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Iron Tongue

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Posts posted by Iron Tongue

  1. On 3/12/2020 at 5:24 AM, lungbing said:

    There are certainly not hundreds of Chinese passing through Nong Khai daily.   We arrived back in Khon Kaen this afternoon after a three day break in Nong Khai.  The town is deserted.  You can see from one end of Tasadet market to the other.  You could stand in the middle of the road outside the main post office and a couple of bikes might go round you, but you would be in no danger from vehicles.  The promenade walk along the river front is empty.  One of the  big restaurants  on the river front is closed, the other one, Daeng, so-so busy, but only with locals.  Face masks useage is  virtually non-existant.


    All this as a result of the poor economy or the virus?  I don't know.

    The Chinese are not travelling yet, many still refuse to return to their jobs even though the State is pushing them to return.  They certainly are not thinking about vacationing right now.  There is real concern about China economy and saving money, plus their employers are not approving vacations.

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  2. 16 hours ago, NatureFilm said:

    What frustrates me most is no disinfection spray to buy.

    Huh?  You can't find sanitizers?

    Make your own.  2/3 91% alcohol to 1/3 aloe vera gel for hand sanitizer.  Final solution needs to be 70%+ alcohol.


    Spray sanitizer: bleach+water.  

    Area surfaces: 1/2cup to gallon water

    Food surfaces: 2 teaspoons to gallon water

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  3. 3 hours ago, ecoscape said:

    Thailand needs to tell italy and America its secret Covid prevention strategy. 800 + dead in Italy and yet Thailand has only 59 reported cases despite the vast numbers of Chinese visitors to Thailand in December and January. Or is this the most fatal con trick of all time? Unforgivable

    Why attack America?  In terms of infections & dead, it is still among the lowest.  

    If you look at TOTAL infected for Europe vs North America, Europe has 20X the infection rate of the USA.

    The US was early in halting all travellers from China, which helped greatly but its infections then came from Europeans and Mexico.then


  4. I've used ozone generators at home and back when I kept reef tanks so I'm not skeptical, but I do have practical questions.


    1.  Rather than drafting O3 by placing behind the fan, why not put your generator in front of the fan for total dispersal?  Seems more efficient to push all of the O3 with the fan rather than lose some by being behind it.

    2.  I know you say to leave the room when operating but by the looks of the simple switch, do you have to go back inside to turn it off?  Perhaps you have an extension cord?

  5. 11 hours ago, RandolphGB said:

    This is bang on. Far less common to a Chinese girl marry a Westerner than it is for Thais. 


    They believe in their racial purity and racial superiority. It has been drummed into them from centuries and centuries of propaganda. 



    Boy are you wrong.  Where did you get this bit from?


    As a nation, the Chinese are proud of where they are now, especially after ~100 years of humiliation from Western colonialism. 

    BUT, if you know any history, China has been accepting and absorbing outside cultures for over 2 millenia.

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