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Everything posted by fredwiggy

  1. I could say the same thing about all brown nosers who feel the need to stick up for bad behavior.
  2. Have you ever thought that there are quite a few old school thinkers still around here that don't like foreigners? Thai's do the same things with a much higher percentage and it doesn't make the news because it's a daily thing and many things they do are accepted behavior, like pissing or crapping on the side of the roads in plain sight of thousands. Things like this only make news because of the small percentage of foreigners living here compared to the millions of locals.
  3. I'm not tired . and can still do most of what I did earlier besides the amount of weight I lifted. I don't need naps during the day, and wake at 5 A.M. every morning and go to sleep after 21:30 every night. See, another thing you assumed.
  4. They were protesting the South Vietnam governments discrimination towards Buddhists. What do Catholics get caught doing? Are you referring to some priests actions towards boys, which you should word better.
  5. Good timing lol
  6. Double post
  7. Assuming is a big thing here, and you just joined the club. Actually thinking you know what others do from a few posts is outright ignorance. It's always best to restrain yourself first before you post, as it can make you look not only judgemental but stupid. There are other countries besides Muslim that have terrorists, and it doesn't include their whole population but a fraction of it.............https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/State_Sponsors_of_Terrorism_(U.S._list)
  8. Why should I go to bed? Are you another that assumes older men are always tired? Not those who've worked out for over 50 years and eaten healthy. What's boring to you, because you can't comprehend, is a lesson to others.
  9. Videotaping people having sex is strange behavior, especially if you post it on social media. Gathering evidence in a crime isn't the same thing. Millions of people have sex in public places. Stupid ones have it so others can see and video them.
  10. What can we do to stop you from posting stupid things?
  11. Male superior complex, know also as narcissism personality disorder, isn't just a white thing but happens in all races and nationalities. They aren't jealous as they don't care. Insecure yes, because alpha males were raised in an abusive or neglected environment in childhood and later use that anger and control on everyone else that falls for their act.
  12. Recording people having sex is a strange act, and posting it on social media is stranger. Not giving it to the police shows his intentions, as it does many others who take out their cameras when they see something they consider funny. This wasn't a rape where the video could be used for evidence in a conviction. This was two who had sex in public, which although illegal, isn't anyone else's business besides the police.
  13. A psychiatrist is bound to secrecy, so his results from your tests aren't available to the public.
  14. That's because we sit back and wonder what kind of fool we're talking to before we respond.
  15. Assumption # 34,876 here. Americans talk through their noses? I always wonder where some people get their information from. Google perhaps?
  16. Do you think I was born yesterday?Since you understand what Google is, you should google what people sponsor terrorism, as it isn't only Muslims.
  17. To be enrolled in schools they are, otherwise no. There are some exceptions, but if an outbreak starts, un vaccinated children must stay out.
  18. What I said stands. Terrorists are a fraction of a percent of the whole population. No one knows how many terrorists there are in any race .I wouldn't think there are many Buddhists that are terrorists but many are hypocrites so one never knows.
  19. Latest news says it looks like they both fell, and there were pills scattered across the floor. Possibly both took pills and succumbed in different locations. One dog was next to her body, alive, one was dead in closet, which could mean the dog ingested some pills and dogs do look to hide when they know they are sick. We all know he was a great actor but no one knows how people live and what they're going through in their private lives, so only an autopsy and more evidence will show what happened to them. RIP
  20. The only thing I would think at this point is Gene died and the wife took pills to go with him, giving them to the dog also, part of the family, so they would go together. Time will tell with an autopsy.
  21. New Mexico isn't Mexico. If it's a robbery how did they die if there isn't any trauma to the bodies? A robbery would show some evidence I'm sure.
  22. People look at all Muslims and see terrorists, but terrorists are just a tiny fraction of the whole population. The same with the Irish, as some think we're all drunks.
  23. Not good to judge all by actions of a few.
  24. Always someone there to throw a shot at whatever nationality they don't like
  25. Went there when I first visited Thailand with my now ex. Stayed at the bamboo House on the River Khwae (Kwai). Visited Hellfire Pass, the Cemetery, museum and waterfall. Good history. Took the slow train from Bangkok, the same train used back then on wooden tracks. You can see it in the Railway Man movie, along with him standing on the bridge, where you can walk to the other side and relive history. Visited Erewan Park also, with the 7 waterfalls.
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