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Everything posted by fredwiggy

  1. Again and again, like the uncontrollable narcissist, you keep coming back, assuming you know me. Again, I have agreed with what you've said about data, as has others, but as others have done, you are missing the main reason accidents happen everywhere. Don't try and think for anyone else, or assume the knowledge they have, because it doesn't work. How do you think professionals come up with their data? Observations. Calling me lazy or weak shows you're still assuming, as you know nothing about me, but like few others on this forum, your ego overrides common sense, or arrogance because you actually think you're right.. I don't keep asking if you're Thai. I asked it that one time, and followed up with my reasoning. Drop it, seeing you can't fathom why I asked it anyway. Stop thinking you're smarter than me. You aren't, and how you think shows that................."You’re not ‘seeing clearly’; you’re just repeating the same simplistic, surface-level take while ignoring the deeper causes of road safety failures".......... I, along with others, AGAIN, has responded to you, showing we do know why accidents happen. . It's YOU that isn't understanding it's still on the DRIVER first.I could play chess against you with a quarter of the pieces and would still call checkmate on you easily.
  2. Did you actually read the first two paragraphs of what he's said, not only now but in the past? Do you not see that you are the only one here who's backing what he's been doing? Lastly, do you now still not realize that the members here know more of how you think, as backing this kind of scumbag sociopath shows your character also?
  3. Yes, you are, so why don't you leave the forums because we have enough trolls, although you might come back again with one of your now 5 alter egos.
  4. We can now see you're a fan, as you've backed him in earlier posts also. And just like being a weak fan, you can't or will not see the wrong in his words or actions. No problem in you liking his "music", but thinking what he's been doing all along is another thing entirely, and also shows where your thinking lies. When you believe in people that act this way, it follows that your thinking coincides with them. He is clearly an anti social misogynist racist. That he parades his own wife in the nude shows a complete lack of class, and they way he sees women. is this how you look at others also?
  5. You don't read my posts because you know they're right on about your character. Like the true narc, all you want to hear is your own self talking. Sorry, but that's not how normal people work. You are the one who again, started this, with your accusation........"Whenever you point the finger at someone, remember to apply the same thing to yourself, to see if you could be describing yourself" You know exactly why you did this, as well as I and most likely all others who see you as a troll. You were proven wrong by me many times, and you exhibit narcissist characteristics all along, so I called you out. Just like a true narc, you couldn't just stay away but had to deflect by calling me the narc, which is one way people like you act to deflect the truth about yourself. When you start something, you need to finish it. You aren't hurting my feelings. You're like a gnat, who has to bother people, but the difference is, they do it because it's natural to them. You do it to bother intentionally because your ego just has you trolling. Not just me, but many others, including in this topic. You really can't help yourself, and that's a problem. Defending yourself is one thing, as I've done. Doing this just to cause an argument is another. And don't answer for others, as there are many here that see you just like I do. Not an opinion but an observation.
  6. People will follow anyone in power or that's rich, thinking they are actually somehow better, when power actually corrupts many, and turns them into these kinds of anti socials. It's a weakness, because they're missing self esteem, so have to live their lives following others successes, and when some of these people are proven rapists, sexual deviants, misogynists or racists, they will still back them, thinking their "hero" could not be wrong. Epstein and Cosby are just two that were well respected until they were found out. Money can hide true character well, at least for awhile.
  7. I don't have to look to myself. I've always been a caretaker, an emotional empath, who not only likes to help, but does so because it comes automatically. I got into the psychological studies both to help others and to stay away from toxic people, like yourself, who just come here to argue, and can't let things go because your fragile ego was hurt by my correcting you. Yes, this thread is not about me, but I, like everyone else on the forums, can add to the discussion with words that bolster what the topic is about, or to argue with it, like some do here whenever Trump's name is mentioned. Assuming I don't have any knowledge on a particular subject is one of your traits, along with just a few others here who, like you said, cannot accept any criticism. I love criticism, but only when it's constructive, as everyone can learn more. Can I say with any truth that you are in favor of how this man acts? he is a blatant narcissist, and also a sociopath, but being a millionaire, some fools actually look up to him, maybe because they like his music. He is a talented man, although I personally think the music is garbage. But along with this talent is a huge ego, which translates into he thinks he can do whatever he wants. Asking for trump to free Diddy shows where his thinking lies. You are very easy to bait, and you are the one who started this with your subtle accusation which was again, wrong. I'm the one who actually expected you to follow up with another "petulant' post. And being you, you did.
  8. No, actually it's you that are either so arrogant that you can't be corrected, as I've done many times in the past, or haven't the knowledge inside to understand what I'm saying in the first place. When I say a person is a narcissist, it means they are showing many, if not all, of the characteristics of what the definition is, as this man surely is. Or are you actually a fan of his and can't see past your own blindness? I go by facts, and this comes from studying a particular subject. You go by opinions, which I've proven wrong over and over again. Before you continue to make yourself out the fool, understand that knowledge comes from research, and a narcissist will never agree with anyone, because they think they're always right, even when proven wrong.You just can't help yourself, looking for a reason to argue with me. I'm an empath. Look up the definition, and instead of coming back with childish retorts, research a little to find how I've come here to help. When I look at your history, most of what I see is trolling.
  9. I just tell things as they are. I don't rely on opinions, as they mean little. What is obvious is easy to spot. Again, you get involved for personal reasons, so it might be better to stay away because it makes it easier to spot a person's true character the more they reply.
  10. Which is the way a malignant narcissist is sometimes defined. They grow up with the intelligence of an adult, but with the emotional maturity of a toddler, who thinks they can get whatever they want by whining.
  11. Many animals are prone to over population, and seeing this, have to be kept within the carrying capacity of their habitat
  12. Again, since you're either not comprehending what I'm writing or are just too pigheaded to understand your shortcomings. I, and others here you're dismissing, do understand what makes accidents happen, and the stats involved. When I say drivers, I mean the drivers here, as that's what we're talking about when I say I see more infractions here daily then I ever did in my 50 plus years of driving in other countries and almost all of the US states. That's observations I and others here have made. they aren't made up , lies or hallucinations. When you see things happen, they're happening, and it again, has nothing to do with race or racism. Thailand has not seen much change no matter how many times they say they will do something about it, and like another said in that article, "you can't change their attitudes", which is reason one why the accidents are happening, and it all still falls on the DRIVER, attitudes towards obeying the laws, attitudes towards driving recklessly, speeding, driving drunk, arrogance or incompetence. Again, since you missed this before. I asked if you were Thai because you still think it's other things besides the local drivers here who are the number one problem, and that, AGAIN, does not mean all of them, but the attitudes towards everything, including driving, are ingrained here. It doesn't matter what actual percentage it is, but it means a HIGH one, as the stats show. Confirmation bias has no bearing on this. Personal observation means we are actually seeing it happen, not just because we believe it's happening from prior experience. We, and we means I included, are not ignoring data, as you keep missing what I, and others, have been saying. It's a combination of all the factors, but again, it's the driver who is still responsible FIRST for his and other's around his safety. I'm not frustrated, I just see things a lot more clearly than you do. I know why the accidents happen, as I've said many times, but you are still not understanding who is the most responsible for them, and seeing you're repeating the same things over and over again, you never will. You keep bringing race into this, which shows I'm playing chess with a dolt who hasn't the capacity to understand simple logic.
  13. You keep assuming what others do or don't know, and that's your fail. All the data I, or anyone needs, is the stats yearly on accidents and deaths here, and again what you're still missing. It's on the drivers themselves to understand the laws as they receive their driver licenses. They do know the laws and the one example I gave was seeing a parent driving a scooter while there are 4 others on the scooter without helmets, two offenses. Driving recklessly on any roads in any weather conditions is something anyone older than a teenager should know to avoid, or they shouldn't have a license in the first place. I actually do care about road safety. I'm a good driver, who's a safe driver, and I taught my children the same, along with my ex wife and now girlfriend. What I implied asking if you're Thai is that you seem to be sticking up for the drivers here, saying it's more the fault of bad roads, lack of enforcement, bad infrastructure etc, instead of the drivers themselves, so I asked if you were Thai, as a local would be more likely to stick up for them than another. I don't miss anything. You are. I, and probably everyone else here, as seen by their comments, do understand what makes accidents happen, and how they can be avoided. There is an attitude here, and it doesn't just encompass driving, and It seems you don't understand ,much about it, although you claim to be here over 20 years. The difference between us is that you're a close minded individual, that looks at data instead of the whole picture, and are still missing the main point. Drivers are the ones responsible for the safety of themselves and others around them. When I say many drivers here are bad, it means a large percentage, and that can be seen daily on the roads, and if you see it for over 6 years, it adds up to quite a few. Add to this many others observations and comments matching mine, and that ups the percentage higher. It doesn't matter what percentage it actually is. What matters is it's a lot more than any other places I and many others have seen driving over 50 years. I also, along with everyone else who's commented. have discussed solutions, and it's been seen on this forum ever since I joined. You keep missing that point also. Give it a rest. You aren't saying anything we already didn't know.
  14. Spaying and neutering is the only human way to control the "population", which is the problem.Reduce the number of births, normal mortality still happens, population decreases, problems decrease. Dogs that attack humans should be put down, unless the humans are harming the dogs and it's defending itself. Otherwise the normal regulations that happen in the west should be in effect.
  15. Some true but culling dogs isn't the answer. A stepped up spay/neuter program that the government pays for shows responsibility and care. Cambodia suffers from much the same problems, including slaughtering dogs for meat, rabies, over population, dropping dogs off at Pagodas, abuse, neglect, stealing dogs for the meat trade, lack of vet care, and others............https://www.four-paws.org/campaigns-topics/topics/help-for-stray-animals/stray-animal-care-cambodia
  16. I would have thought he would have been arrested at McDonalds.
  17. True, the US should have had health care that is available to everyone, paid for by taxes, instead of giving US money to other countries. Trump might be a weirdo, but he's definitely American gung ho. Hopefully this gung ho attitude doesn't backfire, as the US, like all other countries in Nato, needs other countries for many things, as they also need us.
  18. Dogs, along with children, aren't cared for like they are in the west, which leads to many problems. A puppy or kitten is cute, but when it grows into a dog, it's largely forgotten by many (not all), and left to wander and cause problems, and also to make other puppies, which repeats the cycle.
  19. Who else's fault would this be? You usually are against the pitts, but this was a Thai Bangkaew. Dogs are supposed to be trained not to be vicious. if the kids taunted it, it's partly to blame on them. If not, the owner takes responsibility, like this one did.
  20. I'm thinking you don't understand that a person who assumes they know about other people is showing the intelligence of a teenager . It follows along the lines of this. The Dunning-Kruger effect occurs when a person's lack of knowledge and skill in a certain area causes them to overestimate their own competence. You actually think you're smarter than others because they don't agree with your shortcomings.
  21. You assume he doesn't know how to drive in Thailand. he might be driving here for years without an accident, like many other foreigners here. Again, and read this slowly, we aren't saying ALL locals are bad drivers. We are saying many are, which is true, and NOTHING to do with race. We just happen to be in a country where many people drive ignoring the laws and common sense driving, and where we come from the police are hard core against offenses we see here daily. I'm nowhere near the only person who has observed this, as you can see from other's replies, and you keep telling them also the same crapola. Again I ask, are you Thai?
  22. If you actually read and comprehended what I've been saying, it has nothing to do with race. It's observation by myself and many others here, who all seem to understand all about what makes accidents, how they can be prevented, and most importantly, who has primary responsibility in an accident, which seems to avoid your understanding. Others have also said the same things I have, yet you also dismiss them, thinking you're some kind of expert and know more than we do. You don't. Assuming I don't understand what critical thinking is another downfall of yours. I know a lot more than you ever will on what constitutes accidents and why they happen. I've studied psychology for the last 35 plus years, which means I also understand people like you, who assume they know others by just a few posts in an online forum. You have been wrong in every reply to me, yet you still go one, much like a few others here who also think they're smarter. You're not. YOU ARE NOT COMPREHENDING WHAT I'VE BEEN SAYING. I come to this conclusion because you constantly make errors assuming what I'm saying and miss where I'm saying the same things you are. I proved my point many replies ago, but you're still coming back saying the same exact things. Thailand has a higher accident rate because the police do not enforce the rules already there, as I've said many times. Roads here aren't great, but they're still better than some other countries where there are less accidents. I have no "obsession" with bad drivers. I have seen them for the last 51 years of driving, both here and in other countries and almost all states in the US. What I do see is more ignorance of the laws here, as well as more recklessness in driving, more people cutting others off, more people ignoring the laws they know about (helmet wearing), more people weaving in and out of traffic on motorbikes,, more, much more, trucks overloaded both high and wide, more people driving into oncoming traffic instead of going around someone in front of them in the next lane, more people driving too close to the car in front of them, these along with other things connda mentioned in a few replies before. You are making excuses for local drivers and putting it more on the other factors that constitute what makes accidents happen. It's first, the driver's responsibility, to follow the laws they should have learned about during the test and by watching others older than them driving when they were growing up. Now read these lines a few times and try to see what I'm saying.............Many things make accidents happen, from driver inability or ignorance, to driving after drinking or using drugs, to speeding, following too close to other drivers, weaving in and out of traffic, and not using defensive driving skills, along with arrogance, incompetence and ignorance. Bad roads contribute to accidents because the DRIVER isn't using good sense while driving, either speeding or taking turns too wide or hitting potholes they would have missed if going slower. Bad enforcement of the laws has drivers getting away with BAD driving and if they were ticketed, they MIGHT think twice before committing the same infraction again, but probably not because of ARROGANCE towards laws and disrespect to others on the roads. Don't bother coming back if you think you're going to show me up and think you're smarter by repeating the same ignorant statements about my not knowing what really makes accidents happen. You aren't and I don't even know you, but I know your type, and ignorance is one of their greatest flaws. You are also ignoring others or answering them the same way, thinking you're the expert here and others don't already know what you know. We knew it in high school.
  23. I'm thinking if they all stayed home, many major decisions that affect many lives wouldn't happen. truck drivers delivering food and other things, businessmen going to important meetings, clergymen going to churches or synagogues, store owners going to work, people taking cross country or ocean flights, judges and lawyers going to hang people or rob them blind, restaurant workers, garbage collectors, soldiers going on maneuvers, and politicians making important decisions (I could have left that one out).
  24. I'm sure a lot of smokers are indeed selfish, with the attitude they can smoke wherever they want, and only laws stopped them from doing it anywhere, but I think the majority don't think much about it besides they are addicted and can't stop, although many want to. Addictions aren't easy to break, whether its drugs, alcohol, sugar (food) or cigarettes. I don't think my dad realized how much second hand hurt his family, but with 3 packs a day, he was surely addicted.
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