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Everything posted by Screaming

  1. Trump will be the first president to serve two nonconsecutive terms since Grover Cleveland in 1892 — and only the second in history. Trump makes history again. MAGA 2024
  2. Kamala's concession speech will be riddled with word salad again as she weeps uncontrollably in her cackling voice. I just cannot wait to see her join old Hillary in the pit of despair and misery.
  3. Another American Patriot voting for the best candidate based on principles not diversity.
  4. Just a few more days and it will be all over, nothing to worry about. Change is good and time for a new administration to take the reins.
  5. Very interesting but not quiet as good as Napoleon's moves:
  6. So they let Biden up from the basement to admit that he was garbage? The need to put old Biden out to pasture.
  7. Amazingly, a bunch of foreigners here support illegal aliens into their countries that sever the law of the land and commit crimes against the good citizens of that country. I find that amazing.
  8. We "garbage" love the Trump, he is beautiful to us millions.
  9. Regardless of her fake accent, she always sound like a cackling chicken to me and looks very similar to a hyena.
  10. It seems there are many positives to Trump winning the election. MAGA 2024
  11. Can't wait to see more gangs of Indian men walking down the middle of the street. And just when you thought there were enough empty Indian restaurants in Pattaya, they will build more so you have an even greater selection to choose from. But wait! soon you will see an increasing amount of friendly Indian tailors inviting you into their shops to buy a suit which you will never wear. Things are looking up.......
  12. Not even close anymore, Trump will win by a wipe-out!
  13. One of the thousand reasons I will never get on a motorbike in Thailand. They are a death wish.
  14. Rachel is not normal like most Democrats. Trump is the betting favorite to win the election. MAGA 2024
  15. No mention of EV's that rapidly depreciate after they leave the showroom. I like cars with big engines, the bigger the better.
  16. Having the government give away money only makes society dependent on it and not take responsibility for their own welfare. Such is the case of the Democrats in the U.S. with their socialist, globalist polices making the U.S. less competitive to other countries.
  17. Oh WOW, I am so impressed that Billie has endorsed word salad Harris that I am going to go out and vote early.........for Trump.
  18. More climate nonsense. This year has seen only one major hurricane so far in Florida, much less than usual.
  19. The appointed "border czar" Kamala Harris encourages these illegal immigrants by not enforcing the law. These illegals are all potential democrat voters and therefore nothing is being done to prevent them from entering the U.S.
  20. And some will bring nasty STDs and Aids to Thailand
  21. Nothing to fear, the American people love an underdog and Kamala is right up there with the best, wolf, wolf.
  22. Indian men and women are full of nasty STDs on their quest to the top.
  23. Nothing ever changes in Thailand for the good.
  24. "In an era where film stars led closely-guarded private lives and studios were vigilant in protecting the images of their biggest names, Grant had no reservations about professing his love for psychedelic drugs. Treating it as therapy in part for unresolved issues concerning his mother, Grant took LSD weekly in 1958 and may have had as many as 100 trips; he referred to his subsequent enlightenment as a “rebirth” and “unscrewing myself.” Grant's use of LSD reportedly persuaded Timothy Leary to experiment with it." Grant professed that he had severe depression related to his father committing his mother to a mental institution without telling young Grant. Grants indulgence in LSD helped him cope with this depression, so he said.
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