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Everything posted by fredwiggy

  1. I'm sure they say the same thing about you, walking out the door with a fistful of cash.
  2. Many of the girls could say the same thing about the men
  3. Actually it should be Ireland to those who respect it and follow the rules, and also make a contribution to it's society, just as those who enter the US and any other country should do.
  4. Some , for one reason or another, don't believe in a family and just think of themselves. This could be from an unhappy or abusive and or neglected childhood. Many don't want children because they see how they were raised and somehow think they wouldn't be a good parent to a child. They might be right or wrong but will never know. Some become great parents after having a rotten childhood because they want their children to have better than they did. Some would repeat what they learned and be abusive or neglectful to their children, repeating the pattern. Many do just pump and dump because they're only thinking of their own pleasure, and don't care what the body they're with thinks. The problem with casual sex is that many times a child is created, and then has to go into life without the most important thing they need, a father to guide them. Most everyone has casual sex and sometimes children are born, and the parents drift apart, leaving the child with whoever, and possibly, like here many times, with grandma who is too old to be an effective parent. The human race has been going downhill for a long time now, and won't get any better as long as people look at sex as just for them and not as a gift between two people in a committed relationship and how a family is made. Most everyone makes mistakes in sex when they're younger and only looking at a partner as an object and not a partner. The human race won't end if everyone just keeps pumping and dumping but it will get worse, as the breakdown of the family is the breakdown of civilization. Thankfully there is birth control for those who wouldn't make good parents, but the problem is that everyone doesn't use it and babies aren't only born to responsible people who know what commitment means.
  5. Having animals in zoos that are endangered or threatened is a good practice, as their offspring can be released into the wild as soon as they can fend for themselves and it's a safe place away from possible poachers. There is good and bad about zoos and the bad is usually how the animals are treated and how small their enclosure is. Zoos teach others about animals and some of that learning can go towards future animals preservationists. There needs to be strict regulations and enforcement about how many people go near the animals and how they are stressed because of it. A revolving door policy where animals are put back into their natural habitat as soon as another of the same species is found that might need protection or help and could be put into a zoo to keep it safe would ensure animals having a chance again at being free to roam where they belong. Some animals cannot be released again as they might become easy victims to predators if they lose the wild in them.
  6. I don't think smart's the right word for it.
  7. You do know when you're buying fresh fruit anywhere you can pick the ones you want right? You've spent a lot of time acting like another poster here, copying his mannerisms and way of writing, along with the attitude towards locals, so I'm thinking it's rubbed off too much and now it's time to just be yourself.
  8. It's not his girls, but a friends. And stupid has nothing to do with a girl being a victim of a parasite. Good girls are usually trusting, thinking the best of people, and that naivete gets them hurt or killed. You can teach your girls to be aware of others, but if you don't put it into their heads that many out there are out to really hurt you, and they are the ones who act very nice when you meet, they might be the victim of a man they thought they could trust. I gave Ted Bundy as an example, and he's a good one, as he killed at least 35 women who thought he was a nice guy when they met him.
  9. Then I said...........Trust comes from time spent with people,and letting your guard down is how trouble starts. I didn't mean trust no one. I meant for 19 year old girls coming to Thailand, they shouldn't trust anyone because there are predators everywhere that look for victims who will trust them from the get go. It's plain stupid for a girl to trust people she doesn't know in another country. You can have a lot of fun if you travel in groups, never leave with anyone and watch your drinks and drinking if you're going to night clubs. Having a few people in life you can really trust is a blessing, but how many can you really trust in a lifetime? Friends are made over time and immediately, but trust takes time. ....After which you said............. Nonsense. You are an old man who likely didn't go through that rite of passage.. Backpackers trust each other in the main and through that they make friends for life and have amazing experiences. It doesn't sound as if you had anything like that in your life and hence, your outlook that comes from your bad imagination. Yes, there are risks. But that's life. Be careful but don't be a stick in the mud who makes no real friends because they don't trust anyone. That's just silly. I made hundreds of friends whilst backpacking because we decided to trust each other. That's something you old guys who didn't ever do it, won't understand. If you could see my Contacts list, you might understand. When you trust, you find a whole other world....................What started out okay ended up as an argument.
  10. I came here to give him advice to protect those girls, period. You came in arguing that I was wrong, thinking I said no one should trust anyone, when all I said was the girls should not trust anyone here, which is sound advice, as predators prey on women who trust them at first. I've taught all my children not to trust anyone until they really know them, and the three girls were hurt by their men in one way or another. They didn't tell me because they knew what I would do to those men if they did, until much later and they weren't around anymore. Now they have good partners. It's not about winning but about keeping girls safe in this somewhat sick world.
  11. Mainly because old men, especially those who have children, know how men think, and the older you are, the more you know how much evil there is in this world. I'm thinking the advice in those books could be good, especially if she has experience and also took advice herself from men, who know men better than women do.
  12. Good girls are taken advantage of all day, every day, all over because they trust others. If it was my daughter, I would ask her to take along at least 2 others and give her the same advice I gave them since they were born, which is the same I already gave.
  13. I started out giving him good advice, as did a few others here. This character comes back time after time, trolling myself and a few others who corrected him in the past. I know I probably shouldn't respond, but then he adds that it's okay to trust others, which it isn't until you know them. Especially in this case, them being 2 19 year old girls that want to come to Thailand on holiday. We as adults with children, especially girls, know what to do to protect them from life's evils. As a parent our worst nightmare would be one of our girls attacked by some psychopath she thought was okay because he talked nice to them, as all players and traffickers work.Best to stay safe by not letting the predators in.
  14. ac·quaint·ance /əˈkwān(t)ns/ noun noun: acquaintance; plural noun: acquaintances 1. a person's knowledge or experience of something. "the students had little acquaintance with the language" h Similar: familiarity companionship 2. a person one knows slightly, but who is not a close friend. "a wide circle of friends and acquaintances"
  15. Helping out these 2 girls with advice to stay safe isn't coming from village idiots but parents who actually care about other's children and want to see them safe.
  16. If you actually read what I wrote, again, you might take a few minutes to understand I'm giving advice to the OP's friends so they'll have a safer trip when they come to Thailand. it doesn't mean you aren't friendly. It doesn't mean you can't make friends. It doesn't mean you can't have a great time with new people you meet. It means you don't let your guard down for an instant, as that is how predators work. That you don't understand this is unbelievable if you're over 25 years old. My posting style hasn't changed in all of my life. I aim to help others that need good advice to protect themselves, whether it be taking a holiday to a foreign country, using correct techniques in weight training, following a healthy lifestyle, taking measures to help with depression, or anything else I have experience in. You keep coming on here trolling me and a few others, using a number of aliases, thinking we don't spot you right off. You reply the same ways all the time, arguing just because someone corrected you earlier. Then you put on the innocent act, saying "we" can see what goes on there. Yes, we here can see what you're all about, and you actually think we can't. Again, I did not say trust no one. I said for the OP to tell these 2 girls, to trust no one when they come here. That will keep them safer, as victims are the people who trust others they don't know. Try researching how human traffickers and rapists work before you reply, because you're not too swift on what goes on in this world, although you've backpacked all over and have so many contacts from over the world. If you trusted all these so called contacts, and act this way, how they remain friends is beyond me, and I'm sure many others here.
  17. If you're who I think you are, with a number of alter egos, I fully understand. If you're not him, then you think a lot alike, because your replies are much the same. You might want to read up on how human traffickers work, along with predators like those that went after these 2...........https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Koh_Tao_murders
  18. No, but I think you missed all of what I wrote and just skimmed before you replied.
  19. Thinking I don't understand reality is assuming, which some here, like you, do often. Think for a minute before you reply. When I said don't trust anyone, I was of course referring to the OP's asking of others advice so he could relate that advice to 2- 19 year old girls that were thinking of coming to Thailand. It is sound advice for girls by themselves not to trust anyone when they go to another country as there are many girls that become victims every year of trafficking, rape and murder because they trusted someone. That you don't understand this and call me an old man shows that you're likely in your 20's still or hasn't the sense they should have at a later age. You don't live your life with any girls you knew before. You might talk to a few from your past that are still friends with you, as I do myself. No different than millions of other people, especially if they've reached their 60's and above. I repeat. I didn't say for everyone not to trust anyone. Trust takes as much time as you allow it to happen, and the longer you know someone, the more you can likely trust them, although people like Ted Bundy had many friends who thought they knew him. I said those 2 girls that are coming here should not trust anyone. That will keep them a lot safer than if they did. You obviously don't understand psychology and why people do what they do, as you assume you know my life from a few typed words. Try reading and comprehending before you reply,as you missed my point right off.
  20. From 1, 2, 3 or more night stands. A woman can get pregnant the first time she has sex. As an expat of a certain age, I'm thinking you should know this.
  21. I'm an old man who's probably had twice as many girlfriends than you, so don't assume. I didn't intend to use any of them, as I was always looking for a girlfriend. Things usually don't work out between dating people because of different future plans, so people go their own ways. I have hundreds of friends, yet can really only look to a few if I really needed help. This is how most people are. I have friends from 1965 I still do things with now, and many more I talk to that live elsewhere. I met them and immediately became friends, so don't assume I;m saying you can't make friends immediately. Trusting people, unless you're very naive, takes time, as many are out for no good, and this takes time. Read what I write and understand it better. Don't assume that you know people from a few typed words. Thinking you really know all these "contacts" you have means nothing. Anyone can add new "friends" online and think they know them. You don't. Old men usually have a lot of old friends, and you thinking otherwise is very young thinking. You made hundreds of new acquaintances backpacking. You can call them friends if you like, just as someone who has 12,876 "friends" on Facebook does. Remember, don''t assume, because like all these friends you have, you really only know a few well.
  22. Actually it's you that's assuming. Yes, you met loads of trusting girls, as we all have, and a lot of them became victims of violence from partners, although you don't know this because you don't keep in touch with those loads of girls. If you in fact keep in touch with 5 I'd be very surprised, although you might exaggerate to try and get your point across. it doesn't work here. I have no fear of anything. I don't assume though many here do. You obviously have no idea how many women and girls live a sad, fearful life because of boys taking advantage of them.
  23. Funny how the population is still increasing though, as is single parent families.
  24. He's asking for advice so he can tell the girls he's talking about before they come. Maybe it's over your head on what real life is about, but assuming isn't going to help you.
  25. He's asking for advice so he can tell the girls he's talking about before they come.
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