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Everything posted by fredwiggy

  1. Almost weekly monks are in the news here, doing illegal and inappropriate things. They're still people, and many come from shady backgrounds, but if this was a legitimate monk, enjoying the sunset and shopping with possible relatives isn't wrong. Monks can speak different languages than Thai.
  2. They were popular soon after they came out all over the US. Americans are very much into Canadian music, as Rush,April Wine, Triumph, BTO, Loverboy, Guess Who, Steppenwolf, Helix, Mahogany Rush, Red Rider, The Kings and many others can attest. Of course that might have been sarcasm on your part.
  3. My friend said the same thing. Children here aren't left behind so go into the next year with some way behind in their studies. This means they'll never catch up and go into the world with very little options besides working on a farm or 7-11. Destined to make 200--500 baht a day for the rest of their lives.
  4. Another funny but sad thing is that there was a student that sometimes came to his school and lived with his English speaking UK dad along with his Thai mom. He was 19 and couldn't speak English, which means his regular school failed him and his dad probably rarely talked to him, leaving his education up to his mom and a Thai school.
  5. I have a Thai friend who runs an English school near me. He was taught in the US and came back and opened the school. He asked me to talk to some of his students because I'm a native English speaker with no accent, which is the easiest way for the students to learn proper English. He hires other English speakers from a few countries to teach his students, but he wants them to only speak English while they are there, which is a good idea as the students need to work harder to learn, and it has shown in his students as many speak English very well. Thai students are supposed to have English taught in their schools but it's very poor. My daughter who is 8 speaks better English than her English teacher and I'm the only one she learns from as her mom is too dense and non caring to try and help her with her English so she has it easier when we move to the US. The school owner knows all about other schools as he visits many of them throughout the calendar year all over this area, and sometimes to other provinces to give 2-3 day seminars, where his teachers go and have classes throughout the time they are there to help them in a kind of crash course. I went with them a number of times and in all ages and you can see that some children can speak pretty well and some almost nothing, which shows some children want to learn and some couldn't give a dam. Thailand should push for easier ways for English teachers to teach so they could help the children, which gives them a better chance for a higher paying job. The Thai teachers here, at least the ones I've seen or heard about, aren't too swift as English teachers, sometimes just handing out papers for the children to copy. They can write many words but don't know what they mean so it's useless.
  6. How many times does someone have to reply like this until people understand that the name has nothing to do with where you live or are born?
  7. It isn't the police's job to round up animals. It's the animal control's job, and they could be helped by upping the spay/neuter programs, funded by the government, who would be helping everyone, including themselves. Most of the animals in this country are in country areas, which means they roam free, including the one's owned by people. Leash laws would be good, but many people ignore pets once they reach adult stage here, so they are allowed to roam and make more animals.
  8. Use your phone for talking and messaging and your camera, which has a much better lens and zoom abilities, accessory possibilities, settings and low light capabilities. Of this I'm sure you would already know, as a phone camera is an extra for the phone, and the lens is much cheaper.You can still get film for your camera, like my Minoltas, but a good digital camera is still the best bet.
  9. Hurting animals intentionally is anti social behavior that usually leads to hurting humans. One anti social behavior is a correlation to others. Any police that doesn't enforce the laws is a useless entity. That the government isn't doing much to enforce their own laws shows a lack of concern for it's citizens and should be revamped with those who will.
  10. It's been awhile since I was a baby, and I look at a woman's breast not as mammary glands but part of her figure.
  11. Misogyny and racism are alive everywhere , including this country. A leader should be a moral character, but history has shown this to be a bit off. Trump is indeed a very disturbed person, and having these two kinds in power isn't comforting to say the least. They could start up a war, or find peace, all depending on them and others around them. All we can hope for is that Trump does more good than harm because of the power he has. Nothing we say is going to make a difference anyway, so all we can do is sit back and wait.
  12. Why then does the local police where I live do nothing when over 20 animals have been poisoned in our village?...... Punishments Minor offenses Up to one month in jail and/or a fine of up to 1,000 baht for mistreating or killing an animal without cause.. Major offenses Up to two years in jail and/or a fine of up to 40,000 baht for violating the Cruelty Prevention and Welfare of Animal Act .....What the law protects Domestic pets, Livestock, Animals used for work, Animals used for entertainment, and Animals used for transportation.......What the law prohibits.........Killing an animal with unnecessary suffering Overworking an animal Neglecting an animal Torturing an animal Transporting an animal in an uncaring way Using a disabled, ill, aged, or pregnant animal for labor or show work Feeding live prey to snakes, crocodiles, or other animals
  13. You must have a lot of Brits on ignore
  14. It's called milk but by definition milk must come from mammals.It's what I use and it's made for humans, unlike mammal milk which isn't easy to digest for many.
  15. Add to those, the lack of concern for others lives, including their own and of their children, the attitude that you can drive any way you want as long as you get there as fast as possible, and the fact that here cars have more rights than pedestrians.
  16. The media is interested in making money, any way they can. Reporters go to great lengths to make a story, even if others are hurt by it. Media can change how people think.
  17. No one in power is harmless, even if that power is media attention, because media changes the way many think, and much faster than earlier in time. He knows what some people like, and that made him his millions, as many others have made theirs. No matter if their music is nowhere near as good as others out there, but that a certain type of followers back him, and that they pay his salary. There have been many that got their power by force, trickery or just knowing someone, and when others see them on TV, they become followers, even if they might be very disturbed individuals. People by the millions followed Hitler until they understood him more.
  18. Anti social, narcissistic behavior starts as a child. They are further enhanced by peers you trust.
  19. No, but many have something to do with following others, from your parents teachings to your peer's influence on your thinking. Most hurtful people learned to be that way from their childhood.
  20. But the problem with media is that it does reach many weak people who need to have something to follow, as Hitler and others like him had and have. Everything we see and hear can influence our thinking if we let it, and the more people that do follow these types of disturbed people, the more others fall into the same trap. Sheep.
  21. As should all men, if they want to be known as men and not little boys.
  22. No, but he's exposed to us here on the forums more of your true character.
  23. Why would a person act or say things racist, homophobic, misogynistic or hurtful towards other humans, especially in a public forum? Answer-- Because they ARE homophobic, racist, misogynistic and hurtful. Do you actually think I don't follow the news? Where do you think I would get any information about anything? It's called research and following the news. I fully understand why people do things. It's called knowledge of psychology. You are answering from your hero worship of a known sociopath. I am answering because I can spot one a mile away, as can others here who have replied. Nothing "knee jerk" about it. It's called history. if you have a history of violence or hurtful behavior, that's your history and it's hard to change what you are, if not impossible after a certain number of years. The more you back what he's doing, the more you bury yourself and show your true colors, and the faster you become an outcast of society. You can't hide what you are indefinitely.
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