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Phoenix Rising

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Everything posted by Phoenix Rising

  1. Oh, the horror! Some people don't want to get sick/cause illness in others and chose to wear a mask. These people are evil and should be prosecuted!
  2. I bet that; a few weeks from now, when the Chinese hordes have properly cavorted around in Thailand, the number of Covid cases rise exponentially, causing the Thai healthcare system to buckle and Anutin (AKA "The Genius") to flipflop yet again. Covid vaccine certificates will become a mandatory entry requirement, as will pre-departure test certificates, ridiculously expensive insurance policies and mask wearing. Anybody wanna bet against me?
  3. I'll let you in on a little secret; nothing bounces off the 'Big Beautiful Wall Paid For By Mexico'. "Why', you may ask? Because it doesn't exist (said in a whisper).
  4. "I wonder if this ever happened in mankinds history before, one side having so much power and so little integrity they banned facts and only allowed lies? Maybe in some religious movement or cult?" There, there. Calm down mate and try to climb out of the rabbit hole. There are no Jewish space lasers, no Pizzagate, no cabal of nefarious libs controlling the Fed government, media, FBI etc. If you really believe this I cannot stress enough that you need to seek help!
  5. What?? I thought the big, beautiful wall paid for by Mexico took care of that!
  6. "You do understand....." And that's where you lost him......
  7. There's really no need to "pin everything" on Brexit. It's more than enough to point out that Brexit causes (and will continue to cause until reentry) enormous economic hardship and turns the UK into an economic and political has-been.
  8. And how is the weather over in LaLaLand? Thick brain fog with a chance of magic mushrooms?
  9. With the story including details like offices reeking of feces I think we can safely conclude that the saying 'any publicity is good publicity' is rubbish. But hey, don't let that dampen your fanboy exuberance!
  10. And if the electorate (yet again) chooses the wrong people/party then the army of the old elite will (yet again) step in to save the population from itself.
  11. Oh, the horrible, HORRIBLE man! PS. You really need to link to credible sources when making these claims.
  12. Well, it depends on the insurance requirement. What they demanded in the aftermath of the reopening was nothing short of extortion.
  13. Only if your point is "It's better to keep it in the family."
  14. There are none left. Mccain died years ago and Kinzinger and Cheney both lost their reelections. The rest steadfastly hold on as their train of stupid is hurtling towards the terminus. Popcorn time.
  15. Easy pal, don fluster him. If we're lucky he'll soon start ranting about Pizzagate and Jewish Space Lasers.
  16. Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't believe ignoring reality is seen as a shrewd business practice.
  17. Me too; the End of Brexit. I expect that by the latter part of 2024, as hunger and poverty is squeezing the life out of the UK despite massive food aid shipments from the EU, a reentry application will sheepishly be sent to Brussels. Don't expect a smooth process though due to the way Boris et al handled things. The French and the rest will take their merry time picking the barrel the UK will be placed over and then comes the deafening sound of countless zips being opened in a very determined manner. To those who voted against; sorry. To those who voted for but have realized their mistake; sorry. To those who voted for and are still pro Brexit; enjoy!
  18. "It's your opinion that it's no use at all. You make no attempt to explain why." Probably because it's bleedin' obvious. Look, with every post you just make it more and more clear you haven't got the foggiest notion of what you're talking about. "The weapons system can be simulated in a simulator just as can be the flying itself." Really, simulator practice can replace actual flying?? "That keeps the hardware and software away from the Chinese which is why the Thais offered to buy it without weapons. The weapon systems could be retrofitted in a heartbeat." Really, retrofitted in a heartbeat??
  19. Exactly, and that's not an opinion, it's a fact. PS. I wouldn't say it would be of no use at all. Imagine the fatties the 1700ish flag officers* would get having their picture taken next to an RTAF F-35 when it's rolled out once a year on Armed Forces Day (or 'Sadly No Golf Day' as they like to call it). *Royal Thai Armed Forces "The Thai military has more than 1,700 flag officers (generals and admirals), roughly one general for every 212 troops, a bloated number for a military of its size."
  20. If you wanna cut down on time wasting you really shouldn't try to defend this inane acquisition attempt.
  21. No, those are facts. It's just like an aircraft carrier without aircraft - total and utter waste of money.
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