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Posts posted by shdmn

  1. 2 hours ago, candide said:

    And in order to make sure it goes wrong, nothing's better than cutting postal office funding and reducing its processing capacity!  ????

    Republicans are doing everything possible to try steal the election because they know they can't win fair and square.  Some things are backfiring on them though because people on both sides of the political spectrum aren't getting their meds and a lot of other stuff due to the intentional mail slow downs. Even low information voters notice things like that.  So these idiots aren't even competent enough to properly rig an election. 

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  2. 2 hours ago, IAMHERE said:

    Founding Fathers didn't expect people to vote by mail. It is only a new way for Democrats to steal the election. Mayor Daley would love this vote by mail scheme. This is not absentee voting.

    The 2nd amendment was written long before assault weapons and high capacity mags.  So glad to see you support an assault weapons ban.

    • Haha 2
  3. 1 hour ago, Tie Dye Samurai said:

    They also didnt expect you pay your taxes by mail or on the internet but that seems to be just fine....where is the massive outcry for tax fraud by mail or internet from MAGA Force? Oh wait...The Tax Cheat In Chief is at the helm right now, isnt he...

    These idiots will twist themselves into the most ridiculous knots to try support their tribe and world view. 

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    7 hours ago, Sujo said:

    you do realise that trump appointed him. Only the best. So i suggest you direct your ire at trump.


    Why would trump wait until after the election. Nothing stopping him now.

    Haven't you heard?  President Biden Hillary Hussein is ruining the country.  It's all his fault.  Time to take it back! ????


    "I don't take responsibility at all"

     --POTUS 45


  5. On 9/14/2020 at 7:41 AM, 2 is 1 said:

    Go 7/11 and done!




    Sweed dreams!

    Those don't work for me.  I get ear infections after a few days because they scrape all the ear wax out.

  6. Vitamin D definitely seem to help from what I have read.  As you get older you supposedly can't produce as much of it through your skin so even if it's summer or you are in a place like Thailand it's not a bad idea to take supplements from what I have read.  I think just taking a mulitvitamin is more than enough for the D and zinc and vitamin C you need etc., in addition to a balanced diet of course. 


    Too many people wrongly think more is better with vitamins and just end up literally pissing their money away or even worse if they take too much.

  7. 5 hours ago, laocowboy2 said:

    I hope that I am wrong but here goes . . .


    No vaccine is 100% effective. Over 75% for the first iteration would be good going. Vaccines are then refined over time to improve efficacy but anything over 90% is a bit of a moon-shot.


    Faced with this, some countries may lean on the precautionary principal = vaccine + quarantine. Particularly those where there is limited trust from the 'electorate'. Thailand may well lie in this camp. The quarantine period may be shorter or reduced to self-isolation but . . .

    Something like 50-75% effective is enough to create a herd immunity situation.  Even if it's only effective for a few months that's enough to drastically slow down the spread. 


    For sure they will require travellers to be immunized.  So that get's the travel industry going again.  But you need to immunize a significant percentage of the local population for herd immunity to be effective.  Lots of people just flat out won't get the vaccine for whatever reason.  Maybe places like Thailand will try mandate it where they can.  Like for gov't employees and anyone who flies or whatever.  Anywhere they can easily check for vaccination certificates.

  8. 2 hours ago, Morch said:


    I wouldn't say American politicians are that uniformly right wing, and certainly not far right. That's simply exaggerating in the opposite direction. Biden, for example, is nothing "far". He's centrist-right, with some variations depending on issues. Sanders is not "radical", but simply Left. And so on.

    Depends what decade.  America has gone further right in the last 2 decades.  I think it's a last gasp of the boomers just before it swings the other way.

  9. On 9/9/2020 at 11:51 PM, davidmann said:

    same. on the french coast in lock down. nice quite.  ,its not just thailand , its the world that is suffering  and business  everywhere.  ,and lets say WHY.  .due to the Chinese  eating wild animals.  ,how many people in the world. lost loved ones ,how many people out work ,how many business  have or will be lost world wide ,streets and bars are empty everywhere 

    Racist much?  One person did something (that is not uncommon in some other countries) and now it's the fault of an entire ethnicity and/or country?

  10. 8 minutes ago, AndrewMciver said:


    But he was in quarantine for 14 days. He would have been positive sometime during that period, and had at least 2 tests. 


    It was either :


    1) two flawed tests

    2) he left quarantine and was actively around the city 

    3) he caught it during quarantine with someone at the hotel 


    #2 not possible as Thais don't have it.  It's only the dirty foreigners bringing it in.  They are to blame.  /s

  11. 17 minutes ago, riclag said:

      "but he did find time to pilfer"

    You might want to read your source(bloomberg) entirely before you make ridiculous claims ! 


    "But after all the hand-wringing it was decided that the move was legal because the art is government property".



    "Ultimately, because the art is U.S. government property, the move was deemed legal".


    Denial is all you people have left.  Even if it is fox news now after they confirmed the losers and suckers story. Everything is fake news now apparently.  Even when bunker boys tweets it or when it comes out of his own pie hole on camera.  ????

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  12. On 9/6/2020 at 5:18 PM, Mama Noodle said:

    Im well aware, but that’s not evidence of trump insulting dead troops for no reason, as reported. 

    I'll never understand how people can look at themselves in the mirror when they are in such denial.


    This is not some big revelation to those of us living in reality.  This guy has a long history of hating military people.



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