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Everything posted by cdemundo

  1. https://youtu.be/a73Lxi-o388 Derek and the Dominoes,"Have you ever loved a woman", they are playing your song man.
  2. What conclusion do we draw from a statistic? Reminds me of the guy who asks the best-looking woman at work for a date every week, every week she says no. Finally she tells him "You have more chance of getting hit by lightning and winning the lottery on the same day than of me going out with you". Guy answers "So you're saying there's a chance!".
  3. Wow, your experience is compelling. You have seen a lot of people who had a quick recovery from COVID. You must be at risk every day. Even though my city is a hot spot I have known very few people with Covid exposures compared to you. My experience of those I have known has been a variety of experiences, some like your experience with minimal reserves and ranging to some who sadly have died after long struggle.
  4. Howard was introduced it Amy post because he was willing to say what most talk around. "When are we gonna stop putting up with the idiots in this country and just say it's mandatory to get vaccinated? F--- 'em. F--- their freedom. I want my freedom to live," he said. "I want to get out of the house already. I want to go next door and play chess. I want to go take some pictures. This is bull----." So Stern makes no bones about being concerned only for himself. Where does he profess to be concerned for others? "which just validates that people are scared for themselves," So if Howard Stern is motivated by fear for himself, that just validates that all people are scared for themselves. Brilliant as usual. Kinda like "Socrates is a man" "All men are mortal" "Socrates is mortal" "therefore all men are Socrates"
  5. No. I read the post re: Marek's disease. Whoever posted it, if they read it, did not understand it. The salient point was that a variety of Marek's was very deadly and killed it's victims before they could transmit the disease to others. An elementary knowledge of parasites of any kind includes knowing that a parasitic organism that kills its host too rapidly is not viable. Specifically, a virus that kills it's host before it can transmit the infection to others is not viable. That does not apply to COVID which we know does not kill it's host before the host can infect others. Those who keep quoting Marek's disease either don't understand this or are ignoring the fact that Marek's disease is not relevant to COVID. This is clear from reading the post that those who invoke Marek's are referring to; that is the "they" that want us to believe something.
  6. The question is what exactly are you saying? You have not been very precise. How many is everyone? 1? 5? 10? That makes a difference; sample size right? Were they verified to have COVID by testing? There are those who say "I had COVID and I shrugged it off like a mild cold". But without being tested for COVID, Bill from Ockham would say it was most likely a mild cold. Re-stating: If someone got sick and shrugged it off like a mild cold, barring other evidence, it was probably a mild cold.
  7. You have said that thousands of qualified people disagree with the narrative that you doubt in the MSM. First, I am skeptical. Could you find dozens? Hundreds? surely not thousands. More important, there are no MDs involved in treatment of hospitalized COVID patients that are COVID vaccine skeptics. I will cite two articles that support my contention, so hold your horses on "America's Frontline Doctors", cuz they are not. "No Evidence That Doctor Group in Viral Video Got Near COVID 'Front Lines' — Who are the physicians behind America's Frontline Doctors?" https://www.medpagetoday.com/infectiousdisease/covid19/90533 "Op-Ed: As a doctor in a COVID unit, I’m running out of compassion for the unvaccinated. Get the shot" https://www.latimes.com/opinion/story/2021-08-17/vaccinated-covid-doctor-shot Finally from an expert that everyone knows and trusts, (sarcasm alert kids) "Howard Stern to anti-vaxxers: 'You had the cure and you wouldn't take it'" https://www.cnn.com/2021/09/10/entertainment/howard-stern-vaccine-comments/index.html "When are we gonna stop putting up with the idiots in this country and just say it's mandatory to get vaccinated? F--- 'em. F--- their freedom. I want my freedom to live," he said. "I want to get out of the house already. I want to go next door and play chess. I want to go take some pictures. This is bull----." Posts in these threads are largely for entertainment and I know it is a flaw in my character that makes me continue to post, conspiracy theorists can't be convinced, but I know that a few who are the fence do exist. As Ringo says "Peace and Love." (This is actually one of the rare forums where some are too old to know who Ringo is.)
  8. Sadly there is no vaccine for logorrhea. In Thailand there may not yet be sufficient evidence about COVID vaccinations. In the US there is no need for close analysis of data to decide about the vaccines. In the US it is clear that the unvaccinated are much more likely to be hospitalized and die from COVID. But hey, "you are sticking it to the man" by not getting vaccinated. In Thailand I don't think the vax reluctant are a significant number so your decision is no big deal.
  9. Yes, Marek's disease and its lack of relevance to COVID has been previously discussed in these threads.
  10. "I attribute these issues with the difficulty of dealing with a new virus. " Yes, I think that is exactly "the moral of the story". You are right on the money.
  11. I notice someone posted a confused emoji, i think the expression is "Read between the lines." Try not to be confused cuz there is only one line.
  12. I'm betting a person could get a good deal on a hotel room in Miami or Coeur d'Alene right now !
  13. Yeah if they would just buckle down and do their jobs a once in a hundred years natural disaster would just go away.
  14. That is not what you claimed. Now you reply to my eyeball by saying there is "enough of a risk" to take precautions. I rolled my eyes when you said the COVID vaccine in contrast to smallpox vaccine, does not work. Not the same thing.
  15. MIT is offering free access to its class on Covid and the pandemic, which features guests lecturers like Dr. Anthony Fauci, the top U.S. infectious disease expert, and Dr. Rochelle Walensky, the director of the C.D.C. They will probably be inviting some forum members as guest lecturers, so stay by the phone you guys. https://biology.mit.edu/undergraduate/current-students/subject-offerings/covid-19-sars-cov-2-and-the-pandemic/?campaign_id=154&emc=edit_cb_20210908&instance_id=39936&nl=coronavirus-briefing&regi_id=76572187&segment_id=68425&te=1&user_id=49c781ceee68aa62602b1022106fcd8c
  16. Hey give 'em a break. You know what they say about Nihilism: "That must be exhausting".
  17. Well that certainly settles it in my mind. Those statistics can't be right.
  18. You are right of course, that particular story does not seem beyond the realm of truth.
  19. "If it doesn't provide immunity then its not a vaccine." Can't argue with that. But the vaccines do provide immunity. You are pontificating but never provide any support for your claims. Adolescent bragging and wisecracking attempts at humor nothing else.
  20. 70% effectiveness means your risk is reduced by 70%. 50% effectiveness meant your risk is reduced by half. People never paid any attention to these numbers about vaccine effectiveness before, then suddenly with the reports about 90% plus for the mRNA vaccines that became the bench mark. Many in the media are vague or flat out incorrect about interpreting these numbers. 50% risk does not mean you have a 50% chance of getting COVID, did we ever think our risk was 100%.?
  21. "Well I don't really know the guy... but he works with the cousin of my son-in-law's dentist. You gotta believe a dentist."
  22. Several vaccines with years of use and development require 2 or more doses. Other vaccines require multiple inoculations. HepA 2 shots, 10 years. HepB 2, 3, or 4 shots and 10 years efficacy, possibly more with full series. Polio 4 shots are recommended. Zoster 2 shots, lifetime ? So 2nd and 3rd shots are not rare, and we don't know how long protection may last after a 3rd COVID shot.
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