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Posts posted by Eindhoven

  1. 19 minutes ago, brewsterbudgen said:

    You're very naive if you don't think what you wrote can apply to all women.  Your comments (like the ones you're commenting on) say more about yourself than the people you're judging.  Of course, exactly the same is true for me.


    Misread what you wrote...so have rewritten my reply.

    If you actually go back to read what I wrote, that is exactly what I have written.

    That it is not about Thai or Western. It's about the men and how they choose their partners in the first place.

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  2. Just now, brewsterbudgen said:

    A lot of sense, until you referred to the "lowest class of female possible". ???? Makes you no better than the guys you are criticising.


    Nope; I tell it like it is. They meet their girlfriends in bars and clubs here too and then expect them to be faithful. It's totally ridiculous. You would hardly believe the amount of girls even though they were married or with partner, who would still contact me and profess their love. These were girls with whom I was just friends. But they obviously had a deeper connection with me than their partners. Not only Thai girls I might add. Had a Russian girl do exactly the same recently.

    So it's about the connection. But when you meet your girlfriends whilst drinking, deeper connections don't really come into it.


    So I wrote exactly what I meant. Stop dealing with low class girls and then suggesting that they are better than western women. You just make yourself look like a fool. If it walks like a duck.....then cry into your beer when you finally are confronted by the mental problems and/or infidelity.

  3. 34 minutes ago, Bkktodd said:

    No doubt youve never been married to western 60k women. Find the right thai woman and she will jump hoops over any western lady. My opinion 


    What is "western 60k" woman? is that a special category of woman? This kind of description of women says more about you than any kind of Western or Thai woman.


    This was my point entirely. That you can find good and bad women. It's not about Thai or western, but about the man's ability to filter out and choose the right one in the first place.


    The lack of this social skill puts him in the unenviable position of choosing the wrong woman in the first place.

    Many, for instance, met their western partners in a pub or a bar or a club. Buying a girl a drink is traditional. Why do you think so many of you sit in bars here? Same *&^%, different day.

    You can only talk to a woman with Dutch courage onboard. Hardly the way to choose the right partner.

    So you choose with your beer googles on and when she starts to put weight on, slag her off.

    Later when it all goes pear-shaped because you have little in common, you cry into your beer and formulate the idea to go to Thailand because "the women will do anything for a tenner". But then when your currency is of lesser value, you start complaining that Thailand is too expensive....

    I think you see where I am going. The problem is the men in the first place. 

    They just bring the same stupidity with them to Thailand. Embarrassing and making a fool of themselves; hanging around with the lowest class of female possible and thinking that they have won the lottery.


    So no, no Thai is running rings around a decent Western woman. You just were incapable of finding and keeping a decent western woman.


    I don't just read about it. I have seen it for myself over thirty years. The girls tell me. I overhear the guys talking about how they have been ripped off. Both in western countries and in Thailand. 

    How western women are this and that; until they get burned by their perfect Thai partner.


    So please stop the ridiculous urban myth about Thai women. Western women can be just as attentive and more. I know. 

    At least some of you have wised up and just rent here, since they don't have the time or the inclination to form deeper relationships.







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  4. 15 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Assuming we mean the same thing by "millenial" most of those guys that I've seen are led around by the nose by some rather unpleasant western woman that for some strange reason they brought to LOS with them. Their mistress wouldn't even allow them to go to Pattaya in case they get an idea that there are better than them out there.


    You made every single word of that up. From personal experience, it is much more fun to have a western girl here. 

    The truth is that most of the guys that travel to Thailand for the women would have trouble meeting any kind of woman anywhere, if it were not for the financial aspect. 

    Since they cannot meet decent women in their home countries, either because of they are severely lacking in social skills or in some other departments, they lash out at their local women and ridiculously, praise the women that they have to pay to be in their company.


    Transparently ridiculous. I have a great time with western female friends here. They have their own money, so no expectation that I have to pay for everything. Can do everything a Thai woman can do for you and more.

    But of course if you are severely lacking in social skills, it's difficult to find and nurture such a relationship; much easier to buy it. But then you end up with a girl who often doesn't like you at all and is only with you for the money. I saw it all the time. Thai girls talking to their 'boyfriends' on the phone and seeing their faces as they put the phone down and then then eyeing me up in the gym or blatantly telling you that they hate him but they are only in it for the money.

    These kind of guys would be taken in the west too. You have to know what to look for in a woman. If you don't you are likely to end up roasted. Likely probably quite a few on this forum can attest to that. It's not about Thai or western; but about avoiding the wolves and sharks dressed as sheep and dolphins.



    • Thanks 1
  5. Just now, Golden Triangle said:

    I appreciate your input, I did wanna visit many many years ago, my parents, both now no longer here, visited Phuket 40 years ago, when they got back home they talked it up beyond belief, and these were well travelled people who visited many places around the world and did more than one round the world cruise on the QE 2, unfortunately mass tourism has spoilt the world in so many ways.


    Indeed; which is why, as much as I'd like the place that I visited to succeed, I am reluctant to advertise it.

  6. 43 minutes ago, Golden Triangle said:

    In all the time I have been a member hear & prior to that many years reading the posts I have never, as far as I recall, ever read a positive post about this place, I have however read plenty about the corrupt ineffective police force, the Tuk Tuk & Taxi mafia, the rip off traders, the Jet Ski scammers, and no doubt plenty more besides, I won't be going anywhere near Phuket.


    3 years ago me and the Mrs did the drive down to the Malaysian border ( Satun ) down the Amdamam coast then across to the Gulf and back up again and round to Pattaya, we purposely avoided Phuket mainly due to what we read on here and also advised by friends.


    Now I know that Pattaya is just as bad but the only thing we go into town for is shopping, I wouldn't holiday in Pattaya or Phuket knowing what I know these days. ????


    To be fair, I used to think the same.  But then I visited an area outside the 'normal' tourist areas and had a great time. Friendly and helpful people, great location. Had my own transport, so no issues with transport mafia. If I wanted to drink there were plenty of places within walking distance.

    Would definitely visit the same place again. Sometimes you need to see for yourself; rather than relying on hearsay. 

    Of course I have little or no interest in places such as Patong. Visited there on a previous trip and if that was all they had to offer, I wouldn't have missed not ever going to Phuket again. But there are still some nice places wherein ou can have a very pleasant holiday with people who are happy to go above and beyond for you and it's not all about the money. You can actually still make real friends.

    • Like 2
  7. 4 minutes ago, Greenwich Boy said:

    I am a computer dummy. I have a tablet that I use for email, banking and pretty much anything that requires a password.

    I have a chromebook to stream TV, live sports from sites which may not be considered completely legal. It is fast, the picture is great and works for me. It seems to be bullet proof around viruses. Others may understand the technicals better but it works for me.



    So just like a modern Windows laptop but less versatile.


    Look at Lenovo's blurb for their Chromebooks:


    • Long battery life: The minimalistic Chrome OS and absence of a typical spinning hard drive means unplugged times can be longer on a Chromebook.
    • Optimized for Google apps: If you already rely on Google's popular apps such as Calendar and Gmail, the Chrome OS is optimized for using them conveniently.
    • Fast boot times: With an OS that's intentionally minimalistic and data stored on a solid state drive, a Chromebook has less to accomplish when booting up, so it's ready to use much faster.
    • Browser-based simplicity: If you can use a web browser, you can use a Chromebook, since it's primary user interface is the Chrome browser.
    • Extremely thin and light: With fewer bulky internal components, Chromebooks are among the thinnest, lightest PC devices available today.



    All of the things I wrote earlier. Sold on the basis that old style laptops had old technology spinning disc drives that were very slow and made the Windows experience somewhat painful.


    I haven't had anything like a virus on my Windows laptop for a long as I can remember.

    Browsers themselves block a lot of the things that you used to see on laptops in the old days.


    Modern laptops now have exactly the same attributes. Long battery life, thin and light, can also use just a Browser if you wish, a lot faster with SSD.


    Picture is also great on a normal laptop. Picture isn't great on a Chromebook with a not great screen. It's all the same, other than Chromebooks having cheaper and nastier hardware because they are built down to a price...unless you buy a premium model, which then defeats the object.


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  8. 22 minutes ago, adammike said:

    A single dog is a different animal to a pack of dogs.Years ago when I was in Goa all the dogs on the beach were super friendly,that's how they survived through the generations only the nice ones were tolerated.Once a year or so the authorities would organise a shooting of strays and packs of them.

    The Thai dogs are another animal completely,the native dog is bred as a guard dog and is super territorial and aggressive.Visit Cha Am and I dare you to walk around late at night! The only solution is a mass culling combined with a sterilisation program.In these pandemic times don't expect much support for any new social attempts to sort problems out.



    Nice story. Native dog? Which would that be? Bangkaew? Ridgeback?

    It might be different in the country if they are not used to people; but in the cities it is easy to put them at ease. Once they know you, no problem.

    You tell the story as if they are all out to get you. No different than if strangers were hanging around your neighbourhood. You would want to know if friend or foe.

    You are just reflecting your fear of dogs.



  9. No need to do such a thing. Consider upgrading your old laptop or just buy an inexpensive laptop with a solid state drive of 128 GB minimum.


    Unless you want to utilise Android applications on a laptop, there is no reason to limit yourself to the Chrome OS and the cheapest hardware. I would not buy a laptop/Chromebook that uses an SD Card for storage.


    Plus with a ChromeBook; Google Drive is considered your storage. No Internet; no access....unless you download the whole thing to the ChromeBook...if there is space. My opinion? Don't.

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  10. 1 minute ago, Yellowtail said:


    By being around them.


    Maybe find different friends. How else would you find yourself around people who smoke? My experience comes from walking around places where it is legal. I just was there for shopping, so inhaling unwanted smoke was a bit annoying. 

    Anyway, let's not derail the thread, especially if you are just trying to be funny.

  11. 3 minutes ago, Leaver said:



    And the above are not an issue for me.  ????


    Exactly. Differing perspectives. We don't need the foreign 'missionaries' here trying to push their beliefs and customs.

    If they like them so much, they can practice them in the country in which they learned them. This is Thailand; live in harmony with the natives or get out.

  12. 1 hour ago, redwood1 said:

    I hate weed myself but come on, this halfway Namby-Pamby stuff is retarded....Either make weed 100% legal or 100% illegal..........This cannabis peekaboo is laughable....


    Why do you hate it?? It's gives me a bit of a headache when around people who smoke it, but hate?

  13. Why all this blah blah? I just want to know when we can start getting rid of those pesky foreigners who complain about everything, disrespect Thailand on an almost daily basis, rape the women for a few coins, fooling themselves that the women love it and that they are helping the economy, who spread disease, who produce sprogs and don't support them...who congregated without masks consorting with prostitutes during the times when they were requested to stay home, risking the spread of COVID further...


    Of course I get it. It's always someone or something else that they hate. They can never see how repugnant they can be themselves.


    This is what I see. Soi dogs are not an issue for me; I can easily placate them. Do it once and they don't bother you again. Can't say the same for most of the lowlife hanging around Pattaya. 

    But hey...they are helping the economy....

    • Sad 1
  14. Just now, Leaver said:


    High season 2019, there weren't that many western tourists here to complain. 


    Many were already going elsewhere. Vietnam was a big recipient of Thailand's lost tourists, recording a 30% increase over the previous year.



    They are not tourists, they are residents.  



    Many of them directly contribute to the property market here, and their money flows around the local Pattaya economy.  



    No, they just want to be able to walk down the street without getting attacked by ever increasing large packs of soi dogs.  No too much to ask for, in my opinion.



    So you agree, there are problems.  Would you agree more, if they did effect you? 



    I haven't been bitten yet, but that's not to say there isn't a problem that needs to be addressed. 


    It's only a matter of time before a pack of these dogs attack a tourist, possibly the child of a tourist, and really does some damage, possibly even kill them.  Then, the global media picks up the story and sends it world wide.  


    What's that just cost Thailand / Pattaya for not fixing the problem earlier, a lot more than a cage and some dog food, I would suggest.  



    Again a load of blah blah that I cannot be bothered to read, as I have a life.


    I have been here a lot longer than most of the complainers here. First visit was in 1992, so I know how it is and have contributed a lot more and positively than most of the ne'er-do-wells. I know the score. So please...in nearly thirty years none of the issues that you describe. It's fear plain and simple. Any resident can placate any pack by getting to know them on the very first pass. 

    Just hysterical scaremongering. It's not my first rodeo.

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