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Everything posted by fredwiggy

  1. Millions of voters gave him a second chance, and if he doesn't change things for the average man, he will be ousted and people would think twice before voting in politicians that haven't a proven track record of positive changes. Absolutely no reason Americans can't have affordable health care and keep what they put into the SS while working. Making America great means everyone lives in a house or apartment, has food to eat every day and doesn't have to worry if they get sick. Anything against this is plain bull**it and shows their true agendas.
  2. Exactly, and it would save lives. There is such a thing as giving warnings, putting it into a computer, and the next time they violate the same law, they're fined, knowing in advance this will happen, as we all do in the west. Laziness kills people, and those in charge are responsible.First offense not causing death or injury, a fine, second and afterwards, fines increase and maybe jail time, just like back home. You're drunk and you kill, you go to jail,lose your license and vehicle is taken if it;s yours. You get caught driving without a license, it takes away your chances of getting one, same as in the west.
  3. I'm listening to it now and it's pretty right on. They're trying to say now that SS payments might stop, which would have many of the 70 million Americans who receive it doing what they can to make ends meet, which means crime, robberies and people getting hurt, and some of the targets would be those responsible for this happening. It would destroy much of the lives involved as many are just getting by with their "own" money they put into it for years. It's about time the politiians helped out the average man and not the rich who don't need it.
  4. Exactly, you take money away from most people they start to learn lessons. Extreme punishment for crimes such as child sexual assault and human trafficking, first offense, sends a signal to others thinking of doing whatever they want, that it won't happen any more.
  5. A country stays third world for a longer time then it should because old school, prejudiced thinking is still in the forefront.The more things that are adopted from other countries who have proven them to be positive changes, the more chance others will follow.
  6. Another way is to research crimes online in any country to see the real picture. Stats are there. You'd be surprised what goes on they don't show on the daily news.
  7. True in a way, as many are hypocrites in all religions, and have killed using it as a crutch. There are quite a few here that are practicing Buddhists and respect the nature of it, and not pray for money, gold, or winning lottery numbers. As far as the post, hey should have planted the mango trees a bit further from the statues, and people will use any means to gather fruit here.
  8. Yes but they really step up enforcement in school zones, with police sitting there many times watching.
  9. Also if you are caught using your cellphone while going through a school area you're toast.
  10. When something is actually done, meaning harsh punishment like they do in America at such crossings and school crossings, and enough money is taken from them, they might slow down the next time, especially if signs are put up 100 meters from the crossing posting the penalties and cameras are installed if they aren't already there.
  11. That could go two ways of course.
  12. Invisible men wouldn't leave any physical evidence so maybe her story is true. I've seen and heard noises and moving objects before so the ghost story has possibilities.
  13. When I saw this story, that's what I thought, the normal max weight of a pickup load being around 1000 pounds, or about 453 kilos. That would surely put too much weight on the tires, but overloading trucks is a daily sight here, albeit cause for an immediate pullover and fine in the US.
  14. They always either ask for or look at my passport I lay on the counter, so yes, it's a definite thing, as they always make a copy. At first one lady said I couldn't get an ATM card, so I left it at that, as her reasoning was I was married at the time and she said if anything happened to me, my wife could take from my account without permission if she had the card. Later I asked again, because a friend said I should be able to get a card from Bangkok Bank. I tried, the girl saying yes, I could get one, but when we tried it at the ATM, it didn't work. I'm still not sure if Bangkok Bank isn't the only one Americans can use for SS deposits, so I just stuck with them. No real problems other than not having that card for convenience.
  15. I've been going to the same bank all 7 years, Bangkok Bank, and see much the same people working there, but still have to show my passport so they can make a copy I'll sign for all transactions. Bangkok Bank , I was told, is the only one the US can use for SS payments, so that's what I've used all along. I tried getting an ATM card but at first they said I couldn't. Tried again a couple of years later and they tried to put it through but the card didn't work. Cannot get the APP to work either, so thought this is a Bangkok Bank thing. All other friends here use other banks and have cards.
  16. Couldn't resist, Trump, Musk and Kennedy..........
  17. No matter what little Trump did and how disturbed he is, he still has enough power to make good changes over these next four years. Yes, it's still all about him, as all narcissists think, but with the power he has, and enough backing him that also want good changes, he could surprise everyone. I don't trust any one man in office besides a few presidents we've had in the past, but him being an American and thinking America needs changes, some good might come from it. For him to separate from his own ego would be a positive thing, listening to others who have good ideas that will help the common American instead of just the rich. Anyone can have good ideas , from the president, to me, to you and to a homeless man living in the street. Him being in that position is what gets things done. Constantly putting him down isn't helping anyone, as all opinions mean nothing anymore. He was voted in, as the other side was too weak to make them change their minds. All we can is sit back and watch either the downfall of America, and lose what we have with other countries, or see other countries bend and adjust to having America come first for a change, and hope at least some of a president's promises actually come to fruition. He is a little off to say the least, but he's in charge, so let's see what happens.
  18. Quite a few here suddenly lose consciousness during the daytime, which is pretty strange. Helmets wouldn't have saved the woman but her husband wouldn't have such a bad head wound, and traveling with 4 on a scooter, especially including a 2 year old, will continue to see such tragedies happen. Sad a family loses their mom and unborn to this daily carnage.
  19. Do they carry rocks along with the ubiquitous knives, machetes and sticks?
  20. Of course I am, along with most everyone else that's adventurous. The only difference is that most of us are a lot less blatant about it.
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