre Dame, Paris" it would not be as incongruous to the hipster ensemble.
  24. I wasn't being rude, I just wondered what was confusing. It was a straight forward question with nothing but curiosity behind it. I am not trying to turn this into a 15 round bout, I thought the poster was an English speaker so some cultural conventions are shared. I believe the UK, USA, Canada, NZ, all the European countries have a similar convention. For instance "Notre Dame, Paris" is in the category. You don't have to know anything about St. Margarets in Bell Gardens, it is a question of categories, What type of thing is St. Margarets in Bell Gardens? If I read something that referred to "St Peter's, Macclesfield" I would understand the type of thing it was and why it was incongruous to hipster fashion without even knowing if "St Peter's, Macclesfield" existed or not. What if the t-shirt had said "St Peter's, Macclesfield" would that have been confusing? Again, I am just curious about it.
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