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Everything posted by fredwiggy

  1. Someday I'll go back there, as the fishing and hunting's as good as anywhere.
  2. Proud of those purchases? I hear they're going 3 for the price of 1 in Pattaya today. If you have a printed coupon, you get an extra 1/2 hour free.
  3. Who accepts a drink from a stranger?
  4. There will always be ignorance and prejudice thinking. This is because people weren't taught respect for others in childhood. You'll always have people behind you who know better. Let them be the way they are, and avoid toxic people. They aren't worth your time or worry. Hitler died but there are still those who thought his thinking was good. They're wrong.
  5. Take away the hookers and AC, where would you be?
  6. Is this the one time you went outside your apartment?.........
  7. That excites you the most about Thailand?
  8. Money sure helps change things.
  9. That is because the poor are ignored as much as they can get away with. Tourist areas are always going to be a priority regarding maintenance because it means money.
  10. He's actually right about this. They aren't doing okay and just looking at the road deaths daily, crime with knives and machetes, daily, children passing school while failing or not attending, human trafficking not being punished severely enough, corruption, and many other things that need change. How are things changed? Complaining. If they think things are normal, they'll go along with it. Many protested but things didn't change because they were stopped and their words were ignored. Out with the old school thinking, in with progressive thinking helps everyone.
  11. When something is done that's wrong so many times without consequences, even the locals think there's nothing they can do about it, everyone does it, and has done it for so long, so it never stops. Blasting music any night in an area where people, especially older ones, sleep, is inconsiderate and should be stopped. The same as letting people get away with traffic offenses, daily, all over the country. Of course they'll continue the behavior. Common sense tells any normal person blasting music when people are sleeping is wrong, so those that do it don't give a <deleted>.
  12. To the OP, this is good advice, as sea sickness will really ruin yours and others day if you get it. It can be helped with Dramamine and not eating greasy food before you go, but taking a trip close to shore in windy weather will show you if you can handle it or not. I've fished in the ocean many times and only got a little sick once because i ate a hamburger that wasn't the best. I made myself throw up so i could feel better and it worked, as i never got sick before or after that time. Thailand is over fished close to shore but the further you go out the better. There are billfish out there and they cost money to get out there with them. There are other good fish to catch also. Google charters out of south Thailand.
  13. Days won? Is this a competition? Where have you won anything? Many expats here are bored, although they won't admit it. Goes with the territory. Assuming I have emotional problems while you call others idiots shows it's you that needs attention. problem is, again, there is no cure.
  14. Tell that to the many psychiatrists that have studied millions of mentally ill people who were raised by morons who didn't know how or didn't care about their children, and why the world has most of it's problems today. Calling people leftists is prejudiced. There is nothing wrong with people wanting equality.I don't lash out against anyone who isn't attacking me and calling me an idiot because I proved them wrong before, they don't understand the topic or are so one sided they can't see the truth in others lies. Everyone has issues. Some are mentally ill and need help and some can't be helped, so they continue their attacks because it's what they learned growing up. The more you speak, the more you uncover your true self, so it might be better to just go away, because by now you must have noticed there are only 2 backing you up, and they're Trump supporters also so that's understandable, at least as far as politics are concerned.
  15. It's a description of people who have a disorder. Everyone has narc tendencies, but minor ones, like taking a few selfies but some are raised to be narcissists by abusive or neglectful parents or caretakers and there is no cure. many end up being world leaders as Trump has shown. He is what's called a malignant narcissist. One who thinks they know everything, treats women with disrespect and uses them, and even when proven wrong, will always be in denial to hide that low self esteem ,like a few that post here..............https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/narcissistic-personality-disorder/symptoms-causes/syc-20366662
  16. I did say Wiki was just one of the ways to research things, and you believing Wiki is all opinions shows how little you know, and how close minded you are. When did I mention MSNBC? They are just people reporting news, just like thousands of others. Are they all reporting fake news, and those that support trump telling things how they are?
  17. Where the hell do you get that from what I said? You really aren't too bright, and a full fledged narcissist to boot. Trump is but one of many of the super rich that have taken advantage of others to get ahead, like many other developers, or didn't you know how development works? What has his money done to help the average man? Hiring a caddy perhaps?
  18. Presidents aren't hiring people for everyday jobs. How is Trump making jobs for the average man? You need to read all of the link and not dismiss it, like you do most of what people here post. A skimmer never learns. You haven't educated anyone here but act like a gnat we can't get rid of. And I'm 68.
  19. And you don't realize that a pensioner has worked most of his life, contributing to society? That is, besides many millionaires who have made money raping the earth's resources, building golf courses where woods should be, and kicking people out of their homes. How many super rich are actually doing anything for the world besides taking jobs away from people who need employment? How many have been fired thinking they are not needed? Where will they get money to provide for their families?
  20. You're too dense to realize calling people old when you'll be here soon enough, and then teens, or others that think like you, will be calling you old. The only difference is that you'll be really old, out of shape and weak, unless you do what many of us "old" people have done all their lives, and that's take care of themselves
  21. Let me say this again, so it might sink in. I don't take side. Both sides have good and bad ideas and make promises. Both sides live up to and don't on their promises. This is politics, something which I lost trust in in high school days, and which has proven true al along. Some good presidents have done very stupid things. Some not so good have helped many people.What a president should do is look at what needs fixing in the US economy, so that everyone has what they need to live comfortably, meaning those who put an effort in by working or staying at home taking care of children or elders. The president is a small factor in creating jobs as many other factors are involved whether he gets involved or not. Since you like Investopedia, ...https://www.investopedia.com/articles/economics/12/employability-labor-force-economy.asp
  22. Calling who stupid?
  23. A poll that shows Trump is one of the worst presidents we've had isn't because he's hated, but by his actions and things he's done during his term. Let's see after this term where he rates, as I've said I'm not political but just sit back and see what they do and don't do, not taking either side because both sides have good ideas and bad.
  24. And you're a very disturbed younger narcissist, of which there is no cure.
  25. The answers you give seems like I'm talking to a wall. And the more you post things like this, guessing you know who you're talking to online, shows the more you act like a geek teenager hiding behind your computer. And still don't understand using laughing emojis has you the only one laughing, while others are laughing at you. Take a few minutes and count all the negative emojis and comments made on you, and that only one other Trump supporter is agreeing with you, which is understandable.
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