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Phoenix Rising

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Everything posted by Phoenix Rising

  1. And just why would the UK care about trade with the EU when they can negotiate wonderful trade agreements with.....Tonga, and.....Djibouti, and.................Somaliland?? Wonderful deals!!
  2. Not this one. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/chinese-spy-balloon-has-unexpected-maneuverability/ "We know that it’s a surveillance balloon.... We know this is a Chinese balloon and that it has the ability to maneuver.” This maneuverability is beyond the capabilities of most high-altitude balloons, says John Villasenor, director of the Institute for Technology, Law and Policy and a professor of electrical engineering, law, public policy and management at the University of California, Los Angeles. "
  3. Well, I think that is open for debate....????
  4. If I ever move back I will. Using one during the winter without heating would give a whole new meaning to the phrase ' pucker up'.
  5. Have you ever used one?? IMO it's one of the greatest inventions in the history of mankind! Every time I visit my country of origin and go for a 'relief session' I instantly miss the "king of appliances".
  6. You are, of course, absolutely correct. Unfortunately, countering the MAGA crowd's bee ess with facts is like spraying water on a duck; not a productive use of one's time.
  7. Yes, it's clearly a conspiracy!! Why can't the lefties see all the conspiracies that are constantly popping up all over the place?!?!?
  8. If you love the way the bum gun makes the whole 'discharge of fecal matter' process easier and more sanitary then you need to know that you can actually get your favourite hygienic appliance gold plated! Will you be the man with the golden bum gun?
  9. Plumbers are as elusive as electricians in this country, so we're talking unicorn level.
  10. Again I'm asking if anyone can link to a site where one can donate to the cold and hungry in the UK? I would have thought by now that the EU would have aid shipments (food and blankets) going but apparently the war in Ukraine (rightly) takes priority. Still, it's tough to see a once proud UK in such a bad shape. The only "consolation" is that it's mostly your own doing.
  11. AOC to GOP: Don't tell me you're condemning anti-Semitism when a Republican 'who has talked about Jewish space lasers' gets a plum committee assignment
  12. UK economy to do ‘worse than Russia’, warns IMF on Brexit anniversary
  13. Have you considered getting help for your sad obsession? Mental health is very important and I hope will consider trying to get professional assistance!
  14. No. I'd like to keep abreast of what Putin's excuses are.
  15. Russia invaded Ukraine and have killed tens of thousands of their citizens. End of story.
  16. The police had already caught up with him. He wasn't going anywhere.
  17. Why can't you just come out and say you hope Putin is successful in conquering Ukraine? That way we can just put you on the ignore list and stop wasting time on your posts.
  18. Yes, hard to come up with any scenario where a double amputee (even a knife wielding one) could not be subdued with non-lethal force. Just another example of how the US police in general are poorly trained and the whole system is in dire need of reform. Unless you get rid of the trigger happy vigilantes the public's trust in the police will continue to erode. This will lead to difficulties in recruiting good candidates, which, again, will lead to more unnecessary killings/outright murders. Without systemic reform this cycle will continue.
  19. Case in point: California police fatally shoot double amputee, raising the question: Was lethal force justified? "A Los Angeles County police department is facing intense criticism this week after a video surfaced on social media of two officers fatally shooting a double amputee moving away from them. The short video showed the 36-year-old Black man, Anthony Lowe Jr., missing the bottom halves of both legs, holding a knife but leaving his wheelchair and shuffling away from the officers."
  20. Quite right, the police in the US are woefully under-educated. There should be national minimum standards that far exceed today's paltry requirements. How US police training compares with the rest of the world "There are around 18,000 police agencies in the US, but with no national standards on training, procedures and timescales vary across the country. On average, US officers spend around 21 weeks training before they are qualified to go on patrol. That is far less than in most other developed countries."
  21. Loser, Loser, Loser, Loser': Chris Christie Says Trump Can't Win in 2024
  22. Well, at least we can agree on something... Journalist Says Pro-MAGA GOP Insiders Secretly 'Can't Wait Until This Guy Dies' "You have a lot of folks who are just wishing for [Trump’s] mortal demise,” former Rep. Peter Meijer (R-Mich.) told Coppins, according to his report in The Atlantic. “I want to be clear: I’m not in that camp. But I’ve heard from a lot of people who will go onstage and put on the red hat, and then give me a call the next day and say, ‘I can’t wait until this guy dies."
  23. Gotta love the irony in MAGA guys asking for "a link to credible media". Do they now that "credible" in this context means MSM? BTW, it was patently obvious that Putin had/has trump over a barrel, and for trump it was a matter of "Thank you Sir, may I have another". He was always most comfortable hobnobbing with dictators/mass murderers, not so much with America's traditional allies. His frail ego needs constant stroking and only the dictators played along. Unfortunately we will probably never see the extent of trump's treachery unless Putin writes a tell-all book. Would really love to know what was discussed in the infamous trump/Putin meeting where no advisors were allowed and the translator was not allowed to make notes. Reeks to high heaven of filthy treason.
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