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Everything posted by James105

  1. I'm struggling to understand - since she is no longer a UK citizen - how it is she is still qualifying for UK legal aid. We would not do this for other citizens of ISIS or Bangladesh or any other part of the world, so I am baffled after the first appeal why this responsibility still falls on the UK taxpayer.
  2. Just to be clear, you think minors should (for example) be able to have their penis removed prior to being 18 and you think it's far right hatred that is the reason that kids cannot get their body parts sliced off? I presume that being on the side of allowing minors to have such drastic, irreversible, life changing surgery you believe you are one of the good guys?!
  3. Well you simply cannot get more "far right" than this. Has anyone reported them to the FBI yet?
  4. And those youngsters already smoking are "technically" denied a healthier alternative. Fortunately bad and nonsensical laws are (rightly) ignored as can be seen when out and about as there are very few youngsters actually smoking real cigarettes and are choosing the much healthier option of vaping instead.
  5. It was headline news in every single media outlet for a week. There will be countless women who thought that this was just a "nice to be nice" bit of legislation that have now realised that it is the equivalent of allowing foxes to identify as chickens so they can get access to the hen house. I can provide a link to what common sense means if that is any help to you?
  6. Anyone who cannot tell the difference between a double rapist and a woman up to the point that a double rapist was housed in a women's prison should be absolutely nowhere near a place that can make legislation. She has woken up a lot of previously unaware women to the fact their rights and single sex spaces are under threat though, so that could be considered an unintended success of her time in office I guess.
  7. Can you prove Santa Claus does not exist? If you cannot then logically you have to admit that Santa Claus exists, whether you want to or not.
  8. Again, lots of words, but it seems you agree with me that if the strict requirements for a fully-auto is not against 2nd amendment, then neither will strict requirements for semi-auto. You still have the right to bear arms (as per the constitution), and even without semi-automatic arms, they will be arms that can kill a lot more people a lot more quickly than a musket which was what arms referred to when this amendment was written. Or perhaps you are advocating that the 2nd amendment be amended to better reflect the arms in use today and specify which guns need the strictest checks and which ones don't?
  9. You've used a lot of words there to avoid answering the question I posed which was: "If the requirements to get an automatic rifle are not in breach of second amendment rights, why can the exact same rules for fully automatics (strict requirements, cost etc) not be applied to semi-automatics as well? " Since the ability to purchase a firearm is oft cited by the gun lobby as a second amendment right, and the fact that fully automatic weapons are subject to additional stricter checks (which I am sure is not specified in a constitution written before such weapons were invented), how would making the same checks for semi-auto the same as for full auto be against any second amendment rights? If it is not against 2nd amendment, and you can still purchase some kind of gun to kill other humans and animals what would be the problem with that? Admittedly it would be more difficult to carry out a massacre due to the need to do something each time in between shots other than squeezing the trigger, but that would only affect the lunatics who want to carry out mass shootings. So unless your requirement was to kill lots of defenceless kids in a short amount of time a non automatic gun would be sufficient, would it not?
  10. Of course that is not possible. Just in the same way it is not possible to prove that fairies, unicorns, Santa and goblins do not exist. Of course if you can prove that god does exist then you will turn me into a believer. If you have a direct line to this omnipotent being then please tell this almighty wizard to come down and show himself. If this entity cares about whether or not puny humans believe in him then I am sure he will be along anytime now to demonstrate this.
  11. There are literally hundreds of Gods made up by man. Which one should I dedicate my life to? Allah? Odin? Thor? Zeus? Buddha? Santa Claus? Satan (who only gets a bad rep due to propaganda)? Or one of the hundreds of other ones? And what if you get it wrong? Thank god I am an atheist is all I can say on this matter as I have better things to do with my time such as searching for the fairies at the bottom of my garden.
  12. If the requirements to get an automatic rifle are not in breach of second amendment rights, why can the exact same rules for fully automatics (strict requirements, cost etc) not be applied to semi-automatics as well?
  13. That sounds like a good argument to ban semi-automatic handguns as well then. Why stop at AR15s and their equivalents since handguns are equally effective at killing kids? After all, America has proven that the second amendment rights are not breached by not allowing the purchase of fully automatic rifles, so why not extend that to semi-automatic killing machines also? You could still purchase a hunting rifle if you wanted to go hunting, and one of those little single shot girls guns would suffice for self defence. Obviously this will not be sufficient to stop a rogue government that has tanks, fighter planes, missiles and warships at it's disposal, but then neither is an AR-15.
  14. Completely agree. These are the "weapons of incels" that have been used countless times to massacre kids at school. No self respecting serving member of the forces would want one of these to go to war with where people actually fight back, but they do excel in the task of killing large numbers of defenceless children. So what weapon did the Sandy Hook guy use? This one seemed to kill 27 people and left only 2 injured - seems like a lot of go in that one to me.
  15. Most burglars do care if the owners are there unless they are going for the UK's dumbest criminal award or their intentions are something other than burglary. Do you have a non-NRA associated link that backs up this claim?
  16. Most people that claim to have knowledge of rifles have delusional fantasies about fending off multiple armed gangsters with their AR15 rifles. For this fantasy to become reality it would require the following: 1. The gangsters notify you in advance of their arrival so you can prepare yourself accordingly so they don't take you by surprise. 2. The gangsters need to have the shooting accuracy of a stormtrooper. 3. You are literally John Wick. People in other countries do not seem to have this same fear. I wonder if that is related to the fact that people (gangsters or otherwise) are not able to easily buy their appendage extensions from a sporting goods store?
  17. So America does have gun control then. I was under the impression that gun control was pointless as criminals will be criminals. Since America already has gun control whats the problem with the controls being tightened to make it a tiny bit harder for the next lunatic to kill quite as many kids in the next school massacre?
  18. Insurance would not pay out if she didn't have a valid licence to ride here. Based on the price of insurance (£200) for a healthy 24 year old girl my presumption is that she paid for insurance that very explicitly covered riding a bike over here as it was something she planned to do whilst here. Seems like a sensible girl who took the correct precautions but just had an accident. It happens. At least she didn't need to rely on the kindness of strangers to help her financially with a Go fund me page.
  19. The Thai Government introduced a ban on electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes or ‘vaping’), shisha smoking, and electronic shishas in 2014, for “health reasons and to discourage young people from starting to smoke”. So in order to discourage young people from smoking they ban everything other than... actual smoking. Slow hand clap for the geniuses who make these daft laws, although I think we all know that the real reason for this is lawmakers taking kickbacks from the tobacco industry who see healthier options to their addictive, poisonous, cancer sticks as a threat to their future income.
  20. Yes, you need that too but this is quick and easy. I just used a clinic on Soi Buakhao and was in/out in about 10 minutes with the certificate. This is the least painful part of the process.
  21. Not a snowball in hells chance of getting it the same day. I renewed mine 3 weeks ago and it was a case of: 1. Going to immigration to get residence certificate (2 separate trips over 2 days as immigration was jam packed). 2. Going to DLT to make appointment. They only have 70 appointments in the morning and 30 in the afternoon. Note this is not an appointment to actually get the licence, it's just an appointment to get the documents checked and then make an appointment to get the licence. I got there about 10:30 in the morning and there were no more appointments for the morning so I was told to come back in the afternoon. Due to me not really understanding the process I asked her a few questions and the time it took her to explain why I needed to come back in the afternoon took longer than the 2 minutes it took to check docs and make appointment when I returned in the afternoon. During this part there was also lots of agents queue jumping so this can waste a lot of your time even if your number is next to be called you can end up waiting a long time as any agents will go straight to front of queue. 3. Actual appointment to do the colour test and reaction test was scheduled for about a week later. Lots of waiting around, but got the licence same day and took about 3 hours total. On the bright side the girl who did the document check didn't realise I was only entitled to a 2 year extension with my visa and not a 5 year licence so I managed to swag a 5 year one. You might be able to reduce some of the time wasting by using an agent, but the guy I was chatting to there who did use an agent said it cost him 5000. That cost provides the ability to queue jump the initial document check, but still requires you to make (I think) 2 trips to DLT, as it seemed the agent cannot get the documents checked and the actual appointment for the licence without you physically being there so not sure how much value they add other than a bit of queue jumping.
  22. The finest bit of whataboutery I have seen yet! Congrats!
  23. ok so you didn't like that link (the content of which came from an amnesty international report) and chose to discredit the author rather than reading it. Here is the same report which comes from amnesty international. https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2016/01/child-labour-behind-smart-phone-and-electric-car-batteries/ So.. are you a child slave labour supporter or a denier? No doubt you will now call into question who funds amnesty international rather than addressing the contents of that report. I'm sure that one or more of the 10 million individuals that contribute funds to them is an unsavoury character you can deflect onto as this seems to be your MO.
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