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Phoenix Rising

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Everything posted by Phoenix Rising

  1. And still the Brexiteers are completely shocked by the fact that many EU nations enjoy having the Brits over a barrel!
  2. Yes, very well it seems.... Brexit and the economy: the hit has been ‘substantially negative’ UK economy heavily hit by Brexit, new research finds Brits are starting to think again about Brexit as the economy slides into recession Etc, etc, etc.
  3. Pointing out the fact that Brexit is the main cause of the current crisis is certainly appropriate, and the way the mood has swung against that particularly brain dead decision I hope for Britain's sake they are able to swallow their pride and rejoin before the rest of Europe has to start sending food parcels to starving Brits. Personally, I'd be willing to send food, but only to people who either voted against or have changed their minds. The rest can feast on their "independence".
  4. Yes, obviously it's better to live under the generals that keep the masses uninformed so that they can rule in perpetuity.....
  5. Yes, cutting off your nose to spite your face is regarded as a good idea among the MAGA base. Not the sharpest lot of people, are they.....
  6. Let me fix that headline: Prawit Tipped To Get More Votes Than Any Others For PM among those graciously allowed to run by the old elite.
  7. Buffeted by Economic Woes, U.K. Starts to Look at Brexit With ‘Bregret’ "The cause of the remorse is clear: Britain’s economic crisis, which is the gravest in a generation and worse than those of its European neighbors. The latest eruption of this never-ending drama began last week with an opinion poll that showed support for Brexit had fallen to its lowest level yet. Only 32 percent of those surveyed in the poll, by the firm YouGov, said that they thought leaving the European Union was a good idea; 56 percent said it was a mistake." Huge Majority Now Say Brexit Was A Mistake London Loses Crown of Biggest European Stock Market to Paris What a fantastic success this Brexit has turned out to be. Who knew, right?!
  8. Since trump calls for the termination of the constitution I would call for the termination of trump (according to the law of course).
  9. Tell us that Thailand has legalized pot without actually saying it...
  10. Effectively? I think it's extremely likely that your definition of that word does not correspond in any way with what you would find in let's say The Oxford English Dictionary.????
  11. Calm down, take a deep breath and count to 10. If that doesn't clear the urge to post lame hyperbole then consult a professional.
  12. Really. Did you know that abortion was legal in all states until it wasn't anymore?
  13. Elon Musk Shares Fake CNN Headline, Gets Flagged by Twitter’s Own Fact-Checker
  14. "What makes you think they could manage the debt effectively having just walked away from their biggest trading partner and all of the trade deals it had as part of the UK? Their economy would be in tatters." Do you even hear yourself when writing these posts??
  15. From the linked article: "He added: "There will also be assets to take into consideration (e.g. oil and gas) and these will have to be factored in, along with any other liabilities." So not all doom and gloom!
  16. Lifetime of who? Thousands of those who voted in the referendum are already dead.
  17. You're describing (whatever remains of) Britain's reentry process perfectly. You'll be kept over a barrel for a looong time before graciously being allowed back in - well done! For an independent Scotland the process will be much smoother for no other reason than the EU wanting to thumb it's nose at the remaining Brexiteers.
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