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Everything posted by fredwiggy

  1. Blind faith is how many doctors work. No one knows what medicine will work unless it's tried. All they have now is these meds to help with symptoms of depression, as nothing else will work with a clinical diagnose besides talk therapy and treating the symptoms, which helps the patient get closer to normal. Right now, there isn't any approach that's working , and of course all meds have side effects, some of which are worse than the original symptoms. People are like guinea pigs but what else can they do?
  2. Grandiosity is a symptom of a narcissist personality disorder. Telling others you're a genius shows some things. A genius doesn't need to tell others they're a genius. Smart people can tell if another is smart by the way they talk. Bragging about being a genius is a show of a low self esteem, looking for attention. Believe me, NO ONE cares if you're a genius or not. Not one. Telling others you are shows us you're not, because a smart person doesn't need to show off.
  3. The study of how the brain works, especially in a variety of people, is still far away from being right on. This is why I said a doctor has to evaluate before he recommends a particular treatment. Of course many doctors are quick to prescribe meds without taking everything into consideration and this isn't doing the job intended but looking for a quick answer. This happens again with all types of doctors, who use meds as a band aid without completely evaluating the patient to see what would be the best approach. Some have taken meds and gotten worse, many have gotten better, and some haven't changed, so it shows everyone's response isn't the same, and should be looked at individually and continually evaluated to make sure progress is made.
  4. From what we can see and have read, she didn't want him to train her anymore, so he should have left it at that and moved on. Nothing she could have said there should have made him throw her to the ground. Women and men lie all the time, and people get hurt by these lies, and it creates anger for sure, but one must show restraint, especially in a public situation. She didn't hit him, so self defense wasn't needed here. If she said something to piss him off, which might have happened, it still doesn't warrant throwing a woman to the ground. A man walks away, a boy's feelings are hurt, and he reacts from this by showing his anger. Doesn't matter how strong or weak he is, a man's strength is shown by how he treats others, and how he reacts when pushed.
  5. Thinking you are always right and others wrong, that you are a genius and having to tell others this daily, is also a symptom of narcissism. It's called grandiosity. If you're an empath, others will notice this. What are the symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder? Grandiose sense of self-importance. ... Frequent fantasies about having or deserving: ... Belief in superiority. ... Need for admiration. ... Entitlement. ... Willingness to exploit others. ... Lack of empathy. ... Frequent envy.
  6. I think you, like some others, don't really read what I write, and just skim through, missing the details. I didn't say anything about reading science books. I read about psychology, depression, narcissism, relationships and the like. Science, to me, is the same as it is to everyone else. The study of the natural world based on evidence from experimentation, observation and testing. I didn't say you were mistaken in your view of science. I stated that psychiatry is a science, and that definition proves it. Please try not to assume what you know about me or anyone else in a forum. You have absolutely no idea what I know. And no, there is no cure for narcissism, even if the narcissist knows they have it. It's a learned behavior, from childhood, being either abused and or neglected, or spoiled by one or both of their parents or caretakers. The anger they get from this type of "parenting" leaves them with no empathy for others, and the only thing they understand is control or abuse.
  7. I'm not confusing anything with anything. You are plain confused, gullible and without the proper knowledge on this subject, and are making claims because you believe in what a few have said, while facts speak for themselves. I go by facts. You go by what some people say that have had a bad experience with a certain drug or method. And the more you post, the more you are trying to convince me you're right, when you are only making an opinion garnered from what a few have said, not by the research that has been done and proven. Like I said before, try actually reading a book by a psychiatrist or psychologist before just nitpicking excerpts from people who have had problems by taking the wrong medication.
  8. I've worked in , and worked out in gyms for over 50 years, and know many who take and don't take steroids, and the ones that don't take far outnumber those that do. I know that many use them, but all of them don't get roid rage. People are aggressive by nature, and anything can set them off. They don't need to take anything to be that way, although steroids taken by the wrong people can exacerbate their anger.
  9. You can keep posting nonsense all day, and it won't get you anywhere because, again, you're wrong. Drugs that treat symptoms of depression have saved many lives. Yes, like any drug given, some aren't right for a particular patient, so that's why a person with depression needs to be evaluated to see how the medicine is, or isn't working. Depression has no cure. if you think it does, you're as blind as anyone who thinks they're a genius can be. Brains work on chemicals, Six Important Brain Chemicals Serotonin. ... Dopamine. ... Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) ... Acetylcholine. ... Glutamate. ... Norepinephrine. People who have a shortage of some of these experience depression symptoms, and some of these are debilitating, and can lead to suicidal ideations. You can find links where people have had bad results using a certain medicine, and this happens with all medicines, for heart problems, kidney, diabetes, prostate and many others. Without medicines, people will die, period. Some, because of their lifestyle, have hurt their bodies with abuse for many years, and for them, diet and exercise won't help alone, because they are so far into the ailment they need quicker results or they might die. I have been working out and eating right all of my life, and I still have joint pain and a couple of other things from aging, which most everyone gets. I rarely take medicine unless the pain gets to be too much, which doesn't happen much. Some people are predisposed to certain ailments, like diabetes, and for them medicine is a life saver. My son has diabetes at 34, and he's lean, eats well, and has worked out for years. It runs in our family. He needs his insulin or he will have real problems, as millions do. the same goes for the brain. You can't talk yourself or another out of depression. Talk therapy helps, especially if it's environmental, temporary depression, but some need medicine, and seeing the millions saved from taking it proof enough. The only truth in what you posted is that some psychiatrists might not be doing their jobs, and rely totally on medicine to treat a patient. Some don't bother to follow up with their patients and are lazy. This is true of many doctors, as those that over prescribe kill thousands of people a year. Your words, "Drugs will NEVER work, simply because the brain, by its very nature, rebounds and adapts and habituates and COMPENSATES." People can help themselves if they are depressed, as everyone gets it at times. People who have clinical depression cannot, again, talk themselves out of it, nor does the brain adapt and overcome the depression. It only gets worse, until they are in such a place where even normal daily activity is impossible. For these people, seeing a "quack" is necessary. You can call them names, but they have a job to do, and they are needed by many, as mental illnesses are rampant in society, and are a big problem in today's world, where important decisions are made daily by those who are ill. And you can keep looking up individual circumstances where some people were hurt by taking a drug prescribed by a psychiatrist that was possibly not doing his job properly. What you post means nothing, as they aren't but a few situations, and you aren't taking into account the millions of times people have been saved by taking the right medicine, after a proper evaluation and talks with a therapist weren't enough. There are risks taking all medicine, but without them many people will die. This goes for all ailments, both physical and mental. Advice like you give isn't helping anyone. You know little about depression, and even I, who has read thousands of articles and a few books on it, will never feel what a person with clinical depression feels. Some need medicine to help with symptoms that are making their lives a living hell. They can't prescribe themselves medicine, so they have to see a psychiatrist. They will , or should, be given a proper evaluation to decide if medicine is warranted, because some suffer only from seasonal or environmental depression, and this passes . Don't bother to post anymore links. I've seen them all before, and they aren't near showing what is really out there. And by posting them , again, you are believing certain people and dismissing all psychiatrists, who, like all other doctors that are doing the job intended, are necessary.And lastly, by saying, again, you are a genius, you are further enforcing the reality that you are a narcissist, that think all they say is all right and others are wrong when they disagree with you. This, like all I write, isn't my opinion. And narcissism has no cure.
  10. It's usually 5 against 1. This time it's 20 against 1, and they still need weapons.
  11. Popular misconception by those who don't exercise with weights. Many bodybuilders, I included, grew larger muscles from weight training and good nutrition and didn't take any performance drugs because they cause damage. As far as the brain, it does take intelligence to build a lean, muscular body, especially without drugs. Some might say they used a trainer, who told them what to do, but that's a tiny percentage of all bodybuilders. Many men, this one included, have anger issues and hit women because they weren't taught they shouldn't.
  12. You debunk what's a fact and try and find a link just to prove your point, albeit wrong. You're taking the opinion of an anonymous poster instead of the written words of people who have written many books on the subject. This shows your propensity for being very gullible and one who doesn't believe in factual evidence but has to argue the point to boost his low self esteem on a forum where most people don't give a damn anyway, or they haven\t any knowledge on the subject, much like yourself. Continually trying to convince others that you're some kind of genius is very sad, as it shows you are jealous of those with more intelligence than yourself. It doesn't matter how smart a person is anyway, unless they're contributing to society, just as Aaron Beck has done. He's written over 60 books to help others. How many books have you written? Who are people more likely to believe? Someone with a PHD in psychiatry or one with a PHD in bulls*it? Many psychiatrists have saved many lives prescribing drugs for those suffering with depression. Many times it takes a little experimentation with these drugs because not everyone is the same how they react to certain medicines, and the first one prescribed sometimes doesn't always work, nor does the next one and you need to evaluate the patient until the right one is found to help with their symptoms. Have you saved any lives? Your theories are wrong, and it makes you look more foolish in every reply, so it might be best to move to japan and find that perfect highly intelligent woman to take care of you, and while you're there, find a good shrink, because you definitely need something. This from Britannica, so you understand a tad better..............https://www.britannica.com/science/psychiatry
  13. Yes it is. Please refrain from commenting on a subject you know little about. Better yet, read Aaron beck's book, and come back in a couple of months when you're done and you'll understand what he has written. Or maybe you won't. You claim to be a genius but the way you talk, are very far from it. You comment and disregard things you know nothing about, and harp on one person's article on how twins are when they're separated. I mentioned this before. Anyone who separates children at birth, especially twins, isn't normal and if they conduct an experiment on this, instead of putting those children back together, they should be jailed.
  14. You have your opinions and they are valid but again, you're wrong. You never read his book, and I'm thinking you found one topic and decided it encompasses everything about what makes a child do what they do later in life. I've read over 65 books on various areas of psychology, and thousands, yes, I did say thousands, of articles on the same subject. I started back 30 years ago and haven't stopped. You believe in one person's opinion and disregard others, who have published many books. I would bet big money you have not read near what I have in just one area, be it depression, narcissism or interpersonal relationships. In fact, I'm thinking because you keep disregarding what I'm telling you, and this from proven methods since I was born, you , being a "genius", in your own words, are a perfect example of a malignant narcissist, because you do it blatantly, unlike my ex, who is a covert narcissist, if you understand what that means. And by the way , psychiatry is a science. Saying it isn't also shows your lack of knowledge on the subject, and seeing you believe one person's theories and not others who are proven, shows you are gullible. Boy, when you go off on a tangent, nothing gets through. Read more, post less, learn more.
  15. Antiquated? Didn't I mention I've been reading all of this material in the last 30 years? This means up until this time period. What is taught in universities is the same material I've been reading. Human behavior is the same as it's been since time began. The only thing that has changed is the media coverage of what happens. People are the same everywhere, as there are a certain few types of personalities. What you are reading is other's opinions of what is going on. The same as what I'm reading. Try Aaron Beck's book about cognitive therapy. Explains all about how humans act and relate. What I've read all of these years is still what works today. I read all the time, meaning the same kinds of material you are, and it's from this year and the dark ages. One person's study about one particular set of ideas isn't used in every situation. This is psychology we're talking about, and it has many factors. Remember not all what you read is set in stone. That's why I've read so many books and articles. To see if they all are saying the same kinds of things. You're talking about twins and the research about them. I'm talking about the majority of households and what happens to children in them, and it all relates to how they were raised, with some rare cases of some born sociopathic. And there is no cure for dementia yet.
  16. I inherited a couple of dogs when I built the house I'm living in. In six years, the dogs died from being poisoned and others came around. Guess they know who likes them. I lost about 6 dogs in that time to these disturbed individuals. The last one has been here quite awhile and is still alive. I brought cats here from my girlfriends house, as she has a few around that have kittens now and then, but every cat I left outside was killed by roaming dogs. Dogs left and not trained will kill cats as they aren't taught to get along with them. I have two kittens now that stay inside. I don't think I'll let them out as I'm sure they're fate will be the same. The cats around my girlfriend's house numbered about 12 from 3 litters. I took two of them as just before I did, 3 other cats were killed by a dog there, so I didn't want to see these die also. Some of the cats there are afraid of dogs but the kittens don't know or aren't fast enough, and all it takes from a dog is one bite and it's over. Animals here aren't loved or cared for like they are back in the states, at least not to near the degree.
  17. I have had both all of my life, and still laugh when I see what cats do. They aren't as loyal, usually, as dogs are. Some can show affection but most still act aloof at times, unlike a dog, who will always be loyal if you raise them with love. Kittens and puppies all act affectionate, but as they age, the cats do act indifferent at times.
  18. We become what we are because our parents taught us to be that way, or we inherited it from our family. It's still our choices, as you can see how kids in the same family end up differently. There are a lot of things that go into what we become as adults, but our trust in our parents decides most of it, whatever way they raised us. If a child was raised on an island with no peers, they would act like their parents do in many ways, because children copy behaviors they see, especially at that 0-5 age. If their parents beat on their pets, the child would think it's normal behavior, unless they were taught otherwise by someone they trusted, that showed them their parents were wrong. I see this daily here, as well as all my life growing up. I see my ex, and her mother, mistreat animals, although they like them around. I taught my daughter to care for animals, but I've seen her hit at them and toss them down because she has seen my girlfriends nephew do the same, along with her grandma., my ex's mother. When a child sees two parents act differently, they are confused, until you show them respect for life. If that child sees both her parents mistreating animals, and people, because they go together, they will again think it's normal until they are taught otherwise. My parents raised me to be a Catholic, and I got away from Catholic thinking because they put too much emphasis on praying to people, saints, and only Jesus and God is worthy, plus the money thing, so I became born again because I had a girlfriend that was very into it, and I loved her so I followed suit easily, because of my background as a Catholic. It wasn't my genes. It was my parents bringing me to church, and enrolling me into a Catholic school for 1-8 grades. I was saved because I chose to be, because we all will meet Jesus, and God, and I want to be ready. As far as people turning to crime, it again starts at home, where parents are supposed to teach respect for life and property. If they aren't, or are absent, no one's there besides their peers, who might also have the same background, and they do what their friends do, which sometimes is hitting people with sticks, robbing them, stealing their Jackfruit, poisoning animals or raping the girl around the block. We are all good and bad as humans. What we do is our choice. As one child can become a policeman and they're brother a drug dealer, it was who they hung out with after their parents taught them right from wrong that led them astray, unless again one of their parents was a narcissist, and chose a golden child that couldn't do wrong, and that child grew up thinking the world owed them, while the other child might have been disciplined by the other parent and loved right, and knew what bad choices brought. There are many factors that make a grown adult act a certain way, but most are from age 0-5 and how they were raised. Like I mentioned, some are born to be a sociopath, but it's rare.
  19. I'm doubtful twins are separated much, but if they are, how would these studies come into play? You would think if they knew that these twins were supposed to be together, someone would make that happen, instead of going through with an experiment to see how they end up from being raised in two different environments. I did see the Jean Claude Van Damme movie, where he was a set of twins ending up quite different, but that's a movie.
  20. It doesn't matter if you agree with me or not. I'm not making an hypothesis about this but going by what's been written and what I have personally seen, which is the same. I happen to be right on regarding what I said about the ages 0-5 being the most important in a child's life. This is when they learn most everything about life, regarding trust, care, love, kindness, responsibility, sharing, or the lack of those in an abusive or neglective environment. The breakdown of the family is the reason for all of the world's problems, as it all starts at home. Either you're brought up respecting life, or shown abusing it. Much of this also comes from pet ownership. People who are taught that it's okay to abuse animals will see humans are targets also. I have studied human psychology for the last 30 plus years, reading many books and thousands of articles on narcissism, depression, marriage, children, relationships and how men and women relate. In my life, through my own bad choices in a few mates, I have seen this firsthand how a woman ends up in her relationships after being abused and or neglected as a child, and I have seen where it came from in many instances, meaning her parents behavior still. It has been proven time and again through many writers , who have interviewed millions of people and couples, where they learned their behaviors. People learn about the world through their parents, by watching them. Of course two children can come from a very loving home and one can go astray while the other succeeds. This doesn't mean that child is bad. It can be from getting involved with bad peers. It can be because one parent, or both, favored one child over the other. It's hard to treat each child as anything besides individuals, and sometimes you favor one you can relate to better. This doesn't mean neglect the other but making a conscience effort to keep things as equal as possible, so they both know love. Kids understand who loves them more, but if they're still loved, they get past little things. Sibling rivalry is part from how a parent shows love to each. Jealousy happens, so it's best to treat each one as equally as possible. Twins are a little different, as each works off the other, and they share a lot of traits, but the learning process from 0-5 is still the same regarding how they go into the world. Again, a child can be treated with much love and care, and still go into the world and make huge mistakes, and who they regard as their peers is responsible for much of this. The child knows what they should or shouldn't do, as the parents taught them, but rebelliousness, as all children must do, sometimes comes with severe consequences. If your friends are into drugs and these are friends you like and respect, you're immature brain sometimes makes bad decisions, and you go along with those friends because you want to fit in. If you are abused as a child, and or neglected, you go into the world hating or not trusting everyone, using them to get what you have missed, because no one ever taught you otherwise. This is how a narcissist is created, and the reason most relationships fail, the reason many get a power trip and think they have to control others, and the reason most go into politics. This is the alpha males some look at as a good thing, when they are the real reason things go wrong here. The betas raise the children, treat their women right, and work for the family's best interests. The alphas become the players, who look at women as objects to use, and other people to take from. World out of balance, and again, it all starts at home.
  21. This was in the 80's. People don't hitchhike much these days, and a woman would be stupid to.
  22. You don't need stacks of money if they're the right one. if you're the right one, meaning you know how to treat a woman well, there are quite a few in the world that would suit you, IF you treat them well, if you both have the same future plans, have some things in common, and are faithful and loyal to each other, because you are the only two that count in your relationship. No one else matters, nor does the amount of money you have.
  23. If you aren't comfortable where you are, you move. If you have no wife or kids, it's easier to relocate. I'm only biding my time until I can leave with my daughter to go back to the US. If I could leave today, I would. many people say they like where they are, but rarely leave the house because it's too hot, too cold, too wet, dangerous on the roads, fear of violence. I came from Texas, where it's hotter on average than here, but where I lived there was lower humidity . This besides the hundred more reasons i belong back there. Being trapped indoors because of some reason much of the time makes you a hermit, and that's not enjoying life. remember what you enjoy, and go where you will enjoy it. Thailand is okay for some people, but with all the complaints, and many warranted, some belong elsewhere. Pros and cons everywhere, so weigh the positives against the negatives, then decide what's keeping you in a place you aren't comfortable.
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