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Posts posted by Bruno123

  1. 2 minutes ago, mahtin said:

    Asked the wife. She doesn't know how. Just gives her phone to the 7 clerk and pays.

    Impossible. 7-11 don't do AIS top-ups. ???? 


    How is it possible that your wife does not know about these?




    You press the touchscreen; choose English(forget about your wife), Choose the Mobile Top-up icon, input your number and then choose the 10 baht top up option.

    It will ask you to insert 12 baht. Insert a 100 baht note and it will deduct 12 baht from it. You won't get any change, but don't worry about that.

    Choose the Mobile Top-up icon again, input your number and then choose the 10 baht top up option. This time it will show you that you have 88 baht to utilise and deduct the next 12 baht from that. Repeat until all the credit is used up other than 4 baht. You can add another 40 baht in order to have 12 transactions, taking you up to 12 months of validity for 144 baht. 120 baht as phone credit with 24 baht in fess.

    Enjoy ???? 


    • Thanks 1
  2. 2 hours ago, mahtin said:

    Need to validate my Xiaomi phone for Xiaomi, which involves them sending  an SMS from China. It doesn't arrive, so can't enter the OTP.

    Previously had the same problem, not receiving SMS from Germany.

    Could this be resolved by changing anything, maybe different plan, like Mao Mao?

    Have 200 Baht validity, about to expire in 2 days. Mao Mao extends validity?


    Otherwise, received a new prepaid True SIM with the phone. Could put some money in that.

    Xiaomi's procedure requires mobile data active and wifi off, apparently.


    SIM validity will expire? Why not top up 10 + 2 baht for another month, at a Boontherm device?

    You can repeat until you have twelve months of validity. Will cost you 24 baht in total, with the rest(120 baht) added as credit on the SIM.

  3. 5 minutes ago, The Hammer2021 said:

    That is joyless, vaguely  scary visual hell hole. Where is the beach? Where is the sea? It'd looks like a  slum tenement!


    The OP stated that it is a place for his niece, who if I remember correctly, has HIV and has lost a lot of weight, to recover and to gain weight.

    It seems to make sense to more than one poster here, that there is ample space and facilities for her. One bathroom with one toilet between them in a two bedroom apartment of 52 sq. m. in total, in my opinion, does not appear an adequate solution. The fact that it is temporary makes no difference. It is not temporary for her. It is temporary for him.

    So what she gets is a tiny bedroom and a shared bathroom and toilet.


    So my suggestions took into account all of the information that the OP provided. OP disagrees and thinks his choice the right one. That's his prerogative. 





  4. 7 minutes ago, The Hammer2021 said:

    Yes but as he's not here he might not be aware of the better opportunities in other nearby beach areas. Having been thus informed of alternative  opportunities  we can then move on to specificities. There is little point detailing condos on Dongtan and Yim Yom unless the OP confirms he might consider, what is a far superior location, to that which he is inquiring  about.


    I don't think he cares about superior locations from what I have read from him thus far. No feedback at all from newnative's suggestion. All sensible suggestions have been rejected. I doubt if anyone else will bother.

    He likes what NEO offers. Leave him to do what he wants. 

    • Haha 2
  5. 8 minutes ago, newnative said:

    As I said, two choices for the OP to consider.  Perhaps one will suit his needs.  And, perhaps, there will be other choices put forward by other posters.


    Yes, of course. I am critiquing for the OP as he has no experience. He might like or dislike any or all of my likes and dislikes. I can only speak with regard to my personal taste and experience. 

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  6. 26 minutes ago, newnative said:

        The unit I mentioned does have 2 bathrooms.  The project is beachfront--there are no other projects in front of it--just the street and then the beach.  If you're in the 'A' building at Lumpini I doubt you're any farther back from the beach than your choice.  LPB offers the chance of having a seaview unit, which we did.  Your choice is low rise, older, and most units don't have a seaview, or much of one--I remember looking at a unit there and being disappointed with the view.  But, you're correct about larger room sizes there.   Two choices for the OP to consider.  

    Sorry, but I do not consider hundreds of metres away from the beach as beachfront.  Plus you add the caveat of being in building A.

    I didn't sell my suggestion as beachfront since the OP doesn't want nor expect beachfront anyway.


    I chose it for living space/quality of life.  NEO end is okay if you like nightlife and don't mind being around some interesting characters.  Lumpini is a bit far; you might have to wait a while for a baht bus. Plus the rooms are pokey with cheap fittings in the main. I looked and I didn't like. 

    Panchalae is next to the night market. The area is less sleazy, with a children's playground opposite. The living space far superior to any of those pokey condos. The views likely better than those from his first choice, as they only have low rise houses to overlook. Neo is surrounded.


    • Sad 1
  7. 1 minute ago, CartagenaWarlock said:

    Most if not all condos have swimming pool and gym. I Have not seen any decent condo in Pattaya that does not have one. 15K is sure to get one two bed rooms. ON beach front may be little older and less maintained, In my opinion. But a little away from the beach but still walking distance to the beach and in a low rise building, you're sure to get one for 15K.


    How is this helpful? ???? The OP asked for names. Even NEO is not beachfront but walking distance. I have no idea why the OP even included it in his criteria. Beach road; not beach front perhaps. I live beachfront and that means on the beach with no road or long driveway in front of the building.

    • Sad 2
    • Thanks 2
  8. Just now, newnative said:

        Lumpini Park Beach at the south end of Beach Road is beachfront.  My partner and I used to own a 56 sqm 2 bedroom/2 bath there.  Bathrooms are small but there are two of them.  Second bedroom is also small but can sleep 1, or 2 with bunk beds.  Nice size balcony. Two big pools and a small gym.  Library, sky lounge, ping pong, baht bus on Beach Road.  Might suit for a short stay.  Can't think of much else beachfront at that price point for 2 bedroom/2 bath with both gym and pool.


    Hmmm...but not really. The buildings themselves are quite far back from the beach, the design somewhat austere and the rooms tiny. Plus it's probably a bit too far down for the OP.

    I think where I suggested is better for living; in terms of the location, space and ambience. Plus it is obviously better to have two bathrooms; so the girl can have real privacy.


  9. 5 hours ago, simon43 said:

    Can someone familiar with the condo names in Jomtien please tell me what buildings are right on the beach road, with a fitness room and a swimming pool?


    My plans to move to Samui are on hold right now because I need to look after my niece who needs to build up her muscles after an illness.


    We need a condo with 2 bedrooms. I have found Neo condo (any members know this condo?). But I'm sure there are other beachfront condos that I should check out online (I am not in Jomtien right now, still in chachoengsao!


    Your choice doesn't even fit your own criteria.  

    Neither beachfront nor sea view. But wanting two bedrooms for 15k is going to limit your choices somewhat. 52 sq. m. for a two bedroom? That's smaller than my studio.

    Names aren't going to help much, as you'll still need to find a two bed within for your budget.

    When I was looking for myself, I took a look at Panchalae; a two bedroom unit covers 126 sq.m.. Though a bit over your budget. Negotiate. 




    At least you won't be tripping over each other.





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  10. 1 hour ago, wn78 said:


    I am shopping for a new 5G phone.  Pixel phones are on my list, so are a couple of Samsungs.  No point in posting the shopping list right now, because I may end up getting a different model in the end. I need a way to check if a specific 5G phone will work in Thailand or not. 


    KhunBENQ has already provided an appropriate source for you.

  11. 1 hour ago, sqwakvfr said:

    The exact same model could have some technical differences.  I have an unlocked Samsung A325G.  I bought the phone in Thailand.  When I was in the US the phone was not compatible with ATT even though ATT offers a Samsung A325G at their stores.  Apparently the difference was something to do with frequency range?(What do I know about that).  But the Thai version of the A32 5G worked fine on the T-Mobile network.  Some carriers have an IMEI check on their website.  I should have done that before wasting time with ATT.  

    Then it isn't the exact same model then is it?

    Either way, I will understand once the model number has been revealed. Ridiculous that they left out such an important detail.

  12. 20 minutes ago, KhaoYai said:

    Therein lies the problem.  For what I do, I don't need a powerful laptop or the latest model.  I can replace this one for 5000-6000 baht in Thailand - I suspect that trying to get it fixed will cost more than that.


    I normally have 2 identical models - one in Thailand, the other in the UK - that way I avoid having to carry one. All I have to carry is my portable hard drive.  If I can't fix this problem easily I might just buy another and leave this one in Thailand as my other one was stolen during a break-in.


    I still find it strange that to date, the problem has only ever happened when I've been on this site.  I sometimes use the laptop to view Formula 1 through Sky Go when in the UK.  Its never frozen during that use and my novice thinking is that such use would put much more strain on the processor than viewing a website.


    You can likely fix the problem temporarily by changing your Browser to one that can block scripts automatically.

    Something like Brave, turning on the Block Scripts option via Settings. https://support.brave.com/hc/en-us/articles/360022806212-How-do-I-use-Shields-while-browsing


    You can block Cross Site cookies too.




    The real issue with that laptop is the lack of SSD. CPU isn't great, but you cannot change that. But that, in conjunction with the very old magnetic spinning disc storage method, can lead to the freezing and churning that you are experiencing.

    Fitting an SSD will cost 600 baht + VAT plus the cost of the SSD at any official ACER service centre. So total cost from perhaps around 1500 baht to 2000 baht dependent on the capacity of the solid state drive.


    That way you won't even need to keep it on, as it will start up and shut down in seconds and generally be more of a pleasure in use. 


    You won't be able to change the drive yourself, as it's a horrible design:




    Edit: Actually looking into this further, it might be a BIOS issue. Taking a quick look.

    • Thanks 1
  13. 7 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    That could be at least 20 different problems. There is no "do this and it will work again" answer.


    Sorry to say it like this but with your limited computer knowledge it is more likely that you make it worse than that you will fix it. I suggest ask an expert (a real expert) to fix it.

    And I can tell you already that the expert will also do a lot of trial and error. If he is lucky then he guesses the first time right and he fixes the problem in 10 min. If he is not lucky then he will try 20 different possible solutions until hopefully he will find the underlying problem. There is no easy fix for this.


    Erm....you have no idea as to whether the fix will be easy or whether it requires skills beyond the OP. Your post is simply conjecture.


    It could be something as simple as an underpowered CPU in conjunction with old spinning disc tech. But not one person, prior to my post, asked anything with regard to the specification of the laptop.

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