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Everything posted by James105

  1. Not sure why this debate is still going on. The gun control argument was settled way back in 2012 after the Sandy Hook massacre when Americans decided that it was more okay for little innocent kids in school to be shot and killed by someone with a legally purchased semi automatic rifle than it would be to take away that persons right to legally purchase the aforementioned weapon of destruction. America has made it abundantly clear that the occasional massacre of 5-10 year olds is okay as long as they get to keep their guns. It's been 10 years since Sandy Hook and Americans have decided not to vote in politicians who could do something to prevent this. It's not the NRA or some other bogeyman that is allowing this to happen - it is the democratic will of the American people to allow their innocent kids to get slaughtered on occasion.
  2. Perhaps you should take up your whine with google as all I did was type in ‘California Florida covid’. Being in the majority would have made you a nazi in 1930s Germany by the way so its not really a badge of honor or anything to be proud of. Enjoy your echo chamber as I am done here anyway.
  3. The risk of dying from covid is higher if someone is old or fat, so if your point is that older, fatter people vote red then you would have a valid point. I don't think covid itself really cares about which way someone voted or where they live. The chances of catching it seems higher in California than Florida according to the data despite all their crazy covid restrictions. I specifically choose 2 states that have similar a climate and are polar opposites politically to make a point. If your theory is a valid one then you should be able to apply it to any state and not need to engage in whataboutary.
  4. Yet a quick google search tells a different story. Are CNN a reliable source of news nowadays or are they biased? California's COVID-19 case rate now higher than many Southern states, twice that of Florida's https://abc7.com/california-covid-19-case-rate-florida/11226747/ New Florida COVID-19 cases 4 times lower than California, CDC data shows https://www.wfla.com/community/health/coronavirus/new-florida-covid-19-cases-4-times-lower-than-california-cdc-data-shows/
  5. Do you have evidence for this? The last time I looked there was no difference between the likes of California and Florida.
  6. I wouldn't hold your breath. The only logical reason for having such a convoluted and expensive system (for the traveller) in place when covid is already spreading as it is in the country is that somebody in power is making a lot more money out of testing and quarantine than they would do if the borders were open as normal. If my cynical view is correct we are waiting for that person/group to either do the right thing, or they get to a point where they feel they have made enough money, or we get to zero covid, whatever comes first.
  7. I think many people will be wondering what exactly the (scientific) purpose is of making potential visitors go through the pain and stress of testing on departure, testing on arrival and testing on day 5 for covid in a country that already has thousands of confirmed covid cases every single day, especially when the consequences of a failed test (regardless of whether the test is accurate) means a 2 week imprisonment. A 10 year old would be able to work out the cost/benefit ratio of this and ascertain the stupidity of it.
  8. James105

    Cash refused

    You can just tap any bank card on to these (as long as they are contactless) and you don't need a travel card at all. I don't know anyone that uses an Oyster card anymore other than those that buy season tickets. If you are against contactless bank cards and choose to use an Oyster as a preference then this is self imposed angst and completely avoidable.
  9. Do you have any kind of evidence for this? How many is quite a few?
  10. Probably the same as what happened in 25% vaccinated South Africa I would think. Not very much.
  11. France have had vaccine passports since July and managed to hit a whopping 464,769 infections in a single day! What's your expert opinion on that?
  12. My understanding is the same - it is a legal requirement to wear a mask whilst outdoors riding a motorbike. But just like so many other laws here it is so ridiculous it is rarely enforced. Since it is rarely enforced many people do not wear them and are surprised when they are stopped by the police for not doing so as they have seen so many others doing the same.
  13. Anybody looking at those kind of numbers would conclude that restrictions, curfews, mask mandates, vaccine passports etc simply do not work as has been obvious for quite some time now. England had no such restrictions and had less infections despite doing a lot more testing. Is there anyone still buying into the narrative that humans can control the virus at this point or has the majority woken up now? In a years time will anyone want to admit that they supported lockdowns or face masks I wonder?
  14. "Call for an immediate investigation into the increasing death rate amongst 15-19 year-old males since May of this year" https://www.hartgroup.org/press-release/ "At the High Court on Thursday 13th January, the ONS (Office for National Statistics) confirmed that there has been a significant rise in the death rate for adolescent males over the last eight months, compared to the same time period of 2015-2019. There have been at least 65 extra deaths in England and Wales, though the figure may be higher due to reporting delays for coroners cases. During the same time frame there were only 2 deaths involving Covid." Whats different about 2021 compared to any other year prior to this that may be relevant to what is causing this? Anyone have any ideas?
  15. Who cares? Israel are on their 4th jab now and it doesn't make any difference with this new variant. If someone is very fat or very old then the jab is of course a good thing to get but if healthy folks would rather not get it then so what? If you are worried about yourself then get some exercise and improve your diet - this will offer you significantly more protection than worrying about whether healthy teenagers or 20-30 year olds are getting a jab that doesn't make much difference to them.
  16. By mid year just a boarding pass should be sufficient to enter the country unless a visa is required from where they are coming from. Why are humans continuing to pretend to themselves that they have any control over this virus after 2 years of evidence and data that clearly shows they do not? Is it stupidity, hubris or something more sinister?
  17. If you bothered to actually read the article rather than immediately looking to discredit the source you would have noted that they base their article on information from the CDC. An example quote from that link (which originated from the CDC): “The overwhelming number of deaths, over 75%, occurred in people who had at least four comorbidities. So, really, these are people who were unwell to begin with. And yes, really encouraging news in the context of Omicron; this means not only just to get your primary series but to get your booster series. And yes, we’re really encouraged by these results.” So the number of "from Covid" deaths would be about 32,500 in the UK and the "with Covid" would be 150,000 if that is correct. So now you know the information comes from the CDC what is your next step? To try and find a wikipedia entry that discredits the CDC?
  18. I had success with this without having the owner id by giving the immigration officer the 300 baht she requested for the "free" residence certificate. That might be the paperwork the OP was missing.
  19. The court has ruled on this. In your expert legal opinion, what did they get wrong? Or do you have an expert medical opinion as to why he should not have been granted an exemption?
  20. I agree. Australia South China should not be allowed to host one in future. Hopefully Djokovic wins the South China Open and embarrasses them further still.
  21. I'm a bit rubbish at geography so I've no idea which country the one is in yellow, but I am sure that they must have had the strictest of lockdowns to get an outcome like they did. Anyone know which country it is?
  22. Ok I picked one bar as I assumed the maths involved would make it more digestible for you - I stand corrected on that. Let's try it another way. Supposing in 100 bars all the staff contracted covid at the same time and they all had to shut down for 2 weeks. Would this be better or worse for them than being forced to shut down for 8 months to avoid the possibility they would have to shut down for 2 weeks?
  23. Who exactly are you expecting to put themselves forward for an official test with mild or no symptoms though? The punishment for a positive (false or correct) is a 10-14 day sentence in some kind of hell hole for Thais and an expensive unnecessary hospital / hotel for foreigners unless they can persuade someone in authority to let them stay at home. I'm just confused about what you actually want to happen here based on your own situation. If you reported your wife to the authorities they would then most likely take her away and give her a PCR test to confirm and would that not make the numbers a bit more accurate? This is what you seem to be suggesting you want. Or do you just want other people to do that?
  24. They can only report the tests they carry out and if people like your wife do not report their own tests or get them confirmed officially then are you not a little closer to understanding why the figures are not accurate just by looking at your own situation?
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