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Everything posted by fredwiggy

  1. The links you post are theories. No one has ever proven medications don't work.
  2. I've been reading both sides for the last 30 plus years, and it still remains the same. You can find links supporting both side, and you only post these because that's your belief. You are going by what some say and disregarding what others say because it makes sense to you, which doesn't mean it's right because again, they have been proven to work, as placebos, and psychotherapy have. Everyone responds to things differently. Some have been suicidal and medication has helped them. Some have taken meds and become suicidal. Drugs aren't the first choice but one of the choices. All should be used to see what works. If SSRI"s work for someone, and when they're stopped, the depression returns, who's to say they weren't working? I know this by reading 3 books on depression, seeing family and friends suffer from it, and seen meds work for some while others responded by getting them out of a toxic environment and psychotherapy. Theories are still theories, and others make opinions based on what they see work.
  3. Well, you're wrong and have little idea what depression is all about. Looking for links to prove your point, which is a guess, isn't working. There are many doctors who believe in one route or another, which shows they are still in the dark on what works and what doesn't. Placebos have worked, and so have medicines. Personal observation has proven this thousands of times, and I'm guessing you don't personally know anyone who's tried either treatment and are just arguing again, for the sake of arguing. By the way, you can't educate someone who's spent the last 30 plus years researching the subject. You can only argue your side because it's your way of thinking which comes from the same sources everyone has, which show arguments for both sides. Science can be right or wrong, depending on who's doing the work. Some people are gullible and believe what some scientists say. I go by what I see working, and then make a conclusion. No one has proven depression isn't caused by chemical imbalance, hence the millions that are still prescribed medications, and the many that are helped by them,. Theories are just that. Until proven or disproved, they're still theories.
  4. That was one I wrote about. I've known at least 50 people in my life, including three here, and two other family members, who have clinical depression, and heard about many more through friends, and a doctor friend. Placebos did help some, maybe 5 or 6, but the rest responded to regular medications.
  5. Another online troller, assuming he knows someone from a few posts. I'm guessing that you are what, 18 to 23?This kind of arguing, which I've seen you doing in most if not al of your posts, is like a teenager expressing their angst.
  6. My own cousin was suffering from severe depression for most of his adult life, and it hurt his marriage. He went to a doctor, who prescribed an SSRI. After a couple of weeks, with no other lifestyle changes made, his mood improved dramatically, and he had a normal life from then on. That was many years ago when he started. Proof that sometimes theories work.
  7. A woman has more nerve endings in the clitoris than most anywhere else, and double that of a penis. My definition of sex? All I said is that she (he) didn't feel anything down below, as in the fake vagina. Maybe a little pressure, but not like a woman will.
  8. Still arguing for just the sake. I've researched depression for 30 years and fully understand the in's and out's of this disease. I said it was a theory that medications help, although they have been proven to balance brain chemicals. If this is what helped the person's depression, that's good, but it's sometimes changing the lifestyle, psychotherapy to get to the root cause if possible, and teaching the person not to over think, which is a symptom of depression and anxiety. Changing your thoughts to positive ones helps. There is evidence that medications help, and like I mentioned, I know 5 that have benefited by only adding that to their lives. Some doctors believe they help, some don't, some aren't sure, just like with every other ailment. Positive thinking always helps people who are ill. Medications help with the symptoms of depression, which is one step towards feeling better. People who have severe depression don't want to do anything at times, and staying still and thinking too much or sleeping too much isn't helping anything. You relieve some symptoms, it's easier to manage depression so you can have a more stable life.
  9. So you had sex with a man. That's okay, a lot do. And since there aren't any nerve endings in that place like a woman has, she (he) didn't feel anything.
  10. Do you know what a theory is, instead of arguing just for the sake of arguing? I personally know of 5 people that medication has helped tremendously, those that have suffered for years............https://www.healthline.com/health/chemical-imbalance-in-the-brain#causes
  11. That's why I said thought of as, because research is always going on, and imbalances in brain chemicals do cause problems. You can look it up if you'd like, instead of always asking for links.
  12. Except it says he's a female, and trollers usually get found out eventually. Some just want or need help.
  13. Those with depression always turn to quick fixes to feel better. Sex, spending, gambling, eating, sleeping too much, alcohol, drugs, self medicating. It only lasts awhile, then it's back to "normal" once again. Depression is thought of as an imbalance of brain chemicals, serotonin and norepinephrine and dopamine, neurotransmitters, and that medications such as SSRI'S will sometimes help. Sometimes they work, sometimes they have to be changed, sometimes they stop working. Depression is a complex problem. Sometimes it comes from a drastic life event, a death in the family, lost job, too many things at one time causing too much stress. This passes, but clinical depression goes on. It will be persistent, but sometimes mild and not severe. Psychotherapy helps, as talking always helps those with issues regarding low self esteem, loss of pleasure in things you normally like. Doing things you like helps your moods, and staying away from toxic people also lowers your stress. Exercise, eating right, sex, sharing with friends, traveling, all help but only temporarily. You still have to stop to think, and over thinking is a sign of depression and doesn't help matters. If you take meds, it isn't a good idea to combine them with alcohol or other recreational and some prescription drugs. There are mental health hospitals throughout Thailand which have qualified doctors, so that's the first step. I'm including a link that will help with the subject......................https://www.verywellmind.com/the-chemistry-of-depression-1065137
  14. I was responding to what he said, which I'm sure meant in a general sense, which is wrong. Men can do some things a woman can't and vice-versa, but it doesn't make them superior as people. This contest should have never had a man in it. I'm really not a fan of such things, but the women usually are very pretty and shaped, and have something positive going for them, so think of how the rest of the group of women felt, losing to a man. I have nothing against people doing what they want, as long as it doesn't negatively affect others, and not meaning their egos. I have gays in my family, and that's their choice, even though I'm against it morally. As far as being a judge, and not seeing the others, the second place is a lot more feminine looking and prettier. The winner does have mannish features, which isn't the mark of a pretty women.
  15. And you wouldn't be here without them. Men aren't superior to women. That's a narcissists thinking. Everyone is equal and the only thing that makes one inferior is how they treat others.
  16. More caring doctors who thoroughly monitor their patients and what they initially give them. People overdose because they complain that the medicine isn't working, when a lot want to be numb. Fentanyl is given and kills thousands yearly, so it's use should be curtailed or stopped. My ex wife is an example of over prescribing. She did have health problems and pain, but complained constantly that the medicines weren't working well, this after being prescribed Fentanyl AND Vicodin, Morphine or Dilaudid for "breakout " pain, which is another way of saying I feel better when I feel nothing. She died last year from a heart attack, at age 62, and I'm sure all the medicines they gave her only hurt her more than helped. Her doctor always kept filling her prescriptions with only a few minute visit, not taking into account the stress they were putting on her body. This happens daily everywhere, because they aren't willing to do their job and follow up with tests, talk sessions and monitoring. I didn't have any response to your question regarding costs, only provided a link. Money lost always has to be accounted for someway.
  17. Opioids. When money is to be made, people do anything to get past what's moral and legal. This from one source........ Having the federal government lower drug prices directly—whether by negotiating with manufacturers or unilaterally setting prices—would save money for governments, employers, and consumers, but constitute a major policy initiative that turns away from reliance on market forces. Because of high U.S. prices, drug companies generate an estimated three-quarters of worldwide drug company profits in the United States. That means not only that U.S. consumers pay a lot, but also that reducing U.S. drug prices would lower manufacturer revenue and return on investment, likely cutting funding for development of new drugs, with a slowing of innovation.
  18. Because he already got paid, and it's an automatic statement, just like prescribing medicines, some of which kill thousands yearly.
  19. Best answer. My brother died 4 years ago from a heart attack at age 66. He had type 2 and was overweight. The doctors, as well as I and his family, asked him to lose weight but he loved to eat. He was around 260lbs(117kg). He, nor anyone else in my family I know of, never had heart problems, until this diabetes turned to type 2. Then , of course without any weight loss, he developed heart problems. His resting pulse and blood pressures were always very low like my own, yet he had to start taking heart medicine. he rarely exercised anymore, was always on the computer, and one day when he came home, he fell to the floor and was gone, found by his son. I have been bodybuilding about 50 years now, and eating very healthy all that time, including before that. My weight has been 168-175 (76-79kg) all that time, recently 168 because living here I can't get to the gym as often and have lost some muscle. Always have a six pack. The only other family member I remember that had diabetes was my aunt, my dad's sister, and now my son, who's 32. He is always very active and has eaten good all his life, so there's that genetic thing. I tested my blood sugar, for the first time in years, last year when I visited back home, at his house. It was 80. Tested twice, the same. My ex wife's mom here weighs maybe 85 lbs (38 kg), has type 2 for many years, daily insulin, without checking but once a month (unlike daily in the states). She has eaten white rice for all her life, as has my ex wife 120 lbs (54kg), who also developed diabetes tw years ago. Other family members also have it. My ex takes metformin for now. Most Thais are farmers, and work long days outside, eating basically the same Thai diet all their lives, which is high in complex carbs. Carbohydrates aren't the problem, they raise blood sugar slowly. White rice is the problem, high on the glycemic scale, and it raises blood sugar rapidly., which isn't good for a diabetic. Thailand has a high incidence of diabetes, about 1 in 10 adults diagnosed, because of this and genetics, along with those that are now accustomed to drinking the ever present sugar drinks and western junk food. Thais still are active for the most part, but obesity has been rising yearly because of the preponderance of introduced junk food and sugary drinks. Not all processed food is bad for health. Much has to be processed to be safe. Adding sugar and salt is from companies that want to sell the food, as they know people get addicted to sugar and salt.
  20. Guess you've never spent any time in the US to make such a statement. I was there 62 years, and rarely saw a policeman pull out his weapon unless threatened with a weapon. Sold guns for years also, talked with thousands of policemen, hunters and regular citizens. If you count the actual police calls made and see, most keep their weapons holstered. Of course, some police are plain power hungry and unstable, just like everywhere, and they give the rest a bad name.
  21. You also, as you respond pretty often. This is Isaan, kid at school, not a drinker but socially on weekends, gym doesn't open until 14:00, one of the most boring places on earth, so it's either music, movies or here on computer. More Christians than any other believers, but if you divide into religions, Catholics yes are the majority of Christians. Muslims follow as far as numbers behind Christians. Atheists or agnostics are about 7% of worlds population.
  22. Making up things isn't how things are proven. Scientists have many reason why the universe is expanding, but no proof how it originated. If you read what I've been saying, and understand what I've said, it's ours, as Christians, the over 2 billion believers, that God created everything. Some scientists believe in the RNA principle, a hypothesis, and that DNA came from this. A guess. Some believe that life might have originated on Mars, and came here from meteorites. A guess. Many scientists believe that God made everything, and that the universe was started in one place, and is expanding as we speak. maybe it is, but again, God started things, which shows that those scientists still had the sense to believe in a creator. I find it hard to believe in Noah's Ark, but with God, who can create the universe from his mind, anything's possible. There is evidence that the whole world was never under water, but the whole world wasn't inhabited by humans back then. Hubble himself made a guess that the universe was expanding. He made observations that he "interpreted" that this was happening. Might be true, as others have followed and said. Everything goes back to where I said, matter can't come from nothing. I didn't say a particular scientist made such a claim. I have faith, you don't, period. What we as Christians believe doesn't correlate to your accepted way of thinking. You came to this conclusion because something happened in your life where you lost faith. You said your parents were both religious, meaning they must have passed that thinking down to their child(ren), IF they cared enough about their kids. I didn't grow up with you, so I can't assume what happened there. Sometimes a mean, abusive parent will use religion to "teach" their kids discipline, the fear of God, and the belt if you don't listen. Sometimes a child may have no real relationship with his or her parents, who are religious, and they'll think,"what's the use believing in God if you end up that way"? Many will lose a family member or dear friend and blame a God that's heartless and cruel, not understanding that when that person died, it was his time to leave earth and be with God. Of course wanting that person back isn't being selfish, but if there is a God, and you're a believer, going on to heaven is a much better place than this earth by far. Like I said, we only live a very short time, and the difference between 90 years and 5 is negligible compared to forever. As far as what would I say to a parent that let's their child go wild and do stupid things while under their care, "You shouldn't have had children if you didn't care enough about them to teach them the difference between right and wrong, respect for elders, animals, other people and yourself, and that there is a higher power".
  23. You sure extract some strange things from what people say. I haven't threatened anyone. Making a joke out of what you've been saying, that either God doesn't exist or you'll spit in his evil face because you're better then him, is just that. You don't believe, nor for that matter, care what happens to you when you die. I am an empath, if you know what that means. For your benefit, it's the opposite of a narcissist. It means I care about others, that I have feelings for others pain, can put myself into others shoes ,and would never hurt anyone that didn't try and hurt me or my friends and family. You can use google again if you wish. You have been acting the part of a malignant narcissist, believing you are superior to others (you're not), smarter than I (you're not, and that's not an hypothesis, it's coming from observation on what you say), arrogant, just like a narcissist acts, trying to control others, which you can't do here, as I'm well aware of narcissism and why others act the part. Again, if you actually care to read and understand what I've been posting, I believe in God, that the universe had to be created, that matter, which comprises everything in our universe cannot come from nothing, that it came from God, our creator. That's plain common sense thinking. I don't believe what scientists say, just because they are scientists. Granted, a lot of them are smart in their fields, and do it because they are into whatever particular subject they choose, and they get grants and money from corporations, government and development agencies to help with research that will benefit some or all of us. This doesn't make them infallible, nor does it make me and others believe everything they say, because that would make us gullible. I'm not saying they're doing it all for the money, and to get paid, but that is a motivation, along with a desire to help. I've actually been doing the part of a Christian, making you think about what I've been saying, because as a Christian, it's my duty to tell others about God. What they do with that information is up to them. I do hate people, which I know is wrong, that intentionally hurt others, like child molesters, rapists, human traffickers, crooked police, politicians, judges,and lawyers, and those who rape the earth for profit., because after all, I'm human, and don't like when others take advantage of the innocents. I do wish God would intervene but that's not his deal. He gave us free will to live whatever way we choose, and in my thinking, diseases, natural catastrophes and the like, are his way of trying to wake us up. He's always been in charge, and pride and ego makes people think otherwise. I can't prove God exists, and you can't prove the universe just happened. Faith is believing in something you can't see. I want to go to heaven, as this world has shown more evil than good to me in 66 years, and if God can create everything from his mind, surely he can create a place with peace, love and no more pain. People make the problems on earth, not God.
  24. As I mentioned earlier, ignorant, and also a zealot, one who is determined to get their point across, that another who is replying on faith, is yes, passionate about that faith, but by no means fanatical.
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