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Posts posted by HashBrownHarry

  1. 4 hours ago, madmen said:

    This ain't no 1 day buhdist holiday but 20 day c19 closure, massive fines.  Those sillly enough to risk it will be striped bare in a day and wholesalers will NOT be replenishing stock!

    This won't discourage mom and pop in the slightest, they'll sell what they have until they can't sell anymore, probably with a small price increase.

    • Like 2
  2. 6 hours ago, liddelljohn said:

    Very few Thais  that I know are getting the 5000 baht government assistance even though their jobs or small businesses have shut down ,, many are in trouble  cant pay rents, motorsai hp , savings going etc  its a sick joke ,, i reckon a lot of the money is being syphoned off by the bureaucrats ,,,


    Cant see pattaya returning to any form of normal for 18months at least ,,my girlfriend veg and fruit farm supplies 2 markets in pattaya  they are now very quiet also she supplies 5 restaurants  and they are closed ,, she cant get hold of ferltiliser either ,, here income has gone down 75%   she wont get any government help ,,, my ex wifes taxi tour business is closed  down she is isolating  no income at present  and wont get any 5000 baht a month from government ,,


    my thai neighbour  owns a restaurant its shut down he pays 25,000 month rent  but has no income also a mortgage ,, he is not getting any government help ???


    things are bad


    While it's sad people are struggling little thought has gone into having a slush fund for a rainy day, people here live WELL beyond their means, everything on HP, must show off to Somchai next door etc.


    This can also be said of many countries the world over.

  3. 1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

    Yes of course. OCD hand washing is the order of the day.

    But what if bacteria was on the receptacle your food was delivered in and that transferred to your food?


    Where do you stop? 

  4. 28 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

    I would have to agree.  It seems that whatever is said, no matter by who, people do the complete opposite.  I noticed last night about 5pm, the roads to the Highways here in Bangkok were more crowded than they have been all week.  It makes one wonder where they were headed.....not sure it matters I guess.  Just sit down, relax and let the .........I await to hear.....

    I noticed this where i live yesterday as well, i beleive the same, everyone heading 'up north'.

    • Like 1
  5. On 3/13/2020 at 4:17 PM, watgate said:

    I was there from March2 to March 5 and it was great. It was fairly busy but, with all the hotels that have evidently opened up to capitalize on the chinese market, some are hurting and I hearda few have actually closed due to not enough business. When I was there it was primarily westerners and almost no one was wearing a mask. We took a speedboat tour to phi phi and 4 islands and there were a lot of speedboats with tourists doing the same thing. We went to Railay which was beautiful and it was very crowded with tourists but you could still enjoy yourself. The air was fresh, the water was very clean and Ao Nang and the surrounding area left me and my wife with great memories. 

    Can i ask what hotel you stayed at and if you'd recommend it / location price etc?



  6. 9 hours ago, Leaver said:

    Sure, so Pattaya needs to go back to it's roots. (no pun intended) 


    The sex trade made Pattaya famous, successful, and profitable, and that's no surprise. 


    Trouble is, the mongers, typically from the west, will be broke for some time to come, so the sex industry isn't going to kick start tourism any time soon. 

    You were talking about the wealthy??

  7. On 4/9/2020 at 2:14 PM, CrunchWrapSupreme said:

    Wife and her sister got emails this morning that it was nearly there. Both were doing cleaning prior to the crisis. Both ran into issues with their last names, still from ex-husbands on their bank accts. Took divorce papers to the bank. Bank said name changes could only be done where the accts were opened in BKK. Well, now we're hiding out upcountry and obviously can't go back. Had to open new accts, 1000 baht deposits, half of which was taken for the ATM card and "insurance". <deleted>, mates. Told the program to go to the new accts, they got texts that it's coming tomorrow.

    This is the problem with Thais, they never bother with admin stuff ( name changes in this case )


    It's the same with land deeds / where vehicles are registered at old address / old address's with banks, the list goes on and on, of course it's 'mai bpen ria' until the poo hits the fan then it's oh <deleted>....

  8. 24 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

    Was the surgery necessary, was it elective, was it on an elderly patient, why was the surgery needed, and what was the surgical date.  Other than explaining how they dressed for the surgery, how they prepped, and unsuited, the story leaves a lot out that of it that would make it truly newsworthy.  I was drawn in by the title in the hopes to hear if the surgery was on the lung issues created by the Pneumonia that is so nasty with this COVID-19.  More questions than answers I guess.  Just my opinion I guess.

    Surely logic tells us it must have been necessary / urgent.


    Doubt they'd have done it for <deleted>s and kicks?!

    • Haha 1
  9. On 3/20/2020 at 1:23 PM, LukKrueng said:

    You didn't answer my question as well. If you think most Thai people are uneducated, stupid and ridiculous why did you choose to come live in Thailand? 

    I think  the majority of them are as you describe, it gets proven many times in daily life.


    I chose to live here to avoid paying home country tax / for the weather / and for the cost of living ( albiet that's worn off now ).


    I find the locals to be friendly for the most part and can manage with them until it's time to get some info or something done at the house, they have very low work ethics and pride in what they do.

  10. 36 minutes ago, Liverpoolfan said:

    I'm personally going outside with a camera during the daytime to see just how many locals comply with this law.

    My bet is that quite a few will still be drunk dancing in the street with dreadful music blasting, surrounded by barrels of water.


    Pictures to follow soon..

    I agree, i'm sure people with continue with this stupid event - nothing can stop it!


  11. 5 minutes ago, teatree said:

    So in your eyes, the bad guys are the people who dont want to travel in the middle of a once in 100 years pandemic.  Whether it is because they are in a high risk group and could die, or because they may unknowingly be/get infected and dont want to pass it on to others, they should be condemned.


    The good guys in your book are those that travel in the middle of a pandemic, not only risking their own safety but also potentially spreading death to others by their actions and helping to perpetuate the mess we are currently in.


    Ever heard the phrase people in glass houses shouldnt throw stones? 


    If you want to get judgey then maybe you should look at the irresponsible actions of your GF before pointing the finger at people who just want to stay put and stay healthy until the whole thing blows over.

    Well said, he's Canadian who's tunnel vision about being the best country in the world is very similar to the Thai.


    Obviously we all know Scotland is that country - lol.

    • Like 2
  12. 1 minute ago, DualSportBiker said:

    I am using resistance bands - they work a treat and are portable. I even put them in my paniers when I ride along with a pair of press-up supports so I don't strain my wrists. Strained wrists don't work on bikes!

    have you been away on your bike anywhere recently?


    I'm thinking about sneaking out for a couple of days.....shh!

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