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Phoenix Rising

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Everything posted by Phoenix Rising

  1. It's simple really. If Thaksin returns it means the power of the old elite dinos currently in charge is slipping and there's a chance of a return to democracy. I know you don't like democracy but most people prefer it to military dic rule. If you're still amazed then send me a PM and I'll try to simplify it further.
  2. Oh, he giggled?! Well, that's OK then! BTW, really happy to see trump ramping up his campaign. Having him as the GOP candidate is the surest way to another Dem victory and yet another defeat for trump and the MAGA loonies.
  3. Things have been improving. A quick Google search shows that EV ownership is highest in Norway at over 21%. That country is large but with a small population so it's not like if e.g. Luxemburg had been used as an example (tiny country, high population density) - Norwegians obviously have to do a lot of driving. And, equally obviously, if they all had to have a stand-by driver ready the ownership would never have reached such numbers. Electric car use by country
  4. "Everything is a right-wing conspiracy." Let me fix that for you; Every conspiracy theory is right wing. Reason? It just seems to attract most of the nutters. Maybe you as a (I assume) right winger can explain why. "Even if there is video evidence and eye-witness testimony, it's a conspiracy. Eye witness testimony?? Like sightings of Bigfoot and murderous windmills?
  5. Clearly a conspiracy!
  6. Why would he need to push it home? Is this a common issue for EV owners or is it just a thing in the MAGAsphere?
  7. No, I haven't. But I've seen vids of the Jewish space lasers and, man, those thing are scary!
  8. Your hatred of Thaksin is pathological. You really need to seek help because when they day comes when Thaksin returns in triumph and wins an election in a landslide I don't think your bitter little heart can take it.
  9. Couldn't agree more. And here are some data showing what's behind this unprecedented food crisis in a 1st world country: The Brexit effect: how leaving the EU hit the UK | FT Film
  10. Pattaya operating at near full capacity And in other news.......
  11. Anyone know if the EU has started organizing food aid shipments to the starving in the UK yet? If they have then please provide a link so that I may chip in.
  12. Yes, you should do a new Brexit referendum so that you can start the process of getting the UK out of the s**t hole you've dug for yourself.
  13. You do realize that many would call you st uninformed and not deserving of a vote in whatever country you come from, right? Horrible thing about democracy, isn't it, when lots of people vote for persons you don't like. Better to suspend democracy until the people vote for the correct persons!
  14. Yes, he had. But he didn't have attitude adjustment camps, did he.
  15. Listen to me carefully: You just cannot call people idiots after vigorously defending the biggest idiot on the planet for over 4 years. That's blatant hypocrisy. Capeesh?
  16. What?? I thought this was about Antifa!
  17. The UAE isn't a neighboring country (to Israel). Maybe you should be bothered to do a "websearch" so you don't embarrass yourself further.
  18. 1. Whatever he was, he was elected, and hugely popular. He could also be removed in an election. 2, If Thaksin "was/is a corrupt criminal who cared about himself and his family" what do you think the ruling generals are and what do they care about? Come on, let's hear it!
  19. They were legal rulers, and that's better. Legal rulers can be thrown out in an election. Coup generals can't. See the difference now?
  20. "What does he know that we don't know?" You're joking, right?? "Does he have any insider information about (upcoming) politics in Thailand?" Again, seriously? A former legally elected and hugely popular PM thrown out in a coup and you question how he can have more info about Thai politics than a few AN farang keyboard warriors? "Didn't he tell us all that he has nothing to do with politics anymore?" Yep, and the current "PM" told us there would be no coup. "And isn't it illegal for Thai politicians to make deals with wanted criminals?" And isn't it illegal in Thailand to do criminal acts? I could link to all the stuff the junta has been caught read handed doing (apart from the act of overthrowing a legal government which is a capital offence) but can't be bothered.
  21. You must be either very confused or very dishonest.
  22. I agree that Trump's blackmail of Ukraine for his own political purposes was outrageous and he should be tried as a traitor. That said, only one side started this war and that's Russia - everything else is just diversionary drivel that helps the murderer in Moscow.
  23. It takes much less time to retrain a soldier who's already a tank mechanic on a different model than someone just out of basic training who's starting from scratch.
  24. Shoot his mouth of?? He's correctly pointing out that this was is an absolute disaster for the Russians. And "having a go at the Germans" is the job of the elected politicians, not career military officers. Understand now?
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