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Everything posted by Screaming

  1. I am surprised to see so many "sensitive" replies on this thread. It's no wonder so many men are turned off by Western women, especially with tats.
  2. Very interesting posts, I will have to try some of the items listed on this thread.
  3. My phobia is having my post removed because it is termed a "Troll."
  4. I looked it up and its a verifiable Kama Sutra position so I think the Russian guy is off the hook.
  5. So true and soon you will see goats lining Beach Road standing under the coconut trees.
  6. I have never even heard of the Premier League until you mentioned it. I had to look it up on Wikipedia. Over the last twenty years of living in Thailand I have tried to watch a Football game and understand the excitement of the fans who are into this sort of sport. But I just do not get it. Most of the time the score is 0-0 by the end of the game and only decided by a penalty kick. I think I would rather watch paint peel off of a wall than football, its more exciting.
  7. I have been told that I sound like a broken record but here goes: Riding a motorbike in Thailand is a death wish.
  8. All this climate hysteria is nonsense. The earth' climate including carbon dioxide has been changing for millions of years. There are natural sources of atmospheric carbon dioxide, such as outgassing from the ocean, decomposing vegetation and other biomass, venting volcanoes, naturally occurring wildfires, and even belches from ruminant animals. These natural sources of carbon dioxide are offset by “sinks”—things like photosynthesis by plants on land and in the ocean, direct absorption into the ocean, and the creation of soil and peat. The sample size taken by scientists to proselytize their "Climate Change" hysteria is too small to validate any observations of the millions of years of data. An interesting book, "Determining Sample Size and Power in Research Studies" will point out the importance of sample size for desired accuracy in estimation and in hypothesis testing experiments for a desired effect size.
  9. This report must be wrong, Indian men usually share.
  10. Well at least the British are free from the totalitarian control of the globalist European Union, they got that going for them. They also do not have old sleepy Joe as their president, another plus.
  11. During the 90s, Seinfeld had an episode where Cosmo Kramer helped develop a Man Bra for those in need. Maybe these monks need a little help.
  12. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
  13. You really got me!
  14. The Thais only think about money, nothing else matters to them. Are these Thai officials going to make a stop in the Ukraine to view the devastation that Russia has inflicted on the citizens of the Ukraine?
  15. Same here and I'm also not an Apple lemming and cultist.
  16. Interesting post as I just went to the fish market today. The new parking garage is very tight. I had trouble getting my full sized sedan in a parking slot. But the traffic heading into the market has subsided due to the new lot. Although I like the new lot convenience, I would give up that convenience for the park. Thailand just does not have enough open spaces with trees and plants. It is a crime what they did to the Beach Road waking trail.
  17. I have always wanted to go to Trang, Thailand but never did. Several years ago a friend from the States moved to Trang and I was going to visit him. This friend went back to the states for his 50 year high school reunion. When he returned to Thailand, he had a heart attack on the plane and died in Taiwan during the lay-over. Maybe some day I will make that visit. Anyone been there?
  18. It is interesting that so many posters are questioning the depth of 20 meters as being a deep dive. I have an advanced open water certification and have been scuba diving for over fifty years. I have gone on so many dives with beginners where our first dive was 20+ meters and the second dive about 10 meters. I have not seen many beginning divers having problems with that depth. Most of the problems that I have seen develop at about 32+ meters where the pressure causes a narcotic effect.
  19. What really scares me to death is the real possibility of Biden winning another term.
  20. Interesting, I had no idea if I even had a credit score since I have not been back to the mother-land in many years. I have a credit card in the US and only have a Kindle Unlimited subscription that I pay each month with it. I buy nothing else on the card. So I checked my credit score at my US bank and found it has been 803 for a year now even though I have no real credit history. So if I ever get back to the country of ol-sleepy-Joe I am buying a new Porsche and home on credit and then claiming bankruptcy.
  21. I wonder if they will be gathering at Central World with a box of matches this time.
  22. Unfortunately, free speech is a dying freedom that we once took for granted. It's guaranteed under the U.S. constitution and I am sure under many other countries constitutions. The problem is that many people are willing to give up their free speech in the name of sensibilities and other woke generalities. I would not attend a sporting event if I had to give up my free speech rights, what fun is that?
  23. Well it certainly is not the food, climate, clean beaches, traffic, politics, pollution, motorbikes or Chiang Mai. There is only one reason and if that reason ever ceases to exist, I am out of here.
  24. I have often wondered why so many foreigners drive motorbikes around Thailand like idiots, something they would never do in their own countries. So now I have my answer.
  25. I recently bought a large block of cheddar cheese manufactured in the Netherlands called Grand Or. I purchased it at Makro. It is a 2.25 kilogram block and cost 1,293 Baht. I am really enjoying it.
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