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Posts posted by HashBrownHarry

  1. 5 minutes ago, DualSportBiker said:

    Unlikely. I'd happily go without if Leo/Chang/Heineken were the only choices. Bought myself a handful of A Go Go IPA and will follow my preference for quality over quantity. Others are welcome to drink tasteless beer all they want - stacks of Leo boxes fill me with dread!

    Most long timers here have been through the rounds, the majority end up with Leo as their 'go to' beer.


  2. 9 minutes ago, MaiDong said:

    By enforcing all local shops to close, there's enough squaddies to man every single one of them, if the Puritans so desire. 

    To assume that they won't know where your particular local shop is, is a bit silly ???? 

    But again, I shouldn't give them any more ideas, should I! 

    To assume they will man every single one of them is also a bit silly

  3. 13 minutes ago, soi3eddie said:

    Yes, but the mom and pop stores usually carry limited stock as they don't have the money to buy much. Last night went to Makro and GF's sister asked us to buy her 4 cases of beer for her small store. Probably will last about 3 days. Question is will the mom and pop store be able to restock from wholesalers during the ban? 

    Best get in early then if you cannot do without beer.

  4. 19 minutes ago, Peter Denis said:

    TM30 compliance has NOT been cancelled.

    According to thai law, the owner or possessor of a place (be it hotel, guesthouse, rental condo, girlfriends house, etc.) has to notify Immigration within 24 hours of a foreigner arriving and staying at the place.  Failure to do so can result in a fine of 2.000 THB per foreigner/night not reported.

    But this is seldom enforced (I have not seen any reports of owners/possessors being fined for not having reported a foreigner).

    HOWEVER, some IOs require that this TM30 notification was done (providing evidence of the place where the foreigner is staying) when the foreigner applies at the IO for a service that requires his address (e.g. an extension of stay).  And some even go so far as to deny the service requested as well as fine the foreigner (800 THB to 1.600 THB) when the owner of the place where he is staying has not filed that TM30.

    So you can be in trouble when your local IO enforces TM30 compliance (not all of them do) and the owner of the place where you are staying has not filed the TM30 of you staying at that premisse (e.g. the house owner being abroad or in another province, and cannot be reached).

    But fortunately there is also the option that you can register on the IO TM30 website ON BEHALF of the owner, or as TENANT of the (rental) place, and filing the required TM30s yourself.

    It is not difficult to do (if you know how) and doing so you would be in compliance with the TM30 law.

    But obviously if your local IO does not enforce TM30 compliance there is no need to do this.

    2 cases right here of getting fined for not reporting.

  5. 4 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    The general assumption is that people that have had it and recovered have at least some immunity for some period of time. But we really won't know the level of that for some time because the only way to know is to study that group of people over time. But if they have recovered they wouldn't be infectious to others. The public wears masks to protect others. Medical workers hopefully have the higher end masks meant to protect themselves but obviously there is a shortage and these protections are not perfect.

    But it paints the wrong pictures, others will follow after seeing them without masks and therefor spread the virus.


    How can you possible say it's ok for them not to wear masks when almost all your other posts state it's one of the most important things to do to prevent the spread? pot / kettle / black?

    • Like 1
  6. Just now, robblok said:

    Its not that kind of injury, inflamed tendon or rotator cuff injury. Nothing major but painful if i put heavy weights on the bar. So just chaned it up a bit. I had it on one side and it healed. Took some time, now just waiting for the other side to heal. Its not even exercise alone.. but also sleeping wrong will hurt it a bit. But as the other side had the same thing and it healed so I have good hope. 

    Stem cell rejuvenation will fix it, watch the podcast. 

  7. 8 minutes ago, robblok said:

    I never really got into running, for me cardio is a neccesary evil. Not really for fat loss but for general health. I just dislike it. Lifting weights satisfies me more. I also got a body that is more build for lifting weights. Though I had to modify a few things as I have an persisting shoulder injury. (first on one side now healed, then to the other side nothing major but enough to make training harder). 


    All weight loss (if needed for me) comes from changes in dieet. I see cardio as just good for health.


    I am also not sure how good it is for the body running (on knees) but same can be said for lifting weights.

    you should try stem cell rejuvenation for your shoulder injury, mate had it done and he's fixed now.


    look for joe rogan podcast with Dr Neil Reardon and Mel Gibson on YouTube - very interesting.

  8. 1 minute ago, jack7106 said:

    Then the next day, was there for approximately three hours and given 22 days instead of the normal one month extension. Cost was still 1900 Baht. Looks like my time is just about up after 24 years????‍♂️????????????TIT


    Wow - what a carry on.


    Sad times when long time residents are giving up the ghost but yeah, 'is it really worth staying anymore' must really be considered.

  9. 1 minute ago, jack7106 said:

    Love your work Thailand – waited seven hours and then was told to come back tomorrow. Any wonder people have lived here for many years are starting to look elsewhere including myself????????‍♂️????????????????????


    you waited 7 hours for nothing?


    the mind boggles....

    • Thanks 1
  10. 25 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    BTW, based on the reports here I will continue to avoid the buses starting for at least a month or so and then like everyone see what's going on. It does mean going without some things I'm used to and paying more for some other things. I don't think Pattaya is really going to START to open up  until June at the earliest. They might try earlier but that doesn't seem prudent. 

    I'm sure the baht buses will be devastated by your decision to avoid them for a month.

  11. 2 hours ago, Sydebolle said:

    This will haunt the Thailand tourism sector for a loooooooong time. How can you harass people with absolutely brainless laws like a 90 days notification (which dates from the Vietnam war days). 

    Speaking to some tourists they unisono said, that once they are allowed to leave they will for sure never ever come back to a country herding them like convicts, prisoners and thieves. 

    But the TAT will be happy to welcome trillions of Chinese and the bar girls will be more than delighted to get one barfine off for three or four other quality tourists from Southasia. 

    Good luck, you just killed the goose laying golden eggs - for good! 

    Why are they worried about overstay or extending their visas then if they never plan to return?

    • Haha 1
  12. 2 minutes ago, brewsterbudgen said:

    You're not allowed to work legally until you have the WP.  How long the process takes depends a lot on whether you have all the right documentation.  In my experience we've got WPs for new employees within a week, but every case can be different.  The best thing would be to pay a visit to the Department of Labor or talk to your HR department (if you have one).

    Well noted.


    Thanks for the info.

  13. 1 minute ago, brewsterbudgen said:

    They are separate things.  You get a Work Permit from the Department of Labour.  You can do this with a non-Imm B visa, or an O visa or extension based on Marriage to a Thai.  Then you can change to an annual Extension of Stay, based on work, or just stick with your Marriage Extension.

    How long does the process take?


    Are you allowed to work while it's 'being processed' or must you wait until the process is complete?



  14. 4 minutes ago, Peter Denis said:

    Whether TM30 compliance is enforced depends on your local IO.  Some IOs are 'hard-liners' and require that a TM30 is filed every time you are away for more than 24 hours from the place where are you staying, others only require it on return from trips abroad or to other provinces than the one where you are staying, there are also those that require you file one when returning from a trip abroad, and finally there are those that don't care at all whether a TM30 has been filed.

    But since the ONLY time that TM30 might be checked is when you visit your local IO for a service that needs your address (e.g. an extension of stay, a residence certificate, ...) it ONLY matters that a current TM30 has been filed from the place where you are presently staying, at the moment when you visit the IO.  So if you regularly travel and stay at hotels/guesthouses that will file a TM30 of you staying there, there is in fact no need to file a TM30 of you returning at your place of stay.  You only need to make sure that that is done before you visit your local IO.

    However, if you registered on the IO TM30 website it only takes 1-2 minutes to upload the Excel-file with your data again so you might as well do it every time you return from a domestic or international trip and be in 'full compliance'.

    You cannot say this, you've already say things may differ at different locations.


    This was my primary question and i was told i must re-register once returning to my primary residence, even if i've only been away for 2 days.

  15. 6 minutes ago, Peter Denis said:

    Depends on the IO you are reporting to.

    Filing a TM30 within 24 hours of arrival at the place where you are staying when returning from a journey abroad, is only required at some IOs.

    What is your IO?



    This is a question i asked, i was there last week, it's a PITA having to do it when i'm only away for a few days at a time ( but much easier now with the online app ).

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