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Everything posted by watthong

  1. Now, now, easy, boys... (On a lighter note) This brings back fond memories of eons and eons, say half a century, ago: 1) When as a sweet young thing I followed a priest "home" for further "confessionals" after a brief chat/dance interlude at the local bar... It was in the wee hours when we came into the hallway of his dormitory (in the abbey.) An old priest came out of his room seemingly heading for the communal bathroom. He briefly glanced at the two of us. I squirmed a bit, naive as I was then, but he walked on, didn't bat an eye. This was in Palo Alto, the heart of Silicon Valley during its heyday. 2) Also in the same epoch of "as a sweet young thing," during a tour in Italy, in Rome due to our guide being my travelling companion's cousin, and also a priest "apprentice" (sorry I don't know the correct word for it,) we got a chance to go into the innards of his residence (not sure it was at the Vatican, mighta been...) In the dormitory hallway, there were signs on the wall (in English) that say something to the effect, "homosexual activities are not allowed here" - maybe not so blunt, but one got the gist. Lesson learned: One should always observe being in the right place AND at the right time.
  2. Yeah, it's hard to engage in a discussion when for all the so-called expertise displayed here, one party refuses to understand the simple concept of the word "context." "Deep sigh" indeed.
  3. Can be equally said that this forum is not for you...I'm sure that's there plenty other places where you can tryst your scientific "knowledge" but this forum or any of its sub forums - including the health and medicine one - are not a theatre for your kind of stuff. In other words, it's useless to 99.9% (and that's being generous) of us here. Sorry for being frank but that needs to be said.
  4. There are Drs and not there are MEDICAL doctors. A nurse engaging in discussion regarding medicine, and presenting himself as a Dr. in said discussions, that's fraud, plain and simple. Try to deflect all you want but when it comes back to the main point, he IS NOT a doctor in the (medical) context that he presents himself in. He can fool some people some of the time, as the saying goes. Note: This thread is not about "Doctor" Campbell, fair enough. But this argument simply shows the kind of spin at work here.
  5. FYI, At the peak of his medical career he was a nurse, not a physician. As such, one can not call oneself a doctor when discussing medical stuff. That spells f-r-a-u-d. Too bad, because you must have missed the one interview where he discussed covid situation in Thailand with the best local authority on the subject he could find: a Khao San type (long hair, full beard, in shorts and flipflop) ESL teacher. Who probably made a pre-nup with the "Dr." so that he could strum his guitar and sing his own composition at the end of the clip. Totally clueless as far as covid was concerned, dude just wanted to get his future top ten (thousandth) hit on line and this was the one outlet that would allow him that. For the most part of the interview, it consisted of the "Dr." asking leading questions and the guest nodding his head, ahah, ahah, and so forth. Yeah, it's under control yeah, what, oh yeah, not many covid cases - though we were in the midst of rolling lock down - and so forth... and doc finally answered his own questions. Yeah, that's the kind of materials you'll get from this so-called doctor. But if that's up your alley, hey, by all means go for it. As they say, "you can fool some people some of the time..."
  6. 1) Yes Covid is the plague (as in the bubonic plague, etc.) And it happened. But since "I don't "follow world news."= Therefore the devastation that covid the plague has wrought upon various parts of the world (maybe not the area where you live) is not in your purview. 2) "If anyone challenges your world-view you get angry, upset, and indignant. Whatever" = Your colluding emotions with facts is colluding something subjective with something objective. It's called deflection.
  7. "I expect in the coming years there will be much more proven..." That's a lot of (un)certainties in one short sentence - however in the meantime, the "poison" you have taken might be the agent that enabled you to maintain the ability to physically type "Never again" today. But if you "got caught up in the hysteria" of one type or another, it's hard to say which is which, ain't it? Especially when it all depends on future unknowns, like the sky is falling down, etc....
  8. 'jabattoir...' - Hmmm, Pardon my rusty French but does that rhyme with "Voulez vous dansez (le chachacha) avec moi ce soir?" (btw, which country in the Caribbean did you say you're from again? Not the Bahamas, I hope.)
  9. Oh dear, that's a well known symptom of catching covid. Hurry and get an antigen test ASAP.
  10. "It was a nothing-burger" say you. Some of us do follow world news and learn the devastating effects of Covid19 upon whole cities and towns around the world (ie USA, China, Korea, Italy, etc...) at its onset. Thus we can only concur where "extreme hyperbole and fear-monger" you quoted might be coming from.
  11. "Long-term effects," unknown or otherwise, seems to be more life-threatening to some folks, than the very real, very near and very known prospect of death by drowning in your own fluids in an ICU bed while your family and loved ones look on in despair from the other side of the glass window. But now that such prospect has been mostly averted by the advance of science who in record time has given us efficacious vaccines to combat covid19, it's time to get back to the haystack and search of the "unknown long term effects" needles and denounce the scientific cure. This reminds me of the kind of capture cults have on their followers.
  12. "Much of the c-19 science is not so scientific after all." You're absolutely right. So let's go back to bleach, ultra-violet light, and in your case, chocolate.
  13. A reminder: authorities, whether it's in Asia or in the Caribbeans (or in any "chocolate producing" country for that matter) are not to be confounded with science.
  14. It has happened more than often enough than to be thought of as pure coincidence, or divine serendipity, that whenever things get a bit too sleepy on AN, pop we would have another covid-related provocative thread jump out to brighten the day. Just saying (while yawning...)
  15. Here's a helpful illustration - as a community health service - whether "he in fact didn't" or not.
  16. Whenever there're "death" and "covid vaccine" in one sentence, that never fails to rouse up even the dead from their grave to continue their "death by vaccine" agenda. Must have been in their DNA.
  17. Any adult, no let me take that back, anyone that has more than 1 digit for their age, whether native English language speaker or not, watching that clip knows exactly what Trump meant. Only a 5 year old could be convinced that "he in fact didn't." However some folks still believe that if you keep saying things that are untrue, again and again enough, that it would become true. It never works though doesn't stop them from trying.
  18. Or rather a desire not to sniff on the steaming pile of crapola that is served on a silver platter labeled "trusted" (though un-named) source" - "where it may have come from" (could be a stinking sewer!)
  19. Unfortunately some folks, though residing in Land of Smiles, still think they are in Kansas: "When do we want it? Now" - "Where do we want it? Here. Anyway, the new variant booster is actually available in Kansas, as in other cities in the USA. Here someone flying to the States for the latest jab: Asked where: It will eventually make its way to your local clinic, in my case Soi 18 Odum Suk BKK. In the meantime, just take advantage of what 's available wherever you are. If it's been 6 mos or more, then go get another shot, if possible choose a different brand - say Moderna if last one you got was Pfizer, and vice versa. Then go home and pop another bottle of champagne, cause one good turn deserves another - and living well is a slap in the face to those who want you dead.
  20. If in Bangkok, can you tell me where you got it? It's time I got another booster I think. The last jab (5th one) about 6 months ago at the skin hospital off Victory Monument. It was Pfizer and free. 4th one was also Pfizer, local hole in the wall government clinic, free. 3rd and 2nd Moderna, paid for in advance at private hospital. (It was during the initial rush for vaccines early 2021 when even some people flew home to get jabbed.) 1st on Astra Zeneca, Phaythai Hospital, free, Thank you in advance for the info, much appreciated.
  21. "Volunteer confessionals"? "What are you talking about"? you might ask,,, Well, (btw, "in radical times," people also tend to dress funny and possibly wear mismatched socks - sorry, never mind my attempt at profundity - but I digress...) Anyway, onward, "They became important in their mind and forgot how to be kind to people that disagreed with them. Interesting.." Indeed, considering the following practice of "be kind to people that disagreed with them:" I think the word "hypocrite" in the above "context" should be ALL CAPS. (On a side note, sounds like someone has pushed the Orange button!!)
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