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Everything posted by HashBrownHarry

  1. But you're knowledge of above would be needed to send all info to the agents, there's really not much difference in that and uploading to the website. At 3K per pop say you do 3 or 4 per hour ( easily ) that's really not a bad little gig........
  2. What's the difference in uploading all the docs to an an agent than to the actual TP website itself? Apart from the 3000 baht you're wasting?
  3. They can't force you to do anything, they're no authority, just the people that work at that particular venue.
  4. Thai Pass is NOT suspended, you can do quarantine in BKK for 7 / 10 / 14 days ( depending where you travel from ) if you don't want to do Phuket SandPit.
  5. I beleive in some countries you can use papers showing you've had covid in the last xx days instead of a negative test to enter some venues, uk comes to mind.
  6. ATK tests may still show positive whereas a full on TR-PCR test will show negative as you can no longer spread.
  7. 2000?? It's much much more than that already. I know plently people who already have it who know people who know people who know people.....2000 - lol, they wish!
  8. The exact opposite sunshine, i find people like you that play the 'i know the owner' card nothing short of pathetic. Don't worry tho, there's lots more like you. It amuses me.
  9. The congrats were for you knowing a bar owner, you seemed to be very excited about that fact......like many are for some reason.
  10. SR hotel has a good outside resto / bar. Good pool too.
  11. You don't understand.... It's very possible to test negative 72 hours prior to departure, flight from UK let's say 18 hours ( early check in etc ) then couple hours getting out the airport to hotel / hospital for test. Can be close to 4 days, very possible to test negative prior to departure but postive on arrival. It does n't suprise me at all.
  12. Many more cases like this and it won't be long until the Sandpit option is also shut down and it'll be back to 14 days quarantine for all arrivals.
  13. Another expert that obviously has not travelled recently and has no idea of the current entry requirements.
  14. Why are they dumb? Do you just get walked over all the time? Why should n't they stand up for themselves? This is exactly what's needed to help highlight some of the issues at moment.
  15. Why did you not go to the private hospital that your ASQ hotel was affiliated with?
  16. I can do my KR several days in advance, don't think that needs to be the day of application?
  17. I agree, and they'll be PCR's that are required so tested at expesive hospitals, i'm sure they will have to spend their extra days there and not at hotels.... bummer.
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