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Everything posted by James105

  1. I have a UK Ltd but the income is not sourced in the UK, it comes from the USA. The UK Ltd I have just been using for convenience as I already had it when I started publishing my work (from my freelancing days) so there is no reason I can think of for this income to need to continue to to go into it. Perhaps I should have been clearer in that I am considering forming a new company in another part of the world where this income can go into and will (separately) liquidate the existing UK company income into my own personal accounts when I am 100% certain I will not be subject to UK tax on this.
  2. Thanks for your reply but according to this dividends are not taxable from a UK Ltd company paid to non-UK tax residents: https://forbesdawson.co.uk/articles/2022/05/06/are-my-dividends-tax-free-now-that-i-am-non-uk-resident/#:~:text=Non-UK resident individuals can,free from UK income tax. I'm actually expecting a rebate for any dividend tax paid since April 2020.
  3. Not quite sure where to put this question, but here feels like a good as place as any as it is related to Thailand. My UK Accountant (who is a bit of an idiot), took it upon himself to force the issue of my tax residency and is insisting that I am no longer a UK tax resident. To be fair he has a point as I haven't set foot in the UK for over 3 years mainly due to covid and then finding myself too comfortable in Thailand to make the effort to return. So for the past 3 years I have been paying taxes as though I am a UK tax resident. The accountant has completed and is about to file self assessments backdated to April 2020 declaring that I am no longer UK tax resident since that date and is just awaiting my approval. This leaves me with a bit of a pickle as I am not on a visa that allows me to work in Thailand (Elite visa), I have a UK Ltd company that I receive royalties into from published work, which I then take salary and dividends from, some of which I send to my Thai bank account for living expenses. Most of my income remains in UK bank accounts/investments. I have never registered for a tax ID in Thailand and the last time I spoke to a tax lawyer (several of them) over here they huffed and puffed stating how complicated my situation is and said I was better off staying as a UK tax resident... so I did. So I appear to be in the tax residency wilderness. If anyone can help with the following questions it would be very much appreciated: 1. Do I need register for and pay taxes in Thailand dating back to April 2020? 2. If so, then technically all the income I have brought into Thailand is all income earned abroad (and can be easily proven so) in prior years so do I get a free pass based on not bringing money into Thailand in the same year it was earned? 3. Is it even advisable to raise my head above the parapet even though I am pretty sure that I am not breaking any rules related to my income and what I do for work. 4. Would I get in trouble for not registering for tax after 180 days here? 5. On the basis that I should probably pay tax somewhere is it possible to voluntarily be a UK tax resident even if I do not live there? Everything was working just fine until my accountants intervention. 6. Bonus question! Any suggestions of where to base my Uk Ltd company? If tax residency in the UK is not an option I'm not sure keeping my company resident there with up to 25% corporation tax now is the most tax efficient place to do so. I've (briefly) looked at Estonia which seems easy enough to set up from abroad with e-residency but with 20% corporation tax it doesn't exactly feel like a bargain, but more research is needed.
  4. Swap fortune teller with <insert one of the 1000s of invented gods here> and you might well be onto something.
  5. Not sure if it's feasible in your case but my UK accountancy firm let me use their company address as my (UK) company address as a service that is included with the monthly accountancy fees and it is quite common for accountancy firms to offer this. That way they deal with all the stuff from HMRC/Companies house etc as well, as well as me not needing to change business addresses anytime I have moved. Maybe accountants here offer something similar.
  6. What about new words like "internet" that the Italians didn't bother creating their own version of so just use the English one?
  7. I agree that Moscow should not be allowed to host the Olympics during this time which would be the direct comparison to the point you are making, but that has nothing to do with this topic though does it?
  8. Who cares? Russian news is propaganda and is not much different to the news in the west which just carries different propaganda. Athletes train their whole lives to be able to compete in these competitions, do not have any influence over what their politicians do or do not do and a birthplace lottery should not be a deciding factor in whether they can compete against other athletes who happened to be born in more "acceptable" countries. Politics should have no place in sports.
  9. If you had actually been to Amsterdam you would be well aware that there are public urinals on the streets which avoids this particular issue. Maybe you should try and visit a place before offering your expert opinion on it.
  10. America, after Sandy Hook, decided collectively that a child's right to life is less important than an American's right to purchase and own semi-automatic rifles with as little fuss as possible. Every democratic vote taken since then has reaffirmed this. If American's wanted a different approach that didn't involve their kids getting gunned down at school they would have voted for it by now. School shootings are here to stay.
  11. So apparently the shooter was being treated for an "emotional disorder" and was still allowed to purchase 7 guns from 5 different stores. I am not sure this is quite what the founding fathers had in mind when drafting the second amendment. Perhaps it needs an update, something like an "amendment" perhaps?
  12. I doubt it is a personal choice for anyone in Thailand who works in 7/11 etc. I haven't seen the face of the person working in any shops here for the best part of 3 years. I feel quite sorry for these people who have to keep their masks on for 10+ hours a day.
  13. Yet you brought up independence in literally the first line of your post....
  14. Independence? This guy has failed at everything he has touched. The union has not looked more secure since the act of union in 1707.
  15. These are team events though, the same concept as mixed doubles in tennis, or sports such as equestrian where the horse is the one with the athletic ability. This does not mean that Andy Murray would have been able to compete against women in singles tennis if he wore a wig and called himself Andrea so it's hardly the same thing as what this topic is about - men being barred from competing against women.
  16. This is where continued escalation takes us. Are there any responsible adult leaders left in the Western world that are ready to stand up and start the call for de-escalation and peace talks? Yes, this will mean looking a bit less virtuous, and yes other, more virtuous leaders will not be publicly happy, but secretly they will be relieved that someone bolder than them has said it. The proles will not be happy but they will get over it and there will always be another war somewhere in the world they can get behind (on the side of what the media tells them are the good guys of course) and use the "good guys" flag on their Twitter bios in place of the Ukraine one.
  17. A female category (exclusively for biological women) and an "open to all" category for everyone else is all that is needed here. No need to over complicate matters. This will ensure that elite women have a fair playing field and elite men will continue to compete with each other. Average men will continue to be average and not win gold in women's sporting events.
  18. Strong women can indeed compete against weak men and win, but that isn't really what is being talked about here is it.
  19. People should have the same rights as their pet dogs. If you let a dog die of starvation the same way as this example of a human being tortured at the end of her life you would rightly be arrested for animal cruelty. https://metro.co.uk/2023/03/21/elderly-woman-dies-28-days-after-carers-stopped-giving-her-food-and-water-18475773/
  20. The topic is about a country that has made something illegal which is also illegal in many other countries that all have something in common (Islam). Why would that be out of scope for this topic other than the fact it's an uncomfortable truth the left doesn't want to acknowledge? The only reason this particular instance has generated some outrage is that it is *not* a majority muslim country so Uganda is not privy to the bigotry of low expectations that would give them a free pass on this.
  21. Presumably they must have ticked all the required boxes now for FIFA to award them the next world cup.
  22. They really should be getting their info from Greta, as she really knows what she is talking about: Just need to figure out what I am going to do with the 3 months humanity has remaining as of course will need to make the most of it!
  23. Of course there was no outrage as the BBC agreed to continue to provide it for "free" as part of an agreement they signed with the government - they reneged on this. https://www.theguardian.com/media/2015/jul/06/bbc-pay-cost-free-tv-licences-over-75s-fee-deal The BBC should be cutting back on services, excessive salaries and stop trying to compete with commercial channels if they do not have enough money. There is no need for it to be so bloated.
  24. That only applies to those over 75 and on pension credit, so excludes poor pensioners under 75 and any who do not qualify for pension credit, and it's not just pensioners that are poor that struggle to pay for their heating bills. All these people are charged the exact same amount as the billionaires which helps to fund multi-millionaire Lineker's salary.
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