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Everything posted by fredwiggy

  1. No, it's the reason we all aren't living in a Nazi or Japanese regime.
  2. That isn't a logical comparison because it wouldn't happen. Killing isn't cool by any means, but it's necessary to protect the innocent. Thinking otherwise means you favor the predator. Take the movies Taken and Last Blood for example. This kind of thing happens every day in a lot of countries, girls and boys being kidnapped for sex slavery. If this happened to any child, I would retaliate if I could. If it happened to my child, no one would walk away. Simple, as they aren't humans anyway and have no purpose on earth, and extermination is necessary to protect the innocents. Mai pen rai doesn't work in those situations.
  3. You need to read all of my posts to respond the right way . I'm not deflecting. I responded to someone who said this was a man on steroids having rage. I said it doesn't take steroids to make a person have rage, as I mentioned about people who gang up 5 against 1 being one example. If you read what I wrote, you'll see I'm against violence against women, using self defense if necessary to stop a situation from escalating. I know this man was an idiot.
  4. This from medical news is probably the best response........... Depression is a lifelong condition, as there is no cure. However, this does not necessarily mean that it will affect a person every day of their life. With the right treatment plan, remission is possible. The treatment plan may need adjusting throughout a person’s life. Depression is one of the most treatable mental health conditions. Between 80% and 90% of people with depression respond well to treatment, meaning that they see an improvement in their symptoms or the symptoms disappear. This means medicine can help treat the symptoms, although depression is a lifelong disease which can go into remission, as I have seen it happen many times with many people I personally know.
  5. Then she would have to be hurt, but this isn't the same as hitting a woman because you're just pissed off at her or something. Self defense is justifiable anywhere. If not, who cares, because to save a child you do anything you need to. That means taking out anyone on earth with no regrets.
  6. Overweight because of more muscle isn't considered overweight.
  7. This line is where you keep burying yourself,"At least for me there is no rule that whatever women do, guys can never ever react with violence". Violence is never necessary, and if you can do it by just pushing the woman away or bringing her to the ground without hurting her, that's self defense. If a woman was hurting my child, I would make sure she was stopped, but that still doesn't mean you have to slug her. You can control a situation unless of course the woman is stronger than you. In that case, you walk away or just block and move, and don't let her get her hands on you, as there are some really strong women out there. It's rarely a strong woman that gets into fights. It's usually the big mouth beatches that are also narcissistic, unstable and drunk that are the ones into fighting, so you avoid them.
  8. Bodybuilders aren't unattractive until they go overboard. Even then it's better than being overweight but they are doing it for their own reasons. Weight training is the best way to get into shape and being strong, along with swimming and cycling because they're resistance exercises.
  9. This is mainly due to the lack of fathers in households. A father missing and a boy doesn't have a role model besides his dopey friends, who are much in the same predicament. You see this when 5 go against 1 armed with sticks. This is a cowardly action because they cannot fight without being armed, in groups or kicking, and these aren't Muay Thai fighters. they kick because they don't want to hurt their hands. And, if a girl has no father present, or an abusive or neglectful one, she has only bad experiences to learn about how a man should act. And getting pregnant by a jerkoff that's going to leave is usually what happens here. No one is teaching them how to act like men or ladies.
  10. I've noticed many times you stick up for women being hit in a round about way. They lie, they aren't always the victim, let them be equal everywhere, etc, kinda like they deserve getting hit if they hit you. I agree that a woman who hurts a man or child deserves punishment, but jail is a better place to learn. Also the loss of money. But hitting them back is still the act of a coward and not a man. Believe me, my ex deserved something for what she did to me but I'm hoping karma does it's job. I see women fighting and they can get evil, but leave it to them. Whatever this woman said, it didn't warrant him throwing her to the ground. No matter what the story was, no. If she hurt his child physically, still better to see her in jail, because it's a good place for a child abuser to end up, for there is justice served.
  11. Many take them without doing a doctor visit and re evaluation periodically, and that spells dangerous. This is why I didn't think of it. I wanted to be as strong as possible without drugs. I was as strong as many of the steroid users, although they were bigger. I didn't want to think of the side effects many were getting, so I didn't do them. I have enough joint problems because of the extreme weights, I didn't need more.
  12. Veins close to the surface means low body fat. Everyone has the same type of body as everyone else, but those who work out have muscles that have responded to stress, which makes them grow bigger and stronger if proper nutrition and rest are also there. Everyone has a six pack but most aren't seen because of extra fat . I've had veins in my arms all the time, a little less now because the gym near me doesn't open until 2 PM and it's a little inconvenient, for now, but the veins come from exercise and low body fat, as you can see many skinny farmers here that are mostly muscle because of the long days, not a lot of food, and a lot of sun. I always get on my daughters and son about the tattoos, but they like them.
  13. Some go too far for the chance at a trophy, for being the most muscular. Of course this takes steroid use to compete, and that's their deal. Most bodybuilders don't compete. It has nothing to do with brain size or intelligence but desire to win. Just like athletes that use drugs for football, soccer, running or cycling. I lifted very heavy weights, especially for my frame, and am now paying the price with sore joints, but I still work out to stay strong and healthy, along with diet, which is 75% of what you look like. It isn't disfiguring your body to be muscular, as the opposite of this is obesity. Going too far is not needed. As far as tattoos, everyone in my family has them besides me and my 7 year old daughter. Even my dad had one. I don't know why they do, but it's up to them. It's not the same with women back in the US as it is here. Here, mostly bar girl types have them.
  14. I've seen them in the rear seat many times, where they can lunge ahead and grab the steering wheel. I've also seen them sitting in the back of the pickup, right next to officers who have handguns in reach. This is an accident waiting to happen, as one just did.
  15. Again, since many who don't understand weight training and what happens when you work out hard. This man isn't that muscular anyway, and I, along with thousands I've trained, have gained muscle just by eating right and working out, without steroids. Blaming steroids for this is like blaming alcohol for what it does. It's still the person. Yes, steroids do make some people more aggressive. but not all, and there are untold millions of men who are aggressive by nature, who are loose cannons, will hit with little provocation, who abuse women and children, along with animals, just because they are pissed off at something. Look to the daily news, including today, with 20 beating one man with sticks, and you'll see that many who aren't on steroids will hurt others.
  16. People who have depression hide it from others, many being ashamed that they have this disease, when it has nothing to do with them but their family history. You believe that meds hurt them. I know meds have helped millions stay alive and live better lives. It takes experimentation, like guinea pigs, to find what one works. Many give up because they try one and since it didn't work, or things got worse, they stop. Many stop their medications because they start to help them, and they think it will last. It doesn't . The brain doesn't not heal itself if it has this disease called clinical depression. We aren't again talking about temporary depression which most get for one reason or another. The wrong medication for any illness will not work. The right one might make a life better. Depression does not go away, so it has to be treated, forever. No one has come up with anything besides some pills that treat the symptoms, and that's all we have now.
  17. You would be very surprised if you knew just how much I have read on this subject. Daily, for over 30 years adds up to a lot of reading, listening and watching, from every author you could imagine. The fact based ones who actually are doing experiments, the scientists you would call them, the ones who listen to such scientists and write books, the psychologists and psychiatrists that evaluated millions of clients, and also the ones who make personal opinions because they watched a friend die using meds, or they tried one and it didn't work out, so they are against all meds., or they are Satan worshipers who want all people confused.
  18. And millions of people, many of them here, going 5 against 1, attacking them in the streets, armed with sticks and machetes, who aren't taking steroids but are mentally unstable.
  19. Like many others who take one sentence out of a paragraph and comment on it, you're leaving out the rest of what I said.
  20. Where the hell do you get everyone knows about anything? There are millions of people that do not understand about depression. Many of them kill themselves every day. The rest of us, without "proper" studying on the subject, will never understand what they are going through. If everyone knew that depression can be helped without drug intervention, explain to me the millions that are on meds now, and the millions that are still alive due to taking something for the "symptoms", as there is no curer. I will not watch anything you post, as I have read, watched, and listened to far more on the subject than you could ever imagine. Remember, I lived and am living this, with an ex wife, daughter, best friend, cousins, friends and a girlfriend that has depression or died from it. You go by what some person says, and debunk what others, who have written books on the subject say. What makes your person right with their untested theories? If they worked, the whole world would be off medicine, and believe me, you won't find anyone who's more against taking unnecessary medicine than I am. As for anyone else that's reading his words, please take them with a grain of salt, as clinical depression, at least now, has no cure, and people who have tried natural methods have only succeeded because it was temporary environmental or seasonal depression. It's always best to get a good doctors advice, along with research on the latest methods, before you start your own therapy.
  21. No, I'm the one that actually reads books on the subject, and doesn't go to some videos to try to prove a point. Empathy is you actually feeling what they are feeling, putting yourself in their shoes so to speak. Feeling bad for someone is sympathy. You can't feel what she is feeling if you aren't suffering from clinical depression, which she obviously was.
  22. Tell that to the millions that are still here after getting the right prescription. garbage science in your mind? Does this also factor in all the millions who are alive today because of insulin shots and heart medicine? I gave my ex girlfriend St. John's Wort when I saw she had depression. It helped just a little, and when she got on a medicine a doctor she finally saw suggested, she didn't get better but more agitated. The next one helped her tremendously. She had depression most of her adult life, and I saw a psychological she had done when she was a late teenager. It showed suicidal ideations. Her father hung himself from depression, and her mother had it bad. Our daughter has it and has trouble. There are natural things you can do to help with minor depression, but they don't work much with a clinical diagnosis. This is why a doctor has to try other things to prevent them from getting to a suicidal stage. My best friend took his own life back in 1987, way before most knew much about how depression could be treated. He would be still here if he had gotten on something to help with his symptoms, of which there were many. Tell me why you are so vehement on not using medication and say there are other things when you have no proof they work with clinical depression. I'm thinking you are lumping all types of depression together, which many do, not realizing there are various types and some do respond to natural methods of therapy. Some don't, period. Chemical imbalances surely do cause depression, along with many other things, like environment, a faulty mood regulation in the brain,and genetics, which is a major factor in a person having depression. They all tie together meaning somethings going wrong in the brain. Many people have tried homeopathy and ended up committing suicide because what they were doing wasn't as strong as the depression they had. Why must you post links to bolster your argument? Don't you see I already know about all of this, studying it for the last 30 plus years? There are many people making opinions on what works, with little results. What we have now is all we have, at least for now, until they can figure out what a person can take without causing more problems than the depression itself. Saving a person is the main thing right now, before they get so low that they think the only way out is out.
  23. I think you're confusing empathy with sympathy, which aren't the same. Maybe that girl would have benefited from seeing a doctor to see what could have been done to get her mood swings under control, and outrageous behavior.
  24. Actually Thailand has a very high incidence of mental illness, and nowhere near the amount of places you can go for help the US has. There are millions of teenagers suffering from depression here. Doctors here are quick to prescribe Fluoxetine (prozac) although this is only one of the meds available. Depression again cannot be healed naturally. When the brain has a deficiency, you can't put it back with food and exercise. The only thing that can be done, at least for now, is what was mentioned earlier. The huge problem here regarding mental health is thousands of children growing up in a family with no fathers, and sometimes no mothers also, raised by grandmas that haven't the ability or knowledge to do the proper job. Children without stability quickly fall into the drug and alcohol trap, which makes any underlying mental problem much worse.
  25. There isn't any reason besides self gratification. No one here thinks you're a genius, because a lot of us do understand a genius does not have to tell anyone. My father had a genius level IQ and my mom was very smart. This doesn't mean I also have one. Close but no cigar and I know my limitations but couldn't care less. Some things I know a lot about and some very little, the same as everyone else that uses their brain by reading daily.
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