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Posts posted by Bruno123

  1. You have an AIS SIM; run a speed test on it before you do anything else. If the speed and stability is superior; then you know what to do.

    Quite likely you will still persist with the Truemove H SIM regardless; but at least you will know that you have the option to apply an AIS 10 Mbps pack( 200 baht per month currently) if the speed test indicate it is a more suitable product to your needs.


    Truemove H has not ever been my first choice; partially for the reason you are having issues with now.

    • Like 1
  2. On 11/25/2021 at 6:27 PM, Nino3 said:

    I typically don't take time to publish my opinions on such matters but I woke up this morning in an off mood. One must be bat .... crazy to have not seen this coming, any of this, even the positive PCR test after landing. Stop complaining and realize that you will do nothing to make change and in this case as many, the government doesn't give a .... either.


    Many have identified a 3000B hotel room as being expensive. This is utter nonsense. If one travels internationally and has a difficult time digesting the thought and expenditure of 3000B nightly is best to not travel. 


    In this case, I find the resolution or the path to minimize this happening to one is to book at an internationally trusted hotel chain such as Westin, Hilton, Sheraton etc;. Agoda, Expedia, Hotels.com, blah, blah, blah. Agoda told me this, Agoda advertised this, but Expedia said this, give me a break. Learn to book directly with airlines and hotels directly. You may just find that you have a much more enjoyable and less stressful travels.



    I honestly have no idea why you took the time to publish that 'opinion'. 

    From reading it, I don't think that you are in a position to teach anyone about stress-free travelling. Cool down ????

    • Like 2
  3. 6 hours ago, GammaGlobulin said:

    Same with all health insurance.


    You pay, and pay.


    Do you ever get what you paid for?

    Yes. I cannot say that I have recouped all of my premiums over the years; maybe yes, maybe no. But they have always paid up and don't go the cheap route either.

    Even now I am receiving treatment at the most expensive hospital around here; paid for directly through having an insurance policy.

    I could afford to pay for myself; but this treatment alone exceeds the cost of the policy.



    • Like 1
  4. On 11/25/2021 at 6:33 AM, Troy Tempest said:

    See Britman's Comment above.


    I used to travel back to the UK every year for a few months (Before Covid) and I am wealthy enough to self-insure for most things!


    However, I did take out Health insurance recently because of the covid situation with a company I cannot mention because of the defamation laws here......


    But, it was with a "Broker" who's name rhymes with the name of a large Black Cat and the Insurance Company name would rhyme with an alternative name for a "Dried Plum"! ......I am sure you will guess who I am talking about (even if you don't do crosswords)?


    But, on September 9th I suffered severe chest pain and thought I may be having a heart attack so I went to the nearest Hospital (which is one of the larger Private Hospital Groups) in Thailand and after many tests spent the night "Wired-Up" in ICU....


    Next morning I was feeling okay so I discharged myself against their advice/wishes and to date (fingers crossed) have remained well.


    The bill was 67,960 THB


    I am still awaiting compensation despite numerous calls and emails to both the Broker and The Insurance Company!


    Conclusion: Never buy Health Insurance from a Thai Company!


    I welcome your replies now! :wai::thumbsup:



    Are you sure?

    Okay.....my guess it that you ignored the part of the policy that tells you to inform them before you check yourself into a hospital as an in-patient.


    Looks like you checked yourself in on a whim and you checked yourself out in the same manner.

    Every medical insurance policy I have utilised, states that you should contact them if the bill is likely to be over a certain amount. I am guessing that your bill is above that certain amount.


    What happens is that you contact them and they, with your permission, liaise with the relevant department at the hospital. If all okay; they provide guarantee for your bill. 

    The fact that you paid the bill yourself before leaving and again left without being discharged by the hospital, tells me that you likely did not do any of the things requested for your claim to be valid and now you are paying for your 'independent' behaviour.


    Of course I am not in possession of all of the facts; so it's just an educated guess.


    • Like 1
  5. 32 minutes ago, KhunLA said:

    That's way too much work.

    After 65+ years of practice, my aim is fairly perfected.


    Of course when I look down to aim, I can actually see, where others may have a blocked line of sight, in which case, they may want to sit.  It would be the considerate thing to do, unless enjoy a bit of clean up after.  Weighing those options, sitting sounds the better option.


    It's not an imposition for me. I do it when I am alone anyway. Means that I don't have to clean the bathroom on a daily basis. Once a week is enough. I have a life; I don't want to spend it cleaning the accommodation every day..

    No offensive smell of dying bacteria in the toilet. I have to wash my hands anyway, so two seconds spraying around the toilet bowl doesn't hurt me. 25 baht spray bottle from Mr DIY and the same for Haiter. Dilute. Simple and effective.

  6. 36 minutes ago, sanuk711 said:


    • Live It Up Or Give It Up
    • .....................................................................Your right Bruno--I must way behind, I still can not see Swiss in their username........????

    Me being right is good enough for me.

    For your part; you'll need to take note of who has posted on this thread in order to unravel your confusion.

    • Confused 1
  7. 10 minutes ago, Will B Good said:

    Wrong time of the month?


    I have no idea as to what Mr LA is referring. Something going on in his own head that doesn't quite translate to real life. How he could end up arguing with someone who was actually agreeing with him is known only to himself.


    For me, I like peace. Anyone who tries to disturb it is simply excluded. No stress; no arguments. Thank you and goodbye. I don't do 'moods'.  Behave nicely or wait outside until you can.

    • Haha 1
  8. 25 minutes ago, Will B Good said:

    I guess someone, somewhere might need a woman with a bad attitude in their lives......each to his own I guess.

    Depends on what you are used. Some people have no idea as to how to behave; so let their women run rampant.

    Anyone who attempts to behave that way with me, will find themselves on the wrong side of my front door...with all of their stuff. Then I go back to my peaceful existence.

    Bring something good or you are not welcome.




  9. 9 minutes ago, KhunLA said:


    Also note you were the first person to attempt to offend someone in a reply.

    Let that sink in.


    I have no idea as to what you are referring. Since you are no more important to me than the woman mentioned in the OP; the only thinking sinking is your pathetic attempt to bring 'woke' into the conversation.

    Now please; woman/toilet seat. Try to keep on-topic or find yourself a thread title that mentions 'woke' and knock yourself out.

    Any more nonsense and you will simply go on ignore. You are not that important to me nor anyone else here. 

    • Haha 1
  10. 4 minutes ago, Will B Good said:

    Wow....new age man....well impressed.

    Point being, that I don't need a woman with a bad attitude in my life. It's not like I need one in order to be able to exist.

    So she had better be bringing something good into my life; otherwise she can keep moving right along. 

    • Like 1
  11. 6 minutes ago, sanuk711 said:

    I think the punch line --refers to where women think mans real brain resides.........  A lot lower then the head..........:coffee1:


    Now I have explained that Bruno123......your have to explain the "Swiss Man".....because I dont get that one........


    You didn't understand your own joke??


    Erm...we don't want to get personal here; keeping it just to a gentle ribbing.


    It refers to men who are writing about it being disrespectful to women by being upstanding whilst peeing.

    The suggestion is that they are being controlled by female thinking and by inference; those are the ones using their little brains.

    The ones with their brains in the correct place will do what is in the best interest of their good health.

    Having a useless nagging woman is not it.

  12. 5 minutes ago, KhunLA said:

    Since women are the main 'seamstresses' of the world, making men's clothes, simply stop putting zippers in pants ... problem  solved.


    Surprised the 'woke' haven't had zippers banned as 'oppressive' to women.


    First time at daughters condo, she says 'don't forget to put the seat down'.  My reply was 'you got a choice, you want me to pick the seat up, or put it down' ... wife laughed, she didn't.


    Of course I put it down, it's her house, her rules.  Ours house, 2 toilets, problem solved.

    Agreed. Her house; her rules. But don't be one of those idiots who misuse the term 'woke'.

  13. 10 minutes ago, sanuk711 said:

    Once there was a female brain cell who accidentally ended up in a man’s head.

    She looked around but it was all empty. “Hello?” she cried, but no answer.

    “Is there anyone here?”


    Silence. “HELLO! Then she heard a very faint voice from far, far away… “We’re down here!”

    Was it a Swiss man's head? :sorry:????

  14. 3 minutes ago, DrPhibes said:

    You do know that urine is one of the cleanest fluids that comes out of your body unless you have a UTI and has been used as an anti-fungal remedy for feet for a long time (even today).  About 90+% water with salts and urea.  It's OK with the wife to clean (something about the aroma), she just adds to the other interesting things she likes such as boom boom booger skin treatment and brushing dried out sex crumbs from the bed in the morning with a sly smile on her face looking straight into my eyes.


    He is Swiss...what do you expect? ????

    • Haha 1
  15. 2 minutes ago, DrPhibes said:

    You do know that urine is one of the cleanest fluids that comes out of your body unless you have a UTI and has been used as an anti-fungal remedy for feet for a long time (even today).  About 90+% water with salts and urea.  It's OK with the wife to clean (something about the aroma), she just adds to the other interesting things she likes such as boom boom booger skin treatment and brushing dried out sex crumbs from the bed in the morning with a sly smile on her face looking straight into my eyes.

    I feel a bit sick...was this really necessary?

  16. 36 minutes ago, 1FinickyOne said:

    You giving lessons?


    Being obedient was never something I expected from a wife/Gf... even my maid and gardener are not particularly obedient... my wife in USA - yeah right? 



    I don't expect obedience; I expect cooperation. If they cannot; I don't need them in my space.

    There are billions more from which to choose.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  17. 5 minutes ago, Will B Good said:

    Bet you wrote this when the wife was out....555

    Funny; but I wouldn't have a wife that behaved in that way. I get to know people before they enter my space. 

    A wife is not your mum. I can clean and cook for myself. If someone wants to join with me; they need to have the right attributes. Starting petty arguments is not one of them.

    • Thanks 2
  18. 18 hours ago, lesmac said:

    From what I found online it looks like 300 for the Android box and then a package at 2 to 3000 

    Looks like this to me:



    There are 3 promotions. Any one can do it. are as follows 1/: 299 baht per month, unlimited internet 10 Mbps sim, no speed reduction (watch free football 2 pairs per week)

    2/: 399 baht Internet SIM 10 Mbps Unlimited use, no speed reduction Free calls within the True network 24 hours and 200 minutes outside the network (2 free football matches per week)

    3/: 499 SIM card, unlimited use, no speed reduction, 20 Mbps, free calls in True network, 200 minutes network, watch free football every match in 2021 - Must submit ID card to check rights - The shop notified that the service fee is not charged. Press to order in the system. - The product will be delivered in a new TrueID box and an Internet SIM. There will be a discount of 300 baht, 50 baht per month, 6 months, every package. For example, choose a promotion, open the number 499 baht, contract for 12 months, reduce 300 baht, return 6 months, 50 baht per month, 1-6 months, pay 449 baht, 7-12 pay 499 baht. - 12 month contract if cancel the number Bring the box back to True Shop.


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