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Phoenix Rising

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Everything posted by Phoenix Rising

  1. It might be. He's always claimed he's filthy rich but it's become abundantly clear those claims are BS, just like anything else he says.
  2. Not whataboutism, but rather calling out your hypocrisy.
  3. Says a person from the corrupt UK......
  4. Based on who posted negative posts about her I'm sure she's done a sterling job. And riling up the farmers is definitively a clear indication of this.
  5. She won't be for much longer. Wonder who'll be replacing her and thus be your VP when you rejoin.... ????
  6. Doesn't matter, you'll be in its warm embrace.
  7. Upstanding nation? The UK is on its knees and won't have a choice. Back in the fold within 5 years, maximum.
  8. Wow, you sure have a knack for convincing arguments!
  9. Preventing a Russian victory in Ukraine. If trump had been in charge (well, as much "in charge" one can be from a golf course) Ukraine would already have been under Russian control. Simple really.
  10. Quoting WAPO, are we? You know they're very much against Brexit, right?
  11. Yes they do, but none as bad the UK, a country in free fall due to Brexit. Hunger and misery increasing on a daily basis. Well done! BTW, this corruption case in the EU that you're milking for all it's worth due to its value as a diversion covering the enormous problems the UK is facing massively amplified by Brexit would have been more effective if the UK was corruption free. It's not. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_political_scandals_in_the_United_Kingdom
  12. Meanwhile, back in the UK: Hungry Brits will 'starve to death' as food and energy prices soar How's that Brexit going for you?
  13. This is a thread (started by an American) about how to recognize if someone is an American. I pointed out (in a non-judgemental manner) that one sign is that many of you/them wear a baseball cap 24/7, inside and outside and preferable backwards. If this gets your titties in a twist maybe you should leave this thread alone. Agreed?
  14. What a nice little rant, hope you feel better now. BTW, I was making an observation, not criticizing.
  15. I think it's a statement, like wearing a yarmulke or turban.
  16. Don't think it's arrogance, just doing things differently in the US and not knowing it's a bit of a faux pas in most parts of the world.
  17. Tbh, I don't see why the MAGA nutters wouldn't gain automatic membership in the Aryan Brotherhood.
  18. The old elite did remove both Thaksins. They did it by using guns.
  19. "No One Else In The World Does It": People Are Sharing The Telltale Signs That Someone Is American
  20. No apology needed. It was just an observation, no criticism implied.
  21. Slow day, football doesn't start until 1930 hrs tonite. Go City!!!!
  22. Maybe you should google "oxymoron" so that you're able to use it correctly and that way avoid posting something that slaps egg on your face. ????
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