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Everything posted by fredwiggy

  1. Like I said, the wall could circumvent all of America and immigrants will still get in daily. They go over, under and around. Americans hiring them is the way to stop the illegals
  2. Yes, what he is, he is, and many other presidents have done stupid things and also done some good. If you want a moral person, he's not. If he does something to help the average person instead of concentrating on the rich, then he's done his job. He wants America great and the ways are already there, if he acts on them. The war is a concern but America's citizens are first priority.
  3. Cameroni explained what a Third World Country really means.Many see it as a country where there is no modern amenities like electricity and running water but that happens in many countries that are already developed also. Thailand isn't listed that way because they have been involved in global affairs for a long time. Second World to be more specific but still behind in many ways. As some mentioned Thailand does have some things that other First World countries are a tad weak at in some areas but lacking in many others. This is probably the best definition one could readily find...........https://www.investopedia.com/terms/t/third-world.asp. .
  4. Take cold showers here daily until the hot season, as it's the temps of the water in the outside tank that are coming into the house. Wall heater never worked since the local builder installed it, although I tried to get him to (should have gone with the Brit builder), so I just deal with whatever the water temp is in the tank. Pretty refreshing to say the least and I've heard for years how cold showers are good for you. Would be nice if I had a sauna. Used them back in New Jersey and Texas when I worked in different gyms and going from an up to 200 degree F sauna to a 40 degree F cold plunge was a wake up , like they do in Sweden and other cold climes.
  5. More likely amulets never work, and this they should know by now. Putting your faith in a piece of metal doesn't help on the roads here.
  6. I left New Jersey because I didn't like the winters, although I miss some of that now, as the 4 seasons there are really nice, especially the Spring and Fall. I moved to Texas and stayed there 32 years before coming here, so I was used to the heat, seeing it's actually hotter there on average than here. Texas got cold during the late Fall through Spring, but it didn't last long, which was great. Some here rarely leave their homes with AC, so living here makes no sense as they could do that anywhere, unless you use the women as an excuse to stay. I miss Ice Fishing and sitting in a tree during Bow Season in the NJ Fall, watching the snow fall in the evenings and the NJ shore, but I don't miss driving on ice and snow, and being cold from November to March. gets old. Here it's too much rain or none at all, so that's boring also. One thing that's way worse here is the bugs. I thought Texas was bad but this is another step above.
  7. True. In New Jersey it's the snow, heat then cold, rain and salt. Here it's the rain and heat. Potholes appear here very soon after a road is repaved, which means somethings' not being done right. They repair the surface but underneath it's still damaged.
  8. My girlfriends son and his girlfriend get 9000 baht a month working full time at 7-11.
  9. They're fixed a lot faster in the US than here. Roads don't go years until they're repaired. People complain as soon as a pothole appears. New Jersey, where I was born, has more traffic then almost anywhere on earth, and the potholes are there because of the traffic, salt and extreme weather changes, but they're fixed very fast because they know people need to use the roads daily. Here they go years before they get to them, along with the nonsense practice of repairing roads that don't need repair to justify the money for the next year. .I've not been to the UK yet so I'm not aware how fast they're repaired there unless people from there talk about it. When I hunted Mexico for three years, the roads there weren't as bad as those I see here, and it's a poor country also. Canada, from what I've seen, hasn't any problems on the main roads I was on, although it's a huge country and I've only been in three provinces.
  10. I've seen the roads all over, like all other countries, need work, faster. My point was that tourist areas get more attention then others because of the money they bring in. Where I live, the main road was potholes constantly for the first 3 years I lived here, and according to my ex, years before that. They finally paved it. It's a main road between two major, although small, towns. Thousands use it daily but it took a long time before they finally fixed it. Just like back in the US, they fix repave roads here that are fine, and neglect roads that have needed work for years. From what I see and hear, the tourist areas still get a lot more, and faster work than country areas.
  11. When a billionaire tries to take the retirement from over 70 million Americans, that billionaire would not be safe anywhere in this world, along with others who backed them. Imagine how many of those 70 million will do anything to survive, which means robberies and other crimes to provide for themselves and their families. Would be a very stupid thing thinking there won't be an uncontrollable amount of people taking revenge.
  12. Death in the Long Grass, Death In the Silent Places, Banco--The Further Adventures of Papillon, With the Old Breed, A Helmet for My Pillow., Death in the Dark Continent.
  13. Buster & Billie, Whiplash, Ghostbusters Frozen Empire, Psycho 1 and 2, The Siege at Jadotville, Danger Close, Fistful of Dollars, For a Few Dollars More, Striking Distance, Papillon (New), Braveheart, The Fly (original), Terminator dark Fate, Hacksaw Ridge, Unbroken, Railway Man.
  14. True, walking with an air of confidence, head up, back straight, instead of looking at the ground makes a difference. Predators can spot victims easily.
  15. Yep, only took a minute to add that emoji. Now watch when he gets into another debate, mostly about Trump, where we disagree, which is okay, and he'll say, see how many sad emojis you get? Not realizing I know it's either him or three others here that troll me constantly because I proved them wrong in other posts. Sad and childish.
  16. He's followed me into every topic, adding that sad emoji because I argued with him and stated he gets sad emojis on almost every of his replies. The mods aren't ignorant and see everything.
  17. Agree with everything but America is mostly Christian. But you're right that it has it's base in Judaism. .................Watch my reply, as he's waiting in the wings to stick that sad emoji on my reply..
  18. Have you ever noticed when someone argues with you, and you prove them wrong, the next day all your posts and replies have sad emoji's on them, even though you've said something to defend another, like i did here. One followed when I said ..... "Pasta fazool was the usual fare when I visited my friend around the block, who's mom always had it around. Italians of course"...............Why would anyone put a negative emoji on this kind of reply? It's because they were butt hurt being proven wrong and i said they always get negative emojis from many members. Their revenge is posting a negative emoji on every reply I've made today. Take a look and I'm sure many will recognize the culprit. Teenage thinking continues.
  19. I never asked where their family was from. My Godfather was Sicilian, and his parents he lived with were from Sicily. I remember St. Joseph's Day when we would go to their house and eat, with all the breads, Rigatoni, the Statue of Mary with the dollar bills pinned to it, and the best sauce, to this day, I ever had. She would cook it all day while we ate appetizers until it was done.
  20. I don't think anyone would spike a pizza to get in your pants.
  21. How do you spot them? My dad didn't like Jews and always would say when someone cut him off in our car, "Look, must be a Jew, look at his nose". Stupid comment and I learned he was wrong saying it.
  22. Pasta fazool was the usual fare when I visited my friend around the block, who's mom always had it around. Italians of course.
  23. No, that's an assumption many make here. How many Americans do you actually know, and how many are clueless about nationalities? When you make such a statement, knowing 2 or 3 that you think are clueless about nationalities isn't quite the 300+ million that are Americans is it? I'm betting you've never been to the US, and if you have, going from motel to motel to see the sights doesn't qualify you to make a statement like you have. America is all nationalities and has been all along, in one place.Their name was Santomenno, which has origins in Campania, so that's a possible.
  24. This happens when people don't use common sense. Girls are raped when they accept drinks in bars where psychopaths spike them. Always best to buy your own or if you're going to accept a drink, watch the bartender make it and keep it in your hand until you finish it.
  25. I would think those things would piss you off and not excite you.
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