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Phoenix Rising

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Everything posted by Phoenix Rising

  1. Right. The armed forces of Thailand's main purpose is to keep the old guard in power. They're an instrument so that a certain group can have more or less exclusive access to the trough. As is the case with Thai society as a whole the armed forces suffer from rampant nepotism and corruption and even more so in a situation where they don't answer to any elected politicians. In fact, those who run the whole show politically also run the armed forces. Accordingly, there are no checks and balances in place when it comes to military acquisitions, and recent Thai history is littered with examples of disastrous decisions ending up costing Thailand countless of billions of Baht. So based on all this, when Thailand goes ahead and orders two (2) F-35* I seriously question their motives and the underlying decision process. *Why this is such a harebrained purchase has been explained by billd766 far better than I could ever do.
  2. America first?? Let me fix that for you; 'White America First and **** Reality!'
  3. I'm sorry but if, by now, you don't understand the point I'm trying to make I don't think anything I say can help you.
  4. I think we both know the answer to that question since the poster thinks the acquisition of two (2) aircraft makes any military sense at all.
  5. In the end the decision to attempt to buy two aircraft (which in itself is ridiculous) might have been political as you point out. From a military perspective it makes no sense whatsoever.
  6. Yes, because the RTAF is obviously so much more professional than the rest of the armed forces and in no way affected by the rampant corruption and nepotism that permeates Thai society. OK then!
  7. What a lame reply!???? The aircraft carrier had no serious technical flaws. The flaw was in the decision to purchase it in the first place, just like with the F-35. Friendly advise; maybe you should think about retiring from this thread before the hole you're digging for yourself gets too big.
  8. So again back to the example of the aircraft carrier. What exactly was that an example of? I know you avoid that glaring example of 'non-professional' decision making by the Thai armed forces like the plague but you really need to address it if you're gonna continue maintaining that you have faith in their "high level professional (not political) decision making".
  9. So why the presumption that there was sound reasoning behind the attempted purchase of TWO (2) F-35 fighters when the Thai Armed Forces have on many occasions shown that sound reasoning is not necessarily what drives their decision making?
  10. Yes, also in Brazil they would have elected a syphlitic donkey instead of the sitting monstrosity. Nice of you to point that out.????
  11. "'I've offered a couple of suggestions which are also only speculation." Please link to it. "What isn't speculation is that this decision was not made without extensive consultation with the USAF." Then why is there such uncertainty that the US will even agree to the purchase? "They are not naive as you claim, clearly wanting to continue to bash Thais from a position of ignorance." I'm not a Thai basher, I'm bashing the out-of-civilian-control Thai Armed Forces specifically so please refrain from labeling me as one. And I never claimed they were naive so again, stop making untrue claims. And as to who displays ignorance let's agree to disagree on that.
  12. I'm also not enamored with the Thai bashers but you saying "they must have sound reasons for wanting this aircraft" seems naive to put it mildly. Again, what would have been the 'sound reasoning' for acquiring that aircraft carrier?
  13. Not a big fan on your little barbs in your recent posts. You seem to be the only supporter (on this forum) of this planned purchase and were I to find myself in such a position I'd start to questioning my own point of view. The Thai Armed Forces have a long history of "less than optimal" acquisitions yet when this is pointed out you're all silence.
  14. I think you give them too much credit. What would e.g. have been the rationale for acquiring an aircraft carrier if they'd been aware of all the issues (actually having to buy aircraft, maintenance, training, etc.)? And that's not even taking into consideration the total lack of a strategic reason for the purchase. And I do not try to hide my "agenda" here, which is to highlight that Thailand's armed forces do not answer to democratically elected politicians, hence the '5 y/o with daddy's credit card in the toy store' procurements.
  15. Sure, subs can of course operate in the Andaman sea but almost all of Thai naval bases and power is concentrated in the gulf. Wrt the acquisition of F-35s I highly doubt the reason is anything but toys for the boys. To the extent that Thailand needs to invest in the Air Force they'd save tons of money upgrading their F-16s. And if the wanted new aircraft the Gripen would give them so much more bang for the buck.
  16. - The SU-30 first flew in 1989. - Vietnam is not a neighboring country. - Vietnam is not an enemy of Thailand.
  17. This has got to be the clearest example of how the lunatics can not be running the asylum. Thailand, a 3rd world nation, has an aircraft carrier without aircraft perennially moored in Sattahip, imminent plans to buy submarines which is useless in the shallow waters of the Gulf Of Siam and plans to buy the F-35, the most advanced fighter jet in the world when other developing nations sensibly go with MUCH cheaper but still perfectly viable alternatives. And all this in a time when Thailand has no enemies (regional or otherwise) and all its neighboring countries mostly are able to field barefoot soldiers with 50 y/o Kalashnikovs. This is ALL about toys for the boys, it's all about Thailand's thousands of flag officers getting penis enhancers and face expanders. This is the ultimate proof (if we ever needed it) that Thailand's military is totally without political oversight and desperately in need of it.
  18. Yes. Every day waking up to the orange monstrosity NOT being president is a good day.
  19. No, that can't be true! The coup that happened 7 years ago was done to cleanse Thailand of corruption (the General has said so on many occasions) so if what you say is true then it was all a lie just to get sole access to the trough and all those who've defended him over the years look like complete.......... Tell me it isn't so!
  20. Now where was this touching belief in the justice system when you were bleeting "lock her up"?
  21. Yes, Shinawatras; leave those unselfish, morally and financially uncorrupt/uncorruptable generals alone. It's not fair what you do, winning elections and being popular - STOP IT!!!
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