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Everything posted by fredwiggy
My marriage is heading south. Dont know what to do.
fredwiggy replied to advancebooking's topic in Marriage and Divorce
And arrogant, narcissistic alpha males are the reason our planet has been going south for generations. A woman can have a high IQ, be worldly intelligent, and still not understand men. They continue to pick these idiots, thinking that their genetics will make them superior children. I have seen too many times to count, may children born with disabilities coming from two "beautiful" people. I've read 65 books and countless articles, trying to understand the other side, children and how to raise them, mental illnesses and the damage they do to some, and still fall victim to attraction. This reading has made me understand more how a woman thinks, and what mental illnesses do to relationships, but when you're living it, your love and attraction to someone overcomes common sense, at least for awhile. Women sometimes want what they think is good, all the time knowing a "beta" male is a better pick for a partner and father for the children, yet after generations, they still fall into the same trap. Especially here, where men aren't held accountable for the children they make, you would think after being told by moms, dads and friends that bad men aren't a good choice, they would pick better partners. They don't. You see fatherless children by the thousands. Kids growing up without a dad's protection and guidance, and teaching them how to relate to men when they are older. The best example a child can see is how her dad treats her mom. This has been lost to many here and everywhere else. -
There you go again, assuming you know what I know. It makes you look very arrogant, ignorant, and incapable of seeing the truth. You don't know what I know, nor what I research and spend my time on. My mind is always open to finding out the truth about things I am interested in, and until it's proven beyond a reasonable doubt, I'm skeptical. How do you know what I do or don't understand? Are you that ignorant to think you actually know anyone on this forum or what knowledge they have on a particular subject from just a few words, opinions or saying I was good at science in high school? Do you not realize I can google things like you have to learn more about present science? Do you actually think everything some scientists say is factual? Please explain what you are trying to prove. Was the universe not created and just happened, and what proof is there? Theories of expansion are theories. Who is capable of understanding the reality of existence? Where is their proof? What don't I accept that has been proven as fact? You believe what others have said, without any proof. That's being gullible. I believe when something has been proven as factual. Basically, what you are saying is that there is no creator, that the universe was made from an explosion , and that all matter what made out of nothing? Do you know that some scientists believe in God? That one poll of scientists said there was a 67% possibility God existed. Wouldn't that disprove a lot of their theories, at least to some? Most mathematicians believe there is a heaven. Where would this heaven come from if there wasn't a God. Lastly, why do YOU not believe in God. There are reasons like I explained earlier. You can follow others opinions like many do. I go by faith and common sense. You will see when you die who was right. God won't be happy with what you believe in, and he'll tell you so right then and there. Until that time comes, don't assume anymore. makes you look ignorant.
My marriage is heading south. Dont know what to do.
fredwiggy replied to advancebooking's topic in Marriage and Divorce
Kids can surely be brainwashed, as mine did for awhile, against the other parent by a vindictive, angry, inconsiderate jerk, but if the kids have contact, no matter how little, and when they get older, they can hear the other side, and more of the truth, and then realize they were duped, they can have a relationship with you, because that is what they want, unless they are so bitter by what they were told, they can't turn their thinking around and open their heart to what's real. -
My marriage is heading south. Dont know what to do.
fredwiggy replied to advancebooking's topic in Marriage and Divorce
I've been searching all of my adult life for the right one, and kept falling in love with the wrong ones. I have a nice, honest, faithful girlfriend now, who was hurt by family and her husband and she's taken quite awhile to realize I'm in this to stay. She stayed with a man that did almost nothing as far as being a husband, father or provider until he passed away.Trust doesn't come easy to those damaged by fools. My ex was very pretty and did the wife things, as far as intimacy, cooking, cleaning around the house and helping at her mom's farm, very well, but communication wasn't there well because of her lack of English understanding., her being a covert narcissist, coming from an abusive and neglectful childhood, and depression. It led to misunderstandings and her actually kidnapping our child 4 times before I'd had enough of the nonsense and filed, to get my daughter back home, where I now have joint custody (living with me now while mom works elsewhere),until it's time for us to leave back to my real home, where my daughter will do much better. She wants to come back, but I don't return to someone I don't trust. She has a boyfriend now that's a local that abuses her, so I guess karma hit. -
To the contrary, I understand science very well, and always aced on it in school, and am always open to learning new things about space and our planet, but that doesn't mean I'll ever accept a concept that the universe just happened and there wasn't a creator. You, like a couple of others here, are assuming you know what others know by just a few typed words and opinions. You don't. And there are many extremely intelligent "ordinary" people on this earth, and all scientists aren't geniuses., and always right. An hypothesis is a educated guess, an assumption, just like other assumptions, some of which aren't educated.
And it doesn't mean we are wrong either. And if an ordinary person who knew nothing of God or science was asked how all this came to be, common sense would say it was created by someone, meaning an entity that had the ability to create, and didn't just happen, because matter, which comprises everything in the universe, cannot just happen from nothing. Simple terms yes, but always a better explanation. Most people that are non believers have suffered a loss in their lives, and told themselves, if there was a God, he wouldn't let this happen. Or maybe a family member that abused them pushed religion down their throats until they turned against it. Or maybe a Catholic priest molested them, and they said, A God would not allow such things to happen. A few reasons to turn away, and millions of daily wonders to believe. Freedom to choose is what he gives us. I've known quite a few atheists in my lifetime, and all of them had doubts, and most suffered a loss they just knew couldn't happen if there was a God
Amazing how ignorant you are, again assuming, which is a huge sign of ignorance if you didn't already know. Gravity is a theory and a law, for your sake to maybe learn instead of posting your opinions. You again, are going by what some scientists have said, which is gullible. Having some evidence means they have a clue, having proof means proven. Having a gaseous atmosphere doesn't mean it can support life, and I assume you knew this? You can choose to not to believe in God, although we as believers have faith. His proof is in what we see daily. If you think all of the universe's and world's wonders, the different species, how the earth is exactly the right distance from the sun for life to exist, the human brain and body and the bodies of animals, and how they work, regarding food, air and water, and somehow think this all happened by itself, that's a lack of common sense. There are sadly many like you out there, that can't think for themselves and have to be followers of other humans. You, and the rest of the non believers, that have maybe been hurt by someone in their childhoods, who pushed religion on you in an abusive way, or maybe lost a friend or family member and said no way a God would allow this, will all find out when you pass, and then it might be too late to understand where you went wrong. And by the way it's spelled illiterate. And laughing to yourself doesn't help your cause.
We , meaning for your sake, the over 2 billion believers
Big Bang is a theory. One that hasn't been proven. I didn't say no scientists claimed there was nothing before this Big Bang, which may or may not have happened. I said matter has to come from something. This from one place.................. Today, the consensus among scientists, astronomers and cosmologists is that the Universe as we know it was created in a massive explosion that not only created the majority of matter, but the physical laws that govern our ever-expanding cosmos.............................. My theory is one of common sense, that matter was created, and since there are a few billion who believe in God, they, along with I, believe that God created everything, which makes more sense than a Big Bang that just happened to create our universe. How did this Big Bang happen, if it wasn't from God? There are more theories about the universes creation. We as believers think that God created the heavens and the earth, meaning the universe also. Or did God create some things and the rest just happened?Try not to assume what others you've never met know. You are being naive if you believe in a scientist or two that made guesses. Yes, many scientists know quite a lot about space, and what is out there. But no one knows anything about why or how it happened beyond just assuming. Some assume there is the possibility of life on planets outside of our solar system. This without seeing the planets or knowing if they have an atmosphere. Some believe these scientists because they have been right on other things. Some of us are skeptical, and for good reason. If you believed in God, you would understand his power.
My marriage is heading south. Dont know what to do.
fredwiggy replied to advancebooking's topic in Marriage and Divorce
I had three marriages that didn't work. Other girlfriends we parted company amicably, future plans weren't the same, as many do when things don't seem to be going in the same direction. You failed once, and you say your kids don't want to talk to you because your wife didn't allow this. We know different don't we? My children talk to me weekly, with the exception of one, who went to live with my first wife and has not done well in her relationships with men, and doesn't talk much to any of us because my ex is a very disturbed individual, and when you stay long enough with that kind, your thinking is skewed. When a relationship that isn't meant to last ends, it isn't a failure. It brings a chance for a better one the next time. Staying with the wrong person for any reason doesn't help anyone, including the children. Getting to know someone for many months is a lot better way of knowing if you're compatible. I didn't do that in a few relationships and it didn't work out because of that. You said you only failed once. Was your ex wife your only relationship with a woman? If not, how did the others end? And bringing God into this because in other posts I have told of my belief? God is always on your side, unless you turn your back on him. Then you have nothing, because most things in life end, and of course your life ends eventually. If you don't have God when that happens, you will see what happens, because we all talk to God eventually. -
My marriage is heading south. Dont know what to do.
fredwiggy replied to advancebooking's topic in Marriage and Divorce
You disagreeing means nothing. Your relationships are transactions, besides the one where you left your kids in England ,saying your wife stopped you from seeing them, which is as we all know, BS. You can always see your children unless you have abused them to the point where the court doesn't allow visitation, which is very extreme, because some will still get supervised. No, you gave up on them, so your opinion here means absolutely nothing. I, along with millions of others, have had failed marriages because I picked the wrong partner. I got custody of my children because I was,and am, a good father, and I was always, including now, good to my wives and now girlfriend. Attraction to women doesn't mean you don't make mistakes ,and staying with the wrong partner happens to most of us, as most relationships either fail or those that stay are miserable. Trying to understand the other side by reading countless books and articles means one thing. I care enough to have a good relationship with the right partner, and I don't purchase them. All relationships are not transactions like you believe. What you live isn't what everyone else lives. You disagreeing with me shows me, by your lifestyle also, that you don't understand what does go on in a normal relationship between a man and a woman, but only pay for your pleasure and her greed. I am good to my partners, and treat them as equals, and do more than my share of work raising the kids and household duties, along with looking at my partner as a partner, and not an object for my pleasure. And by the way, I initiated all three divorces, and the second and third didn't want them, and the third still wants to come back. The second one died last year. You aren't even in the race pal. -
My marriage is heading south. Dont know what to do.
fredwiggy replied to advancebooking's topic in Marriage and Divorce
I, nor anyone else, knows everything about anything. I have 6 children, so I'm in a position to understand the variables of parenting. Being a stepfather does give you some semblance of understanding, if you raised the children from birth to adulthood. You may indeed know some about children. I can only go from what you've said in the past.True, people lie, here and everywhere, so the truth is sometimes not in a few typed words. -
And they are also ,like you, making guesses. Educated guesses yes, but still guesses. A thousand years ago, we didn't have space exploration, world travel, satellites, powerful telescopes and computers. We've come a long way, our scientists have, but they are still making guesses on a lot of things. A scientist excels in a field which you nor I are facile, and they can deduce a lot of things that we for now, cannot. It doesn't mean they are right with everything. They have not proven in any way that the universe was created with a big bang, and to you it might not make sense that we have a creator, but to millions of us, it does. We cannot yet prove it also, but like I mentioned, faith is what we go by, not other's guesses, even if they carry some possibilities. Matter can not come from nothing, period. Everything in this universe is composed of matter, electrons, protons, neutrons-- atoms. If it doesn't make sense to you, you are believing other, imperfect humans on what they believe to be true. Science is there to prove things to be true. Doesn't always work. God makes sense to me, because matter had to be created.
As far as I believe, and it's over our heads, God was always here. I don't like to think about it, because we all think of everything having a beginning and an end. I believe there is life on other planets, but were they far more intelligent and more civil, where they didn't need Jesus to come and save them from themselves? There was obviously Homo Habilis, Neanderthal, Homo Erectus, and others before Homo Sapiens, but I'm guessing God put them there for our history. Was there an Adam and Eve? Possibly, and did God allow incest for our future? Did he create other races at the Tower of Babel, to help us accommodate to different climes? God can create a universe and everything in it, he can do anything. That's what we believe. And that's for another topic
My marriage is heading south. Dont know what to do.
fredwiggy replied to advancebooking's topic in Marriage and Divorce
Why would you ask an 80 year old why they are on steroids? What positive outcome would there be? HGH maybe, which helps older individuals, although it has risks also. -
Actually, a creator makes the most sense anyway. I'm not a fanatic, whatever that means to you, but a believer. No one has a better explanation. Believing a scientist because they might have some knowledge in things scientific doesn't give them leeway to be right on other things. Hypotheses are still guesses, although educated ones, but still open to be proven wrong. If one sits down and thinks about all that goes into every species on earth, the world itself, what is necessary for all species to survive, the human brain ,the universe and all we actually know that aren't guesses, it makes sense that it has to have been created, and all that is here didn't come from one "bang". Some are gullible and believe scientists for one reason or another, and some believe that there is a God because of what we've seen since birth, and of all of the variables of everything that exists. To end this argument, which cannot be proven either way, everyone will see when they die what the truth is, and some might be disappointed.
What country are you referring to? In America, it's been Memphis, Baton Rouge, Detroit, Phoenix and others leading the pack. . Dominican Republic, South Africa, Thailand , Central Africa Republic, Vietnam, Malaysia, The US, are among the worst countries.
matter, material, articles, or activities of a specified or indeterminate kind that are being referred to, indicated, or implied.
I'm not being deceitful. I meant the scientists that say there was a Big Bang, meaning everything came from a singularity, which is matter. Matter can not come from nothing. Guessing there has been more than one universe is an opinion, a guess. If there were more than one God, you would see evidence of them fighting for control. Our only God chooses to remain silent. It's called our faith, and isn't a subject for this post. You have your opinion, and you will see for yourself when you pass, and then it might be too late for you.
I like the one where millions of people believe scientists that say the universe, which is all matter, just happened to come from nothing. Matter created from nothing. That it came from a singularity,a speck of matter, but what created that singularity, or did it just "happen". A lot of us know better, although you could say that's others opinions. Could be, but who wants to take that chance, because the outcome is permanent either way?
An opinion, a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge. Links can be others opinions also. Facts are proven.
There are a lot of people using this forum, and you'll get a lot of opinions, and some good or bad advice. Anyone can make an opinion, and that's all it is, an opinion. It could be right or wrong. Some here are knowledgeable about certain subjects, and they aren't giving their opinion but a reply that is fact based. Some will answer after they have researched, because they want to add their two cents worth, or maybe to help by looking up facts about a subject., and they truly want to be helpful. Many will use emojis to express their opinion without thinking things through. Some use them to insult, then use a smiling emoji to try and counter that insult with a deflection from that insult, although it is still the same. Some are too lazy, or busy to reply, and use an emoji to answer a post because it's a quick answer. Some use a confused emoji because the post actually is confusing to them, or that it's again, an insult, thinking if they say they're confused, it's them thinking you're the one that's wrong. Lastly, some are narcissists, and they always think they're right, and replying with an emoji is a cheap answer saying you're wrong, because of course they are right.
My marriage is heading south. Dont know what to do.
fredwiggy replied to advancebooking's topic in Marriage and Divorce
If you read what he posted, it explains what his wife is doing as far as valuing his opinion regarding their daughter. That is one of the problems in relationships, and it leads to more. His daughter might come across as not valuing his presence because she relates better to her mother, who might be overbearing and scary to her, whereas her dad might be the gentle, quieter one, and not the one in control here. How can one person feel the same emotions as another? They are two separate people, and one is 9 years old, which means she doesn't have near the emotional intelligence as an adult would. She is listening to her mother, and doing what she says. And some parents shouldn't be parents, and lead some children to their demise. Living your life through your children isn't a good thing for either party. Wanting your kids to succeed is normal. Pushing them for your own agenda isn't. -
Brazen Daylight Robbery Thwarted by Surveillance and Quick Police Action
fredwiggy replied to webfact's topic in Pattaya News
Beating a child to teach only teaches that violence is the answer. My ex did this also, going to her daughter's school after she stole money from my wallet, maybe 200 baht. I told her before she left to just wait until she came home, and ground her for a few days, with an explanation why. She went to her school, and beat on her in front of the class. I understood where she learned this when she said her dad used to hit first and ask questions later, and when she hit me 6 times for no reason besides being mad at others, me for something very small that didn't warrant hitting and her lack of self control in many other situations. Take away their cell phones awhile. That hurts more than anything and teaches them that what they did was wrong and deserved punishment.Millions of kids here rarely see their parents anyway, with grandma left in charge with her form of discipline.