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Phoenix Rising

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Everything posted by Phoenix Rising

  1. Good win for the US, would love to see football grow there. Hope they can field a strong team in the next WC (which will be held in the US/Canada/Mexico). If they can get far it should give the sport of football a strong boost.
  2. I really hope for the sake of your mental well-being you're joking.
  3. Yes, and of course approved by the heroic General Prime Minister. Quite a guy, isn't he!
  4. Interesting. What makes it better than the national park systems in say France, Sweden, Japan?
  5. Do try to pay attention, all your questions were answered in my previous post.
  6. "Could you drop the confrontational attitude?" My apologies if your feathers were ruffled. "My question was whether Scotland would give independence to the islands close to where the oil fields are located" That would require a crustal ball but to speculate you might ask yourself if any of these islands (that you cannot recall) have ever asked to be independent?
  7. I don't care in the slightest but you could ask the employers of the Filipinos if they would have preferred things as they were before Brexit or not. And nice try on making this about race! Very sneaky, almost fell for it! [PS. Irony alert.]
  8. Interesting. Looks like pulling things out of damp and dark places is becoming increasingly popular.
  9. What a lame answer. You've made an unsubstantiated claim that you can't back up in any way so I'm calling BS on it.
  10. UK Pork Producer Flies in Filipino Butchers to Replace Lost EU Workers Brexit a roaring success I see!
  11. UK Searches for Brexit Benefits as Promised ‘Freedoms’ Fall Away "For the prime minister, a Brexiteer who has an uneasy relationship with his party’s Leave-voting right-wing, it risks throwing more weight behind the argument most Tories don’t want to concede: that discernible benefits of Brexit seem hard to find. Data this week show immigration reaching a record in the first year of Britain’s post-Brexit regime, despite the referendum promises that the EU divorce would allow Britain to regain control of its borders and get numbers down. The US trade deal once touted by former Prime Minister Boris Johnson as a great prize of Brexit is nowhere in sight, and Sunak last week didn’t even bother to bring it up in a meeting with President Joe Biden at the G-20 summit in Indonesia."
  12. Good idea. Then you can yet again negotiate amazing trade agreements with countries like Yemen, Afghanistan....... and Guyana and..........many more. You guys will be rich beyond belief!????
  13. When Scotland becomes independent and joins the EU it won't be long before hordes of starving English refugees head to Scotland and Ireland. IMO they should be turned away unless they say they voted no to the Brexit fiasco.
  14. Yes, damn that Biden fellow who invaded a peaceful neighboring country..........wait a minute!????
  15. Semantics/digression. Easy access to assault/semi-automatic weapons in the US leads to thousands of unnecessary deaths. End of story.
  16. I'm not convinced. I think it's a conspiracy......
  17. OK, so trump has really run a high profile campaign with massive stadium rallies like he did last time? Why is it we haven't seen any news coverage of it - not even on Fox?? Is it possible it's a.......(wait for it)........CONSPIRACY (shhhhh, just wisper it!)??
  18. Trump's long-teased White House bid is low key in 1st week "From the moment he left the White House in defeat last year, Donald Trump has teased the prospect of a third presidential campaign. But in the week since he officially declared his candidacy, the former president has been uncharacteristically low key. “His lack of a schedule makes you wonder if he’s really running or if this is just a business development opportunity or a diversion from the DOJ activity,” said veteran GOP strategist Scott Reed, referring to Department of Justice probes into Trump's handling of classified documents and his efforts to overturn the 2020 election, which are expected to intensify in the coming weeks."
  19. Unsuccessful country?? Fast forward 10 years into the future and an independent and prosperous Scotland is sending food parcels to starving Brits who are still waiting for their re-entry application to be approved, the delay caused by France and other countries who want the time over the barrel to be as long as possible due to the finger the UK gave the EU in the referendum. Som nam naa, as they say.
  20. And for the pro-independence Scots it's proof that even the ultimate cloud/s**t show that was Brexit has a silver lining.
  21. 5555555555 Do you know who the bureaucrats in your country are? Faceless men and women running you country and you don't have a clue about them as they don't stand for election.
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