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Phoenix Rising

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Everything posted by Phoenix Rising

  1. No directive: FBI agents, tech executives deny government ordered Twitter to suppress Hunter Biden story "Musk and his conservative allies have insinuated the released messages provide evidence of illicit behavior by the FBI, suggesting the exchange of secret files pertaining to Hunter Biden, and improper payments made to Twitter. But CNN’s interviews with people directly involved with the interactions and with those who have reviewed the documents disprove those claims. Matt Taibbi, one of the journalists Musk tapped this month to comb through Twitter internal messages for evidence of free speech violations, said himself on December 2 that “there is no evidence - that I’ve seen - of any government involvement in the laptop story.”" So a big nothingburger after all. How surprising!
  2. Why don't you ask the Ukrainians if he's a threat?
  3. The US has supported NATO since it was founded some 70 years ago. But hey, don't let facts get in the way of your little agenda!????
  4. "Well, well, what do you know. This little sweetheart was flown by the US air force, the bill for which will end up on NATO's desk in Brussels." Zzzzzzzzzzzzz. "Wondering if the incidents since 2014 in the East of Ukraine will be on the agenda ..... or not." They'll probably skip whatever "incidents" Putin is using as a lame excuse for his war crimes and focus on the slaughter of military and civilian personnel that's taking place right now due to Putin's naked aggression. "Is there an American photo-op planned; I mean Vogue in Paris printed 16 pages extra with him and his wife while his country was bombed and on fire. Your call!" The Zelenskyys' Vogue cover story is a brilliant war tactic "The Zelenskyys are smart to use Vogue as a means of keeping attention on the grim situation in their country, helping to ensure the future flow of foreign weapons and aid." My call you said? Brilliant!
  5. Are the names of those two supposed to impress us??
  6. The poster was parroting Putin's lame excuses for invading another peaceful country. That has nothing to do with your manic posting against the support for a peaceful country being invaded by a brutal aggressor who, if left unchallenged, would have taken a victory in Ukraine as a carte blanche for further aggression. So do try to pay attention thereby avoiding embarrassing yourself further.
  7. Have watched The Boys up to the latter part of season 3. It's been very good at times but seems to be running out of steam. Watched the first episode of White Lotus but it didn't really do anything for me, same as The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power (watched 4 episodes). Andor is getting better and better late in season 1 IMO. Watched season 1 of House of the Dragon and am already looking forward to season 2. Watched a few episodes of The Witcher but couldn't take anymore of Henry Cavill's poor acting (grunts and never changes his facial expression). Is it me or is he just a poor actor with a pretty face?
  8. This individual and his followers bring a new dimension to the term despicable.
  9. No, it wasn't. That was the excuse Putin came up with. If you really believe that BS (and maybe the big steal as well?) I have some shiny new bridges to sell you.
  10. Couple of really active "new" trolls in this thread. Hope they step over the line and get banned again as they're like that irritating fly buzzing around your head.
  11. "Start talking peace....." Start peace talks? With an attacker that wants to take over your country and is killing your citizens in the tens of thousands? "Man's in a hole he dug himself." Yes, by letting Ukraine be attacked by Russia. Right, OK then. Is anyone else wondering about these Ukraine/Zelensky bashing poster? You know, nationality, motivation, sanity etc?
  12. Why would we care about what you write when you "don't care" about Putin's mass murder of Ukranians? You're insignificant, not worth our time.
  13. Isolationism has, like e.g. communism, been tried and tested and it's abundantly clear it's not working. Now move along.
  14. Anyone else feel the urge to do something to him that his father should have done repeatedly when he was a kid?
  15. I think that is one of the most pointless replies I have ever received. Again; if football is of no interest to you then why are you posting in a thread dedicated to the beautiful game??
  16. "Washington and the establishment" is only a diversion. It's the changing demographics of America that's really scaring blue collar White Americans. Used to be that even if you were White and poor you at least had the privilege of being White. Each year that means less and less and blue collar White America doesn't like it.
  17. LOL, LOL, LOL, or actually (and much more likely) it's spot on and correct. After all, during the trump "presidency" the WH was filled to the rafters with liars, grifters, yes-men, traitors and an assortment of other bottom dwellers so the story in the OP is just par for the course for that heap of trash.
  18. Well, if Musk's goal is a quick bankruptcy then the one I believe you refer to is certainly world class.
  19. My money's on Snoop, 81% yes out of 3.4 mil votes! https://twitter.com/SnoopDogg/status/1604656918844256257
  20. Elon Musk’s poll results are in: He should step down, Twitter voters say "The poll inspired other volunteers, as well. The rapper Snoop Dogg created his own Twitter poll Sunday evening, asking: “Should I run Twitter?” As of early Monday morning, it had 1.3 million votes with over 80% of respondents saying yes."???? https://twitter.com/SnoopDogg/status/1604656918844256257
  21. Then why in the world are you posting in a thread dedicated to the beautiful game of football?? PS. Had to Google AFL and found out that the Americans are not the only country to steal the name football and turn it into yet another "sport" that has nothing to do with a foot nor a ball.????
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