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Phoenix Rising

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Everything posted by Phoenix Rising

  1. He tried to instigate a coup and illegitimately continue as president/dictator. That is the ultimate treachery for a C-in-C and it deserves the ultimate punishment.
  2. Ahhh, isn't it refreshing to read posts that make a number of astonishing claims without a shred of linked evidence to back them up....
  3. Was that abuse?? PS. BTW, it's really hard to have a rational conversation with persons who behave irrationally by rejecting science.
  4. Wouldn't it be just so darn satisfying to see police/soldiers marching in and rudely cuff him and then with great fanfare march him off to a damp and dark jail cell! Getting goosebumps thinking about it.
  5. The why does the sheep post about it every time there's a poll reflecting negatively on President Biden?
  6. STEVE BANNON IS LOOKING PRETTY DEFENSELESS AS HIS CONTEMPT TRIAL OVER JAN. 6 IS SET TO BEGIN "Prosecutors have said they expect to win this case quickly, with Bannon’s primary defense—that Trump invoked some kind of executive privilege over documents related to their correspondence—having already been struck out by the judge. If convicted, Bannon faces a minimum sentence of 30 days and a maximum of one year in prison for each count, as well as a fine of $100 to $100,000." It won't be the same as seeing trump in an orange jumpsuit but it's a start.
  7. Yes, and the reason for that is actually in the headline of the OP article: "American men are sicker and more likely to die early...." If you cannot see the connection let me spell it out for you; the earlier you die the less likely it will be you die of prostate cancer. This might come as a surprise but men who die in their 20's and 30's are almost never dying of prostate cancer.
  8. This is factually wrong but I can't be bothered to look up the stats. In fact, it's your job to verify your claims and since you offer no proof, only statements of wishful thinking, I'm calling BS on this post.
  9. I can assure you that the same goes for the vast majority of Western Europeans.
  10. What a thoroughly ignorant post (no surprise). Is it the MSM that makes thing melt and buckle in heat never experienced before?
  11. How? What did he do for gun control during his 4 pathetic years in office? I can't think of a single thing so please refresh my memory.
  12. You know, in a time before trump people would have been outraged if someone said that and they would have been booted from office. Now it's an almost daily occurrence. The MAGA crowd have voted their preferred deplorables into office and the US of A is slowly but surely turning into a dumpster fire.
  13. What trump said about the shooting? What relevance does what a one term losing liar say about it have??
  14. "What is especially hypocritical is that many of the same people who are now claiming this girl at age 10 lacked the intellectual ability to go to her parents or police, claim that a 5 year old should be able to decide on their gender identity. " Off topic and a diversion. This thread is about the fact that a 10 y/o was raped and had to go to another state to have an abortion. That's it.
  15. And yet you continue to question a 10 y/o child's decision making?!
  16. "Several things. First off the left would have you believe that she has the right to "select her gender"" OK, here come the pitifully lame diversions.... "Also, does this girl not have parents?" You talk with such surety about the case yet you haven't even familiarized yourself with the basic details?? "Finally, are you arguing that she didn't have the ability at 3 weeks pregnant to get an abortion but suddenly she gained infinite amount of wisdom at lets say 14 weeks of pregnancy to have an abortion." If you're gonna post such drivel I suggest you better just take a break and go watch Fox "news". Talking about a 10 y/o girls "having options" and why didn't she just do this instead of that clearly shows you haven't got the foggiest. We're talking about a 10 y/o child!!!
  17. They are, of course, not, but as a digression it's manna from heaven for the trumpsters.
  18. First the MAGA crowd focus on this story not being verified and bleet endlessly about the horrible President Biden using this "unverified" story. And when it turns out that it was indeed true they focus on the immigration status of the rapist, not that a child suffering a horrible crime and has her suffering exacerbated by the shameful lying religious nutters that constitute the majority of the SCOTUS. Hillary was indeed right and I'd use the same term for the individuals behind the overturning of Roe v. Wade. One can only hope that the women in the USA finally have had enough of this s*** and let their feelings be known on the streets and at the ballot box.
  19. Man arrested for rape of Ohio girl who went to Indiana for abortion Ohio man charged with raping 10-year-old who later crossed state lines for abortion GOP Rep. Jim Jordan deletes tweet calling the story of a 10-year-old girl being raped 'another lie' after Ohio authorities charged a man in the case
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