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Phoenix Rising

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Everything posted by Phoenix Rising

  1. Yes, because that's what trump's all about, unselfishly working for the interests of the common man!
  2. Why Trump didn’t want you to see his tax returns "When Trump declared his candidacy for president in 2015, he characterized himself as a builder and businessman who could go to Washington and fix what politicians had wrecked. Trump’s self-declared status as a political outsider and business titan were crucial elements of his appeal to voters. But Trump’s tax returns suggest that his businesses are perennial money-losers, while raising questions about how he manages to finance a gilded lifestyle." Liar, grifter, carnival barker, snake oil salesman, all reconfirmed (as if we needed more proof).
  3. Trump Declared In Presidential Debate He Shut Down Chinese Bank Account. He Didn't. Liar and traitor. Who knew, right?!
  4. Oh dear, what a surprise! Trump had bank account in China while president, taxes show
  5. For the UK the forecast is 'winter is coming.......permanently'.
  6. Yet every time you non-lemmings link to this "alternative truth" that you've discovered it invariable leads to sites so full of utter drivel a 12 y/o with even a moderate ability of critical thinking can see through it instantly. Get help now!
  7. So the Covid unvaccinated dying in significantly higher numbers than those who were vaccinated is cause by.....??
  8. So true. The only silver lining of this pitch back cloud are Darwin's principles of survival of the fittest.
  9. When you say "your rules" you mean AN's rules, right? https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/people-in-republican-counties-have-higher-death-rates-than-those-in-democratic-counties/ https://abcnews.go.com/Health/red-blue-america-glaring-divide-covid-19-death/story?id=83649085 https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2022/03/03/the-changing-political-geography-of-covid-19-over-the-last-two-years/
  10. There's no point. The anti-vaxxers we interact with here are impervious to facts and are so firmly and deeply lodged in the rabbit hole there's no way back for them. Take the clear and obvious correlation between vaccination rates and death rates. A moderately intelligent 5 year old would come to the obvious conclusion presented with the data from the CDC, but not these guys. Quite fascinating to watch them, really.
  11. Says an individual that never backs up any of his (?) mind-blowing conspiracy theories with anything even resembling facts!
  12. If they voted for Brexit they're certainly not superior......
  13. Yes, because if those guys leave it's lights out in the UK.
  14. Well, apparently that's another thing they taught at trump U. Not comedy (at least no purposefully) but rioting.
  15. Said the guy who just cropped the post he was replying to......
  16. Yes. People complaining they don't have enough money to feed their families and have to resort to food banks! What, do they think it's a human right to eat just because they're hungry?? I'm sure they'll be first in line when the food aid packages from EU start arriving, the b******s!
  17. Oh, those horrible wretched people! Don't they understand that heated homes is a luxury!?!?
  18. More Brexit fallout. ‘Life or death.’ As Britons buckle under the cost of living crisis, many resort to ‘warm banks’ for heat this winter "“We look the worst in G7 countries, we’re the only one in terms of recovery … that hasn’t gone back to where we were pre-pandemic."
  19. You mean stupidity, racism, misogyny, white angst? I'm afraid you're right, not much has changed.
  20. Merry Christmas Brexiteers..........not. Brexit has cracked Britain’s economic foundations
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