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Everything posted by fredwiggy

  1. Pretty consistent there. I'm not quite that consistent in my morning breakfast but it's usually the same thing. Oatmeal or cereal with fruit and soymilk, toast and jelly, eggs and coffee.
  2. The child that died was un vaccinated. Measles , mumps and Rubella are mandatory vaccinations we received for decades and you have to have them to enroll in school in the US. The UK doesn't have mandatory vaccines as I'm sure you know.
  3. I don't support drag shows as anything besides adult entertainment but they are an art form..............https://www.hrc.org/resources/understanding-drag
  4. All those have American origins besides the ladyboys, which come from Egypt. Ladyboy shows are all over now.
  5. Americans are mostly from Europe, so they adopted the old traditions.
  6. The word Halloween originated in Scotland from the origin of All Saints Eve, which is from Samhain and the Celts.
  7. And many are done by psychopathic people who have no business on earth.
  8. And also get you a jail term or a broken face.
  9. They have quite a few different types of bananas here, which I like, as the US usually only has the one. Some I buy here are really creamy and sweet, the medium to large size. The small finger bananas are okay but not as good as the others. One thing abut here is that fruit is usually pretty inexpensive, besides the Durian. I always loved fruit but eat it more here than I did back in Texas, although all fruits were available there. I always have oatmeal unless I find decent whole grain cereals here, which isn't easy where I live. When I visit home I bring back a few boxes but they don't last long. Cereal with fruit is a good start for the day, as is Yogurt.
  10. Making up a number to bolster your lies doesn't work here. There are plenty of locals smoking all over the country in public, as well as foreigners. Cannabis is spurned by many and loved by many. Smoking it where those against it are around brings this kind of news. It's best to keep it under wraps so no one can complain until it becomes totally legal in all venues. The stone ages are slowly losing ground, as is old school thinking, which is ignorant ans biased, but it's still in officials hands and users are at their mercy until they wise up.
  11. And it started in Egypt over 4000 years ago
  12. They're talking here about the term drag, which the origin shows in the link. Trump was quoted that drags were anti American, but the term started in America. Homosexuality came about since the first people........This close association between the term drag and the LGBTQ community began in the United States in the 1920s with the Pansy Craze when the first gay bars in America were established by the mafia during the Prohibition Era and drag entertainers became a popular form of entertainment at these underground gay speakeasies. Before this point, the term drag was not necessarily associated with gay culture, but after this point forward drag became "inextricably tied to the queer community".[3]
  13. In actuality, this is the origins.............https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drag_queen
  14. True but no one really knows when that time will come, and many here, and elsewhere, live like there's no tomorrow and do things carelessly that will have that number come up sooner.
  15. That's because laws aren't enforced enough here and many carry knives as personal items, a cowards thinking because many can't fight. Chasing after someone with a knife is a crime unless they threatened your life or that of someone close to you, although if they left after threatening you, you wouldn't need to chase them as the threat is gone. Someday soon I expect someone will pull this same thing and the one chased will pull out a gun or baseball bat and end the chase the way it should end.
  16. Also part of the BRAT diet (Bananas, rice, apples and toast), which helps with stomach problems like diarrhea. I only ate bananas once in a while until I got H Pylori here that hurt my gut microbiota with the treatment. Now I eat one almost daily with oatmeal or other whole grain cereals.
  17. You just start with a little at a time, continuously cranking it. The spring snake doesn't get caught as it flexes on turns, and the pipes are smooth so it goes down very easy. It can save plumber money in the first time.Most clogs are very close to the toilet at the first bend.
  18. Hasn't been shocking for many years but a daily occurrence, especially with knives.
  19. If someone comes at you with a weapon you do whatever you can to protect yourself with extreme prejudice. If it's you or them, it will be them. Self defense isn't a crime and necessary to remove these cowards from repeating it again on another innocent. If they're learning this at 10, along with the other daily attacks with knives here, it's sure they haven't anyone at home to teach them respect for life. Peers coming from broken or damaged homes push each other to commit such crimes, and for this little money shows a complete lack of care for life.
  20. You can buy your own at Global House or Homepro. Easy to use and unclogs most drains as long as its within reach of the snake. I recently used mine to unclog the kitchen sink. This is on from Shopee but they're much alike in price..............https://shopee.co.th/product/219552058/27711098806?gads_t_sig=VTJGc2RHVmtYMTlxTFVSVVRrdENkWVp3RFo3Mkw5czd4Z0hzdEF1WVFia0MycmR2cE54dzZvcUVtbk9qV3k5Njdpall1VUdlL3dqeU9qUG11Q3UwaVpDRDFLRTdwZGI3NEpScnNsUjZnSXg0cjhZaFZyRExReXNIMytJTkprd0Y&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiA8fW9BhC8ARIsACwHqYohjMaWcwUCSZjApbhqvE4Zq_s4I6tobwIM0UgNKAdtCyZRAljLpk0aAh6EEALw_wcB.
  21. These incidents haven't been shocking for many years. This happens daily here. Knives are part of a cowards basic personal carry items here, and the only way this type of crime will reduce is if those who carry weapons and are caught, are fined and jailed. They know very little is done here for many crimes, and you can get away with these things, especially if you're a minor. In the US, you stab someone, you go to jail, are given a record and if you repeat, you're in prison for years. If you're a teenager, you are in the juvenile system and you repeat, you're tried as an adult. This isn't about killing but just assault with a deadly weapon. Letting teenagers get away with crimes shows them they can, and this will repeat for another century if something isn't done now. If you follow this case, it might come to yet another "compensation", which means if you pay the victim money, which they will surely take, you're off scot free, and people who use weapons because they're too cowardly to fight, will surely do it again, and the next time it might be fatal.
  22. Being forced to marry someone not of your choosing is a primitive ritual . Some things in some cultures are extremely outdated and misogynistic and need to be updated to reality. Good thing she was in the US as now she'll have a chance to stay there and her "parents" might have some real problems doing the same. Good on her boyfriend for trying his best.
  23. There are quite a few reasons why people choose hookers. Some can't relate to a normal woman and don't know how to maintain a relationship with one. Some hate women so feel the need to use as many as possible. Some like to dominate and control them, and think by buying them they can do whatever they want to them. Some like variety and just pay for play because it's the only way they can have so many. Some aren't attractive enough to attract normal women so buying can get you almost any look you want and cash is the only thing needed. Some think all women are demanding nags because they don't know how to treat them properly and buying gets you sex without all the "hassles" of a relationship. Yes, finding a normal woman and staying with them is a challenge and takes skills many don't have or know how to get. Buying gets you pleasure with only money as the key.
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