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Everything posted by fredwiggy

  1. Some don't practice what they preach in all religions.
  2. Not exactly devout it seems
  3. If it's prepared right by someone here who's health conscious, it is one of the world's top foods. I had it living in the US for years before I moved here, by Thais who moved there, and with the strictness of what goes into the food and restaurant checks, it not only tasted good but was safer than eating here. The same with Vietnamese food back home.
  4. How much tourism would there be if hookers were completely outlawed?
  5. That was mentioned and that's on the officials to stop. People who stay inside air conditioned buildings most of the day don't see things as they are, so they aren't about to enforce things they think doesn't affect them. If they see a relative dying from respiratory disease, that might start the ball rolling but then again, it might not. Care has to be deep to change things.
  6. I've seen thousands of women with and without makeup. Some used it but didn't need to, although they did look sexier with it. I'm not concerned with porn stars because that thinking is off anyway. Makeup can enhance and also make look hideous. Depends where you learn it from.
  7. Being proud of who you are and where you come from is necessary, as differences is what makes the world pleasurable. Different food, scenery, sports , way of life, are things people can share with others. This is why God made us different. Not to war but to enjoy the differences . It's nice to live in the mountains in any country, but here much mountainous terrain falls into the burn zone, and that's on the locals to change. Buddhism in some ways is a good thing, because it teaches peace and harmony. What it also does is has women looked at as inferior, so with that as s a starting point, men in this thinking look at women as lesser. Hoping the woman comes back as a man after death isn't good thinking but misogynistic. I will teach my daughter about God, and she can also look at some of Buddhist thinking for peace. Not to pray to or bow down to any man but to believe in God and see Buddha as a person who wanted people to get along. You can pick and choose what things are good and what aren't in any religion. That people work hard here in farming is obvious, because if they didn't they wouldn't survive. That they have free healthcare is a good thing, and the government gives some land to grow things. That they don't have much say so in things isn't good. and that needs to change. The beaches are beautiful, at least at first glance, but tourism is ruining things for the ecosystem and if they continue, tourism will fade away, as there are thousands of other places to visit. Children suffer here because of many things, and only the people who care will change things. The schools pass them even though many fail, and what's after school? Working in a job where you'll barely get by, marrying a man who will most likely leave after a child is born, and not pay a baht to support it. That's on the justice system. Then mom thinks she must leave to work elsewhere and send money back to grandma, who's taking care of the children here almost 40% of the time, full time. The kids see mom twice a year and are left to drive scooters at 8 years old, without helmets, because the grandparents are too old to be on the ball. Pride comes from doing whatever you can to change things for the better, and doing that means some have to be removed from positions and others more beneficial to the average person put in. Thailand could be a great country if the people are allowed to have more of a say. Corruption and greed ruin things for everyone but those profiting from it.
  8. People have lived with the Tigers and Leopards for centuries in India, even though some man eaters have made life hard for many of them. Most of the problem lies with people shooting the cats, wounding them, then having them take revenge against those they perceived hurt them. Sometimes cats will kill humans if they were taught by their moms or if they ran into a human and found out killing them was easier than going after normal game animals, but people can co-exist along with most animals peacefully unless humans start trouble. This doesn't factor into Lions. They kill humans because they like it, as do some other cats. Hippos should be left alone, as the lady last week found out. Crocodiles kill people every month in Africa and India because the people need to use the rivers, and attacks are not easy to avoid. Elephants are usually no problem unless harassed or abused by people and up to 500 people die yearly because of it.
  9. Those who follow him are also the problem. Millions believed in Hitler because of his charm and promises, until they saw the real him later. Getting rid of Putin could leave it open for another one like him. Just as N Korea has a psychopath in charge, his sister follows his thinking to the tee, as do others. As in other countries, those elected sometimes don't take office.
  10. It fluctuates in some subjects, but still is ranked at the top. I was born and studied there, and history of the world was taught in every school, and seeing from my grandchildren, still is.Some students worldwide are harder working than some in the US, but the teachers in the US are still also at the top.It might be a higher percentage about US history but that doesn't leave out the rest of the world. I'm here teaching my daughter and girlfriend about what went on in the world throughout time as I was taught all about it in school, and here they know very little about what goes on worldwide unless they go into college, and even then not near as much as back home.Literacy rate isn't all of it as many in the US come from other countries, especially Mexico, where schools are sub par............https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/education-rankings-by-country
  11. True, and what is missed here is that America and Russia were allies to crush Nazism, and here we're hoping peace can once again be settled between two countries who, working together, can ensure peace all over Europe. It's the leaders and their egos that ruin things, or fix them.
  12. People are making species extinct daily, and that alone shows we are doing things wrong.
  13. Stalin was a little off also, like Hitler, but his army, along with the allies, helped to defeat the Nazis. This is one article on the happenings..............https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/articles/zhv747h
  14. The problem with electing a person into power is that that leaves many very important decisions in the hands of a person who lives for power,a narcissist. He has billions so many believe he's a smart man that can do the same for them. Every president makes good and bad decisions, and many voted for him because they other side didn't prove themselves in the 4 years they were in power. We only had two choices and most picked Trump. His thinking has always been off and although he is America first, that can make other countries we've worked with well before, looking at us as adversaries. His personal vendetta against certain people makes him look like a dictator, and he has enough financial backing to stay in power. He can do wonders for us,and the rest of the free world, or he can ruin many relationships and cause the US more problems in the future. Ego can hurt or help. It's in his hands now, and like others have said, there's a possibility, if he doesn't start getting things corrected, that others might think about taking him out.
  15. The US schools are among the best worldwide, and teach all history of all nations. Some just interpret things wrong or didn't pay enough attention in class.
  16. It's ingrained for many years that money can buy off almost everything that happens. The only way this kind of thing gets reduced, as it will never stop, is severe punishment for those involved after guilty beyond reasonable doubt. When other disturbed sociopaths see that one of their kind gets life in prison for raping or sexually assaulting a child, they might think twice. A school director who wants to sweep this under the rug never works in the school system again.
  17. Under cooked pork, wild or otherwise, can give you trichinosis
  18. It's been happening for centuries. The end result is- - Deer kill over 300 people on the roads yearly, and about 5 by attacks. Tigers take an average of 1 person a week, as well as leopards. Lions kill hundreds yearly, as do elephants. Mountain lions kill as people walk, run and bike ride into territory that used to be theirs. Snakes are found in homes, especially in Thailand and India, and bit hundreds yearly. You can't wantonly kill dangerous animals unless they become man eaters, and it's usually very hard because they are roamers, and in areas where people live out in the country and game managers are slim. Nothing will stop this, as land developers are only concerned with making a profit. If the world's population stayed at zero gain, it would help, but the damage is already done. If deer aren't hunted, naming just one species, they over populate and go into subdivisions to eat. People get pissed off because they're eating thousands of dollars of their plants and they can't do anything because ignorant game departments don't allow a bow season around many towns. the smart ones have adapted.
  19. Pigs, in this case wild pigs, reproduce twice a year, 4 to 12 piglets, and they're voracious eaters, competing with wildlife like deer for food, and driving them away from it. They are an incredible nuisance in the US and other countries for this reason, and tear up farmland and forested areas for food. They need to be hunted intensely, all year long, just to keep their numbers in control. There isn't any legal hunting here so they over populate besides those that take matters into their own hands, which is necessary. They do attack if cornered or protecting their young and can leave a lot of wounds from tusks and biting. Yes, people have moved into much of wildlife's territory, this being the land developers fault, and people are living and competing for the land with wildlife. Pigs, because of their litter size, cause a lot more problems than deer all species, even though deer also have to be hunted wherever they live to keep them withing the carrying capacity of their habitat. This all points to man's damage to land.
  20. Sisu, American Primeval, Last Blood, bad Boys Ride or Die, El Camino, Cobra Kai, The Wages of Fear, Carry On, Ballad of Buster Scruggs.
  21. Humans are indeed animals but a more developed brain separates us from acting out of impulse and more by thought beforehand, or at least it should. People commit rapes as a learned behavior, from seeing aggression towards females first from their fathers or other male role models and also from peers if they didn't have a good male role model as children. This goes further with social behavior, as some cultures, Thai included , Buddhist by nature, look at women as inferior and as basically slaves to do what's told to them. There is no need for sex but a want and desire, as humans , animals, we are here to procreate just as all animals are. Most animals do it by nature, instinct, to procreate. Humans also do this but also have a desire for pleasure. Animals many times do not mate for life, and like a buck deer, they go after as many does as possible during mating season. After the mating is done, the buck just goes onto others until the mating season ends, with all does mated. They care nothing for a family unit or the offspring. That's the does job. Many humans act this way, thinking they are alpha males and somehow deserve more. Deluded for sure. This boy tried to rape this girl, as control and not just as a sexual desire but just a selfish behavior. His warped mind only saw what he wanted done, and thought nothing of the girl besides a body to get off in. We don't know yet the true story, and might never, but him saying he brought her to a hotel first and then tries to force himself on her later outside doesn't quite fit. More likely, if he did bring her to a hotel, she spurned him and asked to be driven home. His sick mind felt he had to stop the scooter and try his advances again, which he got slapped for and which angered him enough to kill her. People should be able to control their desires and that's what makes a person act human, instead of like an animal that's just there to get off and leave. Hopefully he never leaves prison because this will happen again if he does.
  22. Most women want to be provided for, but some look at money first.
  23. You must remember that the majority of actors and actresses are all average looking people, and many of the ones considered hot only look that way because of makeup and plastic surgery. Then the ones that are very good looking naturally will all get older and will end up looking like the average people again. You can put almost anyone on TV and people will swoon, because many retain their teenage thinking and hero worship well into their middle ages and beyond. Yet they see people on the streets that look much the same as many actors and actresses and they won't give them a second glance.
  24. Better to be proud of a loyal, average looking woman with a good heart than bragging about one that's prettier and only with you because of your money.
  25. He's in the running for brown noser of the year already.
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