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Everything posted by fredwiggy

  1. You're not being a chump if you help anyone, especially women, out when they are in need. Looking to get something in return isn't helping but looking for something as payment in return. I've changed probably over 20 tires for people, mostly women, on the road and just walked away when they said thanks, and many of these were good looking women. I didn't expect anything besides a thank you for helping them when they didn't have anyone else around. If you are always nice to people, including women, you will get noticed. I once gave a girl, very pretty, a ride when she was hitchhiking in New Jersey. You could tell she was very wary the whole ride to her house,, but when we arrived there, she gave me her phone number without asking. I'm sure there was attraction but she didn't trust me at first, thinking I could be a weirdo. I will still always help anyone I can that needs it. It's just common courtesy, and you might save a life if you get to them before some predator comes along. That's always been my thinking. As far as what a woman has to offer, with your bad two experiences you shouldn't get so jaded. The next one could be the right one. I have been burned a few times, especially with women I had children with, but I'll never give up because I know there are good women out there. What does a woman have to offer? A good one offers a companion to grow old with, to share good times with, someone to love and care for you, especially when you're sick. Someone to laugh with, to make love to, have a family with and share those times. Someone that knows your thinking before you do. This is why I'm still hopeful, because they are out there, but if you think they're all bad, you'll never let the right one in when she comes around.
  2. In public isn't the best location for the chance of young children seeing it, but a possible 10 year sentence for having sex in public and a man gets a 2 year sentence for setting up the murder of a policeman? More good news the world will now see.
  3. Just a few words over the recommended length and all the same subject, so I left it like that.
  4. Tell that to the 100. Long term,? I left the majority of them because our plans didn't match, they were trashy, liars or just good women who weren't right for me. Simple. I've worked out for over 50 years and kept a Rambo type body from teenage to around 55. Now I lost muscle because of not working out as much, but still look much younger. I'm responsible, caring, loving, faithful, loyal, a good provider, caring lover and father. What wouldn't they want? A woman that doesn't want that, who is attracted to me, as no one attracts everyone , is a narcissist, has major depression and can't give what's needed, is holding major baggage from childhood, is overly greedy or has unrealistic expectations of marriage. This of course describes many women, so you should understand why I'm not married to all 100. There are countless women who would want me and others like me, but the world has taught many people they deserve more than they get, and I can't be more then one place at a time. I don't want serial relationships, preferring one long term at a time want to be married, to the right one, and many women are afraid of men, so they won\t take a chance with one until they get to know him, which takes both being single in the right place at the right time. Normal women want what I offer, but normal women aren't easy to find. Why say that all my relationships failed when most others are the same, including yourself? Aren't many people that get married to the first person they meet and last forever.
  5. In the west, as here , I've always treated women with respect, kindness and love, along with the generosity I could afford. Of course mutual attraction is usually always the first thing, but then it's what can he do for me later? Sex always happened in every relationship Ive had, including the marriages. It was the lack of communication and abuse in some that ended it for me. It's true what you've said that many men are invisible to some women, but many women, although some having high intelligence, do not get men at all. They think the bad boy is a catch because he isn't as easy to obtain as the nice guys who are pursuing them with kindness. The dark side is somehow attractive to them, and this isn't a smart thing in any event, as sometimes that's all they'll get. There are millions of men who treat their women nice, and are animals in bed, but the women don't see this because they aren't going after them. A woman, and there are many, that comes from a home with turmoil, beatings ,neglect, indifference or absent fathers will always be looking for the perfect man that dad wasn't. And she will be actually looking at men just like dad, although of course this is a huge mistake, because what she needs is the opposite. Stability. Many women who pursue scumbags for one reason or another regret it but it takes them awhile to realize they deserve better. Low self esteem from a bad home life tells women they aren't good enough, and this follows into a normal relationship they might have later, and hurts or ruins it for them. They have been treated badly for so long, they can't understand how a man can treat them good all the time. It has to end, it's impossible that he really loves me. If God picked your partners, knowing you better than you do yourself, we would all succeed. The <deleted> would be with the trash, and the good with the good. Doesn't happen that way. We make mistakes picking partners or some just look to use because they are damaged themselves. This is what I meant when I said that two that look to each other for comfort, safety, an alliance, future mutual plans, friendship and trust will always succeed. When one does all the work, it will usually fail, or you'll live a life of misery.
  6. Most relationships end that way, or continue although they have failed. A successful relationship continues because of exactly what I said. There isn't any argument over this. Millions of people stay in miserable relationships for one reason or another. Usually children or financial, but fear of the unknown is another. I had children with a few of these women so that's not a failure, even though our relationship didn't work. People part for many reasons, and if two can't see a future together, it wasn't a failure if it ends but necessary so they can go on and find one better suited for each. You can spend a lot of good time with someone but need to part because of many reasons. This doesn't mean it failed but just ended for positive reasons. I had almost 100 girlfriends and we all parted ways because our future plans weren't the same. Failure or success? Every relationship you've ever had failed if you look at it that way.Are you better off now than before? If yes, then those relationships you had led to this one, and if this one is a success, you've succeeded, at least for now.
  7. If you are both close, from past history of treating each other as equal partners, being faithful and having laughs together, meaning good communication, sex will happen because when you're that close, you look to each other as someone to want to be close with, trust only them 100%, and be open to intimacy. When communication stops, sex stops, or is done begrudgingly, which isn't having fun.
  8. There, it seems, are many foreigners that know very little of what really goes on here because they either don't listen to others who do know, don't watch TV news much, or don't have the use of a computer which has Google, daily news worldwide and actual statistics of crime instead of just the main happenings. Word of mouth here, gossip, paints a very skewed picture of reality, and many believe in it. This is why I rely on stats, facts, books and literature printed by those who do also, and not just make opinions.
  9. Unknown to some, in Thailand there is extreme jealousy among females. The are always gossiping, talking behind each other's backs, and not many real friends. One foreigner , who has a lot of money by whatever means he obtained it, gives his woman everything she wants. Big house, cars, scooters, gold, cash to burn. All the other "friends" she has, seeing this, are jealous. They like to show off what they have, not caring what their friends think, as long as they have more. Most foreigners here aren't very wealthy, having more then the average local, and doing well, but to the locals we all are, and this started the ball rolling with them thinking, "if this one has all these things, I want them too". This is why they all think we have money to burn, and it makes us look like walking ATM's, and they all want one of those. I've explained to my girlfriend, and tried to to my ex here, that there are thousands of homeless people, families, in America, that most people are just getting by, that there is people who go without daily food, have no money for medical expenses, are on welfare , food stamps and WIC. Yes, they have bigger houses but pay for them for up to 30 years, and don't own them outright after building like it is here. The jealousy here has women trying to take away what others have, by lying and spreading false rumors. They look for things like you mentioned so they can see you lose your wife, because you have more then she has with either her local boyfriend, husband or neither. You talking to another woman in a bar is okay, of course if that's all that was happening, and it isn't that woman in the store's business, but she jumped at the chance top see you fall, and your wife to lose her breadwinner. I've heard for years by Thais in America, some here, people posting on Stickman's forum, and others the jealousy that happens here, and it seems to be a lot like the lakorns they watch, without the male heroes.
  10. It isn't rarely. It happens all the time. More of course with locals because they outnumber us. Even though it's about foreigners, not all crimes against us are reported on the news. It's usually in Bangkok or beach areas that get the most news. Tourists are killed here every year, and that's not rare either.
  11. Not exactly a nonsense here. The UK does have a lot of knife crime, but I'm willing to bet Thailand rivals it. You will never get the amount of crime coverage here as you do in the UK. This is a tourist spot, and a lot of what goes on is swept under the table. You can look it up because crimes are reported ................https://www.nationmaster.com/country-info/compare/Thailand/United-Kingdom/Crime
  12. I don't understand how things like this just go off topic and get into arguments. Everyone that lives here has seen thousands of Thai girls on scooters with Thai boys, many being picked up at all types of locations. This is about people looking for Thai girls at places other than bars, where somewhat normal Thai girls work. Again, most Thai women want Thai men. Not because they have more money, are better looking or are great prospects as husbands or fathers. We all know the endgame of most Thai women that live here. They want other Thais because they can relate to them in language and culture much easier than with a foreigner. Women are attracted to men for all their own reasons, the same exact way they are in all other countries. This being a very poor country, they are also attracted to men for their money. This also happens everywhere else, but many countries have women who are more independent than here, which means they use physical attraction more than cash attraction. Gold diggers are everywhere, and they are another breed
  13. One thing a lot are missing is that if you subtract the working girls, those you aren't attracted to, too young or old, those not attracted to you, and those who are only looking for a foreigner because they want a better life, meaning more money, the majority of Thai girls are looking for Thai men. Yes, they still don't understand that 90% aren't going to stick around after they have sex, especially if a baby is born, no matter how pretty they are. They can relate better to someone who speaks their language and culture. The ones that will speak to you, stay with you, and not bleed you dry, are the ones educated by their parents of what makes a good man, can speak at least fair English, (because communication is imperative if you want a good relationship), and are working. This translates into, they are looking for a man that will love them ,care for them, protect them, be faithful to them, stay after a baby is born, and provide for them and the family. This can mean a Thai man, but with their reputation and the fact that being Buddhist (most), they look at women as inferior. Westerners usually don't, although a good percentage still do. Women here are still attracted to a man's looks, but this being generally a poor nation, they always have that money in mind.
  14. That's what I'm talking about. New broadcast here daily doesn't come close to the news broadcasted in just one city back home. Much of what we see here concerns traffic accidents, snakes, gold store thefts and 5 chasing one down the road armed with sticks or machetes. They look at what happens in the US concerning guns and not realize it's happening here also, a lot. Not the mass shootings, although they do happen here, but the people shot over minor things, not involving gangs, which is most gun crime in the US, along with suicides. Crimes involving knives and machetes far surpass anything like this in the US.
  15. Better to use that power to make sure the spay/neuter programs are well paid for, as this is the best way to keep the animals under control. By the way, dog attacks happen in every country, as I'm sure you know, and many are "well behaved, fed, owned dogs". I've been bitten twice in my life by aggressive dogs. Once in New Jersey while looking at a motorcycle to buy, a small lap dog that tore my pants , and the other by a dog here, owned, loose, after I returned from a wedding with my girlfriend and I tried to pet him.
  16. Address please, and any information on any fishing tackle or music you might not need anymore
  17. Absolutely, you don't lose your affection for dogs just because they are abused and left to roam by a population that only likes them when they are cute puppies, then lets them fend for themselves. This isn't all locals for sure, but as we can see from the amount of stray dogs, a good majority of them. Life, including animals here, isn't as precious as in western countries. I've been feeding a few dogs since I moved here 6 years ago, and most of them have been poisoned by some village lowlife that doesn't like them around for some reason. The only good thing that's happening is the spay/neuter program that's been going around but it needs to be in all provinces, all the time, to be effective.
  18. There aren't more because the locals eat anything thy can catch. There is no conservation for anything besides in provincial parks, and I'm sure they get their share of poachers besides the rich who think they can shoot leopards and get away with it. Most lakes that aren't too deep are netted out, so the smaller fish the bigger fish, the predatory ones, need to eat to get bigger are pretty much gone., leaving the bigger fish without a food supply. Back home you get a certain amount of fish you can catch a day, with rod and reel, and if you keep more you are fined. This is why there are deer, small game, game birds and fish everywhere.
  19. At least five of the actors that played the Marlboro man died from smoking related illnesses
  20. The same with American TV, where they were always shown drinking in many shows. It was considered normal to have cocktails before eating but you didn't see the end results. Many of these actors themselves had major trouble after a lifetime of drinking. It wasn't just the poor that were getting drunk but the rich also, going home, abusing their partners, having accidents driving, hurting their family at home with aggression and losing jobs. I still remember the Marlboro Man, from cigarette commercials where advertising was allowed, much the same way about beer commercials during sports games.
  21. I believe he was comparing alcohol to weed, and there is no comparison. Weed hasn't caused the deaths,addictions, rehabs and loss of homes and families like alcohol has. I have seen countless people on the ground, passed out drunk and in accidents because of alcohol and not one because of weed. It does slow you down but that happens because they smoke too much at one time and usually fall asleep. I smoked weed and never fell down. I did after drinking lose balance a few times.
  22. Part of that problem is children seeing their parents drink to excess. Another is absent parenting. Also, children look to their peers for guidance, not understanding it should be their parents (if available) instead of other clueless children. They experiment, not knowing that many of them will become addicted to things like alcohol and or drugs, because their brains, not yet developed, take in these drugs and addiction can start in many. People like to drink to escape life, at least for awhile. It lowers their inhibitions, makes them more sociable, but also creates problems, the least of which is driving after drinking, which of course kills thousands every year. The education starts at home, and if it's not there, it occurs on the streets.
  23. I really don't think it matters much who shoots you, it still ends the same way. You don't know much about Mexican cuisine if you think it's just about beans. That's a staple, like rice is for Thais, but only part of the whole meal. I have a lot of Mexican friends, and they are good people, and I've shared many a meal with them. You really don't need a firearm no matter where you live, besides a few African nations and a few in the Middle East. People break into homes in every country, including here, especially because it's a poor country, which means a lot of theft. You are a lot more likely to be shot here because of the reasons many carry handguns, than you are in the US, unless you join a gang. We can see you're prejudiced against Latinos, and that's your deal. For what reasons I can't see. And we all thought you were going to move to Japan and marry a genius Japanese woman, so I'm guessing you couldn't find one that would have you so are staying here, where you're a lot more likely to find a woman, albeit for money.
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