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Everything posted by fredwiggy

  1. What you see in 7 months is a fraction of what you would see if you lived there as a resident. Like I said, you have your opinions, and those are garnered from living in one place for 7 months. There are 50 states in the US, with thousands of cities and millions of people. It doesn't matter how fast you understand things. Time spent is what matters, in all situations. There are people that live in Thailand that rarely leave their village, and they think they know what goes on here throughout the country. They don't. many think Thailand has little crime compared to other countries and they would be shocked if they knew just what goes on here daily. People have opinions and there are facts, and they are quite different.
  2. And opinions and stories hold little weight. Living there is how you know what goes on.
  3. Tourist and a little more. Same as staying here for a few months and thinking you know what goes on all over.
  4. What is the piss in the US? I thought you never visited or lived there, so your comments mean little, as you have no experience.
  5. Snakes actually kill over 30 a year here, compared to maybe 5 by dogs.
  6. Are you seeing the foreigners litter at such a high percentage or just assuming again? Where I live, garbage is everywhere, including in the streets and the forest. Trash is thrown on the ground right next to garbage cans. I'm the only foreigner for miles around. I put my trash in large plastic bags and bring it to the closest town that has a pickup. The difference between here and the US, is that you're fined if caught throwing anything on the ground in a public place, and garbage pickups are everywhere, including the country areas. Foreigners from all over are slobs but you don't get away with it like you do here.
  7. That is true. In all my 7 years here I mostly see locals being pulled over. When I'm pulled over, they usually wave me on or just ask where I live. The only trouble I see is that they let the locals go after talking to them a few minutes, most not wearing helmets. Not sure about having licenses because this is just watching from the line. I'm sure most stops are looking for drug trafficking, as that's what I've been told while living here, especially out in the country near a border.
  8. In the US if you litter, you're fined. If you cause a disturbance, you're fined if it doesn't stop and possibly arrested if you're drunk and disorderly. You don't get away with littering like they do here. Burning either. Trouble here in many villages is there isn't a garbage pickup so they throw everything into the nearest woods and or burn it. That's on the government.
  9. Imagine how it is driving in the US where over 300 die each year hitting deer. Slowing down , especially at night, is mandatory.
  10. I don't have to read anything. Citizens arrests are legal. It doesn't matter if it's a former criminal or Mother Theresa.
  11. It's a former criminal that is helping others.
  12. That's exactly the case here. People can arrest others , detain them, and do what they can to stop them in criminal activity. That's what these people are doing, which is honorable as long as they do it right and don't let anger have them go beyond what's necessary.
  13. I've always followed the walk if you can instead of driving, take steps instead of the elevator or escalator.
  14. Creatine occurs naturally in the body and lowers as you age. It has nothing to do with hair loss. That's a genetic predisposition but can occur if your lifestyle limits the nutrients hair needs. .
  15. Many can't walk up stairs that much because of knee problems , so walking on a level place is still okay. I used to squat almost 600 pounds and less for many reps, and now, because of that strain on my joints, have pain when I walk sometimes. I could run like the wind also, and now can't run much at all. many who were into the weight game have the same problems. Moderation is something we didn't think of, and now we're paying for it, so regular walking is still the best bet for health and less damaging exercise. Anything done too much when you're young comes back to haunt you later.
  16. I've been doing this over 50 years, and have stayed lean all that time. My family isn't one that is lean by nature, so we have to practice nutrition to stay lean, as working out is only 25% of it. My brother died from a diabetes brought on heart attack because he didn't lose the weight he needed to, and he was in shape and healthy all his life until he was over 50 and because more sedentary. What I suggested is right on. Too many carbs and you can't burn stored fat. Too little and you'll have internal problems, so you find out what you can do for your body. If you're overweight, you don't have to go radical, eliminating all carbs, to lose weight. The slower you lose, adopting a healthier lifestyle, the more likely you will keep the weight off. You eat low fat, moderate carbs, moderate protein, from all food groups unless you are allergic to dairy or gluten. It's a very simple thing if you have enough will power to stop eating garbage junk foods. 5 small meals a day, not eating past 3 hours before bedtime, staying away from junk as much as you can, exercising regularly, Never drink calories if you want to lose faster. Some can't give up alcohol so that's their deal, but fruit juices and milk are out. Substituting a protein shake for a meal helps also, especially if it's just protein and skim milk (soy is lactose intolerant) and a piece of fruit. Many people don't have will power and that's their downfall. You have to stick with a healthy lifestyle forever. Diets don't work long term. People get fat because they eat too much junk and or drink too much. Eating what grows doesn't make you fat. It's what people put on those foods that does. Sugars, oils, cream, whole milk, full fat salad dressing, snacks, too much alcohol.
  17. It's called a citizen's arrest for a reason, and people have the right to defend themselves, their families and others as the police can't be everywhere. This is necessary everywhere and if criminals knew more were after them, they would think twice before doing the crimes. In the US, many people have guns and can carry them, which has others thinking that everyone's not a victim to be played.
  18. Sex is one way of knowing how the marriage is going, besides those who cannot have sex anymore for health reasons. People who go into a marriage thinking their partner owes them sex are in for problems. Women, when listened to and treated with love, respect and dignity, will rarely have a problem wanting their husband happy, meaning a willingness to have sex with him even if she's not in the mood. If a man looks at a woman as someone who has to give him sex, better top pay for it and leave with a smile than to look at a wife the same way. She is someone who's supposed to be someone to grow closer with and not that gives you sex with resentment. Couples who last indeed have sex, often, but that sex comes from a mutual respect and two givers. A taker and a giver always have problems. Two takers , narcissists, will destroy the both of them but they actually belong together, as no one who's a giver deserves to put up with a taker. Problem in the world, and a major reason for bad relationships and divorces, is alpha males and greedy women. They belong together, and the beta males belong with the giver women. That's how good children are created. Good matches are the most important things in life, and the hardest to come by. Some take a lifetime to find, and some find each other in high school, although that's rare. You want plenty of sex with your woman, you show her she's number one, and that doesn't mean buying her love but being there for her when she needs you, and having a good ear when she needs to vent.
  19. I didn't notice where drugs were involved, but yaba is often used as an excuse for craziness when it doesn't take drugs to have disturbed people go off.
  20. If you took all the knives and machetes from people who carry them without a legitimate purpose here you could melt them down and they would have their submarine and an extra battleship thrown in.
  21. You don't have to, but many will. The only way peace would ever come to the world is eradication of all narcissistic, psychopathic leaders and those who follow them. All countries that have terrorists have a much higher percentage of people living in fear, who's only hope is somehow getting rid of those that promote hate and violence, so they can live in peace not worrying if tomorrow could be the day a bomb takes them out. The only way to get rid of them is violence, as many are so disturbed in their thinking they actually think they are in the right. The only way this will happen is if people who want peace get rid of those that don't. You don't negotiate with a terrorist. You eliminate them, as soon as possible, with no media coverage. Once you cut off the head, the body soon fails.
  22. Some people see the best of people first, although knowing the risks they're taking. How Iran handles them could make a difference in future peace. Yes, they might look at their own gain, meaning a release of prisoners, but also might look at this being a way to secure a better future for both countries, as well as other western countries. Iran knows full well, or at least they should, the destruction the west could bring on them if they continue to detain or hurt innocent civilians. If they somehow hurt these two, I see hellfire raining on them that could be the beginning of the end of Iran and those against the west.
  23. Every big city worldwide has it's share of crimes. Many think America has crime all over every day and it's a dangerous place, yet millions never experience any of it living there all their lives. Staying off the streets at night in certain parts of big cities makes it a lot easier to avoid problems. Exposing yourself to the same is asking for trouble. I was in NYC a hundred times at night and never saw anything besides the biggest rat I ever saw. The same for San Antonio and Houston. <deleted> happens everywhere, including in the country areas. Thailand has islands that have been problematic for tourists yet hundreds visit there and never have any problems. It's just bad luck unless you expose yourself in an area at night by yourself that's known for criminal activity. Daylight crimes also happen, as it says here, but most will never see it happening. Stay in crowds, travel in groups, don't flash cash, insult others, and walk away from confrontations unless self defense is required.
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