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Everything posted by James105

  1. History tells us that you cannot comply your way out of tyranny/authoritarianism. Maybe, if any of these rules were science based then compliance could make a difference, but they are not and it doesn't.
  2. It is not uncommon to see people forget to turn off their indicators on a motorbike so a mere indicator does not mean a bike is actually going to turn. If there are cars / bikes behind me and I need to turn right I indicate and stick my arm out to make it very clear what my intention is.
  3. As long as you meet the prerequisite... which in your case was passing a driving test in New Jersey! I'm getting the impression that 2nd amendment advocates are not the sharpest pencils in the box, which is why these debates never go anywhere. "It’s hard to win an argument with a smart person, but it’s damn near impossible to win an argument with a stupid person" - Bill Murray
  4. You are trying to compare a vehicle with a gun. Not at all the same thing, which you will come to understand if you try and answer the following 2 simple questions: 1. How many Class A Motorhomes have been used to massacre little kids in their classrooms? 2. Is the main purpose of a Class A motorhome to kill people or provide a "home on wheels"?
  5. I smoked a joint in a THC "Pharmacy + cafe" last week that I was able to order from a publicly available menu and its very clear from the outside what they are selling. I don't quite know how tourists supposed to know it is illegal when they can buy this stuff "legally" from a shop? I'm no expert in this stuff but I do indulge occasionally and what you can buy in this place is definitely the stuff that gets you high.
  6. It's crazy to arm the teachers - they should be arming the children!
  7. Co&Caffee on Pratamnak Soi 4 is what you are looking for. It has decent coffee and a co-working space upstairs with fast wi-fi so they won't mind if you sit there for hours as that is what they are offering.
  8. Is this a joke? The bars were already open. There is nothing someone can do today that they could not already do last month. Muppets.
  9. I don't hate the USA and I never said I did - why do you need to lie and make things up? I just dislike the fact you consider your right to own a gun more important than a little kids right to life.
  10. So ban all guns then if half measures are not good enough. That has demonstrably solved the problem in every other civilised country on the planet. Why do you even bother debating this as it's irrelevant anyway. The gun control debate in the USA was settled after Sandy Hook when Americans demonstrated that their right to own a gun is more important than a little kids right to life and the occasional mass execution of little kids in their classrooms is preferable to having to give up their guns. So congratulations. You get to keep your guns and the rest of us will continue to compare the USA to third world uncivilised hell holes on this matter.
  11. Even though I do not think the people running this country are the sharpest pencils in the box, I don't think they are so blunt that they are unaware the police are accepting bribes to give some bars the ability to stay open until after midnight. It's a case of they know the bars are open till 2am, we know that they know the bars are open till 2am, and they know that we know that they know the bars are open till 2am, but for some strange reason they still feel that they need to pretend this is not the case. This truly is a bizarre country to reside in.
  12. Since the UK people voted for a conservative government let's hope they can find an actual conservative in the Conservative party to replace him. If the Conservatives are just another high tax, high immigration and high spend party (like all the others) what is the point of giving people the right to vote in the first place if they are only offered the illusion of choice?
  13. Even when they do finally allow bars to be open as normal they are not going to let go of their emergency powers are they? I feel sorry for the bar owners that will be operating under the continuous threat of being closed down again for whatever spurious reason the authoritarians can come up with when their puritanical sensibilities are inevitably offended by the sight of people having fun.
  14. Why is the word "could" always immediately followed by a preposterous and impossible number nowadays?
  15. Remind me, at what age are Americans considered responsible enough to have an alcoholic drink according to the law?
  16. Democrats would implement less gun control than there is now?! Considering that an 18 year old was able to buy 2 AR-15 rifles and over 1000 bullets on his 18th birthday without anyone raising an eyebrow before he killed those 19 little kids, just how much less gun control could there possibly be than there is now?
  17. The difference between America and the rest of the civilised world is that mentally disturbed people in the rest of the world cannot legally go into a store and buy a high powered semi automatic rifle along with hundreds of bullets. Do you think that America is the only country that has people with mental health issues? Mental health is not a problem unique to America, but the fact that these people can buy guns to slaughter little kids en masse is a problem unique to America. Everyone on the outside can see this, which is why America gets ridiculed about it. I've spent a fair amount of time in Texas for work over the years and the people there are undoubtedly fantastic people, but when it came to the subject of guns they always reminded me of that character called Gollum from Lord of the Rings who was constantly scared someone was going to take his "precious" away.
  18. The reality is that no-one is getting tested to go into any bar or club - any bar that attempted this would have hardly any customers. In this country they are making stupid laws that are too stupid to enforce or obey so there is now mass civil disobedience. Prior to covid I was a law abiding individual but now (like most others), I find myself breaking several laws a day.
  19. Good for you! I know it is not a complete replacement for a small appendage but as Tesco's say in their advertising, every little helps...
  20. This country is especially stupid as you are mandated to wear a mask on a beach, on a motorbike, in a public park etc where covid doesn't spread, but the minute you step foot into a very crowded bar or restaurant (where covid does spread) you are legally able to remove the mask. I can only presume anyone who supports this nonsense either has invested money into mask factories or is a few slices short of a sandwich. If you want to signal your virtue to others and show how heroic you are, then go and buy a cape to wear, it is just as effective as outdoor mask wearing.
  21. Yes, these people were strange folk indeed. But propaganda based on fear is a powerful tool and the majority of people (I think 70%) have no inbuilt defence against it. There is even a certain percentage of people who are so susceptible to it they will not just believe everything they are told, but will act as useful idiots for the authorities and try and convince others to be as irrationally scared as they are.
  22. Incorrect. He was fined for the crime of being presented with a Birthday cake on his birthday in between work meetings. This gathering (which did not involve any alcohol) lasted 9 minutes and then a work meeting (yes an actual work meeting not beers and curry) took place. He should not have accepted the Fixed penalty notice and let it go to court (where it would have been dismissed as it was ridiculous) but he is a weak man without courage and does whatever his advisors tell him to do. If you are referring to the partying of the civil servants who work at 10 Downing Street then that is a different matter which didn't involve the PM.
  23. Oops, looks like you accidentally forgot to post the first list from here: Countries with the Highest Total Gun Deaths (all causes) in 2019 Brazil — 49,436 United States — 37,038 Venezuela — 28,515 Mexico — 22,116 India — 14,710 Colombia — 13,169 Philippines — 9,267 Guatemala — 5,980 Weird that there are no European countries on either of these lists where strict gun control is implemented - must be a coincidence.
  24. Numbers, statistics and data are not emotional things and in this case are not on your side. By every single metric you care to look at, if you really wanted to save lives you would want to make the ability to buy and own a gun significantly more onerous than it currently is in America. Of course this would result in less gun sales and less money for the NRA and we start to get back to why the NRA wants to convince you that owning multiple guns is the only way to be safe in America. They definitely do not want you looking at the data from other countries which exposes this lie for what it is.
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