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Everything posted by James105

  1. It doesn't really matter what they or anyone else campaigned on. The UK was on the path to leaving the EU the moment the ink dried on the accession treaty that resulted in 300,000 inwards migration every year. Just because you are the type of person that is influenced by whats displayed on a poster does not mean the rest of the population is.
  2. Do whatever you want, but I'd suggest not looking at it under a microscope after wearing as it will probably give you nightmares if you are wearing it for "health" reasons. Cotton and Surgical Face Masks in Community Settings: Bacterial Contamination and Face Mask Hygiene: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34540873/
  3. No-one (or not many) was complaining about the original freedom of movement as the 12 countries involved were similar economically and the inward immigration remained in the tens of thousands per year. People would freely move both ways and this was good for everyone. What I quite clearly stated was that Blair not only signed the treaty for the accession countries in the EU expansion, but ensured that the UK would be permanently changed by allowing freedom of movement from the poorer accession countries into the UK. Every other EU country imposed a delay on freedom of movement for these countries. Because the UK was the only rich country that did not restrict freedom of movement from those from the poorer accession countries the freedom of movement that was previously working so well became a one way migration for hundreds of thousands of people into the UK. If Blair had simply applied the same delay as every other country instead of his cynical ploy to "rub the rights nose in diversity" as he was reported to have said, the UK would still be in the EU today. So yes, I blame Blair for this.
  4. He gambled and promised a referendum based on the fact the polls did not predict a conservative majority. If the polls were correct, it would have been a coalition government and there would never have been the required numbers to hold the referendum. He boxed himself into a corner and begrudgingly had to give the people a say on whether or not they actually wanted to be part of the EU and (in a probable/possible future) the United States of Europe with an army, an anthem and a flag. I personally blame Blair for Brexit rather than Cameron as Cameron picked up a bad hand of EU cards and people were hacked off. Blair couldn't wait to sign every single new EU treaty before the ink was even dry and changed the face of the UK overnight upon EU expansion which saw immigration go from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands per year without asking the people of the UK how they felt about it, or building the necessary infrastructure to accommodate and integrate all these extra people. Even though he could have delayed freedom of movement from expansion countries (just like every other sensible country in the EU) he didn't, and that led to where we are today.
  5. The UK is about average inflation compared to the EU and not too different to the USA. As far as I know the USA did not "Brexit" and nor did the countries in the EU with higher inflation than the UK, but almost every country over reacted to Covid. Why would you blame Brexit for inflation when there is a far more obvious culprit? https://tradingeconomics.com/country-list/inflation-rate?continent=europe
  6. So what is Labours (or anyone's) vision to deal with the cost of lockdown crisis? Give people more free money that will cause even higher inflation? You can say borrowed time all you like but Starmer is actually less electable than Johnson, even now with all the scandal that surrounds Johnson. I don't even know how that is possible but Starmer has achieved it.
  7. The cost of lockdown crisis was expected. You can't let people sit on their backsides for 2 years giving them free money and not expect there to be consequences. Labour were asking for harder, longer lockdowns and it would be even worse had they been in charge. Most people understand this. If the Tories want to win the next election all they need to do is remove/reduce the green levies and VAT from energy, deal with the illegal immigration issue and they will win the next election at a canter. Starmer still polls lower than Johnson. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2022/jun/11/poll-says-keir-starmer-worse-choice-for-pm-than-boris-johnson Labour need a leader that appeals to more than just the left if they want to prevent the inevitable. Starmer is not that man.
  8. Seems to me that abortion is a controversial issue and 50 years ago a group of unelected (as in they cannot be democratically removed) judges made a decision that pro-choice group were happy with. The pro-life group were not happy and there was no democratic option they could turn to that would get this overturned as no matter who they voted for the politicians hands were tied by a group of unelected judges they could not remove. Today, we have a group of unelected judges that have made a decision that the pro-life people are happy with and the pro-choice are not, but this time there is a democratic option as people can actually vote for politicians that support abortions in the state they live. Struggling to understand the uproar on this to be honest. When election time comes around pro-choice people simply need to campaign to elect politicians who support their cause. Seems to me they have it better then the pro-life folks had it 50 years ago.
  9. Deaf folks can normally use sign language with each other and a very small number of others, but I don't know many (any) folks who are not deaf who made the effort over the last 2 years to learn so they would not exclude deaf folks who can no longer see their lips move. You were the one who brought up the fact that blind people didn't need to see peoples faces to communicate, I am just pointing out the very obvious condition you "forgot" or just don't care about.
  10. For one American husband at least, this ruling has worked out quite nicely
  11. What if you were deaf... https://www.theguardian.com/society/2020/aug/20/deaf-people-mask-wearing-lipreading "When the pandemic is controlled, and the masks come off, I hope hearing people remember how much of the world revolves around community and communicating. I hope they still consider us, who deserve to be heard."
  12. Indeed, just about everyone in the world who is religious has had that belief forced upon them when they were a child. If I was in charge of the planet I would not allow any religious teachings until at least 16 years old so everyone could make an informed decision about not only whether or not they wish to believe in a sky wizard, but crucially which sky wizard they wish to believe in. I wonder how many (when given an informed choice) would pick the one that required them to pray 5 times a day, not eat bacon or drink alcohol and fast for 1 month every single year.
  13. That's nothing. I was walking down the street this morning and a big group of masked people let out a collective giant "tut" just as I walked past as I wasn't wearing a mask. Someone across the street (wearing a cape of course as he was a hero) shouted over to them there was no need to tut as the mask mandate has ended. Then everyone who had previously tutted suddenly took off their masks, threw them into the air and cheered loudly. Everybody in the vicinity who witnessed this clapped loudly and engaged in a collective sing-a-long. #metoostorytime
  14. I had a feeling you would be shy about this. I chose to ignore that offer due to the sheer ridiculousness of it, yet you persist as though it gives your story some credence. I don't think his custom ever existed, so on this point I agree his custom will not be missed.
  15. You edited your post and added this part after I made my post! If there are indeed video recordings then that is excellent and I am prepared to stand corrected. If you could just reveal the name of the alleged restaurant where this alleged event happened then when this alleged video is released onto social media this will of course corroborate your story.
  16. It's 2022. I'm sure if it happened someone would have pulled out their phone and recorded a bit of what sounded like a very long running altercation. I'm very much looking forward to "the thing that didn't happen part 2, revenge of the Moto taxi"
  17. This never actually happened did it? You made this up. People are so used to seeing others in masks now, especially Thai people, I just cannot believe any part of this story at all.
  18. I didn't say the left "defends" pedophilia, the point I was making is that they use whataboutery, deflection and obfuscation and claim it doesn't exist in certain ethnicities, or at least no more than the average. The reason the left do this is that they have such low expectations of certain ethnicities that the left thinks certain ethnicities are blameless for the crimes they commit as they cannot help themselves. Multi-culturalism seems to be considered more important than the basic human right of a child not to be raped. This kind of bigotry of low expectation is just another form of racism and the left reeks of it.
  19. I was actually referring to posters on here rather than the police. My perception is that those on the right of politics despise any type of pedophile whatever their ethnicity and will call it out wherever they see it, whereas those on the left only seem to despise white pedophiles and have such low expectations of certain ethnicities that they will try and deflect and obfuscate even if the problem is as obvious as the one highlighted in this report.
  20. You didn't bother to actually read that report I take it. It's diluting the "Grooming/Rape" gang crime by bringing in other types of crime so it doesn't sound as disproportionately bad as it is: Its title and executive summary both imply it covers “group-based child sexual exploitation” in the whole. But it fails to include a whole range of problems that might reasonably fit into that category, such as abuse that occurs online, and in schools, care homes and other institutions. Instead, it follows the crowd by dwelling on child sexual exploitation “in the community”. You can spin it whatever way you want but the reality is that 84% of the grooming/rape gang offenders were South asian and they only make up 2% of the population.
  21. Honestly, you were criticising me earlier for using biased sources and you have supplied a link from the Guardian to support your claim. Of course the majority of offenders will be white as the UK is a majority white country. But when comparing the percentage of rape/grooming gang offenders of a certain ethnicity compared to the percentage living in the UK it is vastly disproportionate. Having such low expectations of a certain ethnicity and because of that turning a blind eye to their crimes is just another form of racism.
  22. So your revelation is that in a country where the the percentage of white people is about 85% the majority of offenders are white? This is outstanding research. It comes as no surprise to anyone that in a country where 85% of people are white that 85% of the offences are committed by white people. However, the crime mentioned in this report is specifically grooming/rape gangs. Since 2% of the UK population is south Asian then you would expect that 2% of the rape/grooming gangs would be South Asian - right? Wrong. This group makes up 84% of the rape/grooming gang crimes. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/quilliam-grooming-gangs-report-asian-abuse-rotherham-rochdale-newcastle-a8101941.html
  23. So it appears the old, unhealthy looking elites are maskless whilst the healthy looking workers have to wear face masks. Clown world.
  24. Actually I think voluntary mask wearing is a good thing. There are certain types of people in this world that I like to avoid that I have always wished came with some kind of warning sign so I can easily avoid them. Since these types of people will be the ones that insist on wearing a mask when they no longer have to I feel my wish has been granted.
  25. Double is still £225 though, and about 4 times the price of going to see them at an actual competitive game in the UK. On top of that Thailand is a developing country and would cost the average Thai more than a months wages to see a bunch of multi-millionaires kick the ball around in a training session. Pure greed and exploitation is whats going on here. Let's hope the tickets do not sell and the training session is played in an almost empty stadium so lessons can be learned.
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