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Phoenix Rising

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Everything posted by Phoenix Rising

  1. Quite right. No Republican with a moderate platform can get the GOP nomination as the party has been hijacked by the 'howling at the moon' loonies. Until such time as that large segment of the GOP base splinters off and forms their own fascist party the GOP is doomed to field the likes of De Santis or trump.
  2. Crowd boos Elon Musk after Dave Chappelle says to ‘make some noise’ "By Monday morning Musk had perked up and was busily rewriting history, claiming the deafening noise had in fact been “90% cheers & 10% boos”. Tell that to James Yu, a writer who was in the crowd on Sunday. “A good 80% of the stadium boos,” he estimated, noting that once the jeering started Musk withered on stage and turned “into a corncob”." Anyone else being reminded of a certain someone getting a rude shock when being laughed out of the UN General Assembly?????
  3. "Lefties are just haters." What an inane blanket statement, definitively troll territory. Oh well, another MAGA base poster showing his true colors....
  4. It seem to be a straight forward question. Is your grasp of the English language impaired tonight?
  5. Yes, could clearly see their stellar standards when, before the World Cup, they did a shamelessly lame fluff piece on the human rights issues among migrant worker in Qatar. It was like watching Hannity covering trump.
  6. Yes, just like you don't die of a bullet to the head, you die with it. End of story!
  7. So we agree then, what you said was wrong. Thank you for clearing that up.
  8. And the lives of 1000's of business owners and their families and affected in a negative way the entire UK. Brexit has clobbered smaller businesses But I agree, Kevin as well.
  9. OK, where is that rule written down? Is it an EU rule or a UK law? Or is it just your personal opinion?
  10. Yes it was and now the majority of Brits regret the whole Brexit debacle. Time to reverse it.
  11. Yes, despite the numbers the EU is hurting much more from Brexit that the UK! And in other news from the Twilight Zone.....
  12. Yes, because you've no access to "the World" as a member of EU and you're able to negotiate much better deals as a single nation of 60 mil than a trade block of 450 mil people!????
  13. Right badly in need of Hunter Biden "The right has a deep psychological need for the Hunter Biden story. They desperately want Joe Biden to be corrupt and for the whole family to be, in Stefanik’s words, “a crime family” because they have provided succor and support to someone who has encouraged political violence since his early rallies in 2015, has stoked hatred of minorities through lies, has used his office for personal gain in the most flagrant fashion, has surrounded himself with criminals and con men, has committed human rights violations against would-be immigrants by separating children from their parents, has pardoned war criminals, has cost the lives of tens of thousands of COVID patients by discounting the virus and peddling quack cures, has revived racism in public discourse, and has attempted a violent coup d’etat."
  14. Why is Hunter Biden a top issue for Republican majority? "Not only will I sleep better knowing that they will stop Hunter Biden, but I hope this is just the beginning. Perhaps they will reopen the investigation of Hillary Clinton's responsibility for the attack on the embassy at Benghazi. Let's forget investigating an attempt to overthrow the country and get to what's really important."
  15. Unfettered access to the richest market in the world right on your doorstep. Duh......
  16. I'm happy on your behalf, well done and welcome back to the real world!
  17. I agree, they should MBB (Make Britain Better) by rejoining post haste. And by all means carry on banging that fake drum that Britain was ruled by Brussels. It's no less inane today than it was back in 2016.
  18. Remain? You already left. Rejoin is the new word, and rejoin you will.
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