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Everything posted by lopburi3

  1. Not an issue at all using my USAA debit card on Lazada - any canceled order payment is returned to US bank account within a day or two. Shopee does not accept foreign cards and stopped direct bank transfers so have not used since that happened several years ago.
  2. A pillow designed for chair use should help a lot - I also have to use in padded office chair - also use a back pillow.
  3. Think we all agree it is krap. Sometimes it is best to find one item and then check others recommended at bottom of page for what often is a much better selection, and each time you select a new item a new search result is recommended. Dig down. Another option is to search in Google and often get a Lazada result to start looking on Lazada. Suspect you know this - but some may not. For OP that sounds like a security monitor rather than what most of us want in a desktop monitor - Windows allows more than one screen I believe so expect better to put money into a hi res 32 inch monitor unless you have real need. I have found 32 inch monitor very good for desktop use.
  4. If you have already departed, and have extension of stay, as above - but if about to leave you likely can obtain the re-entry permit at the airport before flight leaves (allow extra time). If you actually only have a multi entry visa vaild for 90 day stays leaving just ends current 90 day stay.
  5. I made the same mistake until advised by those using EU and other currencies that Wise was indeed much better end result than SWIFT for even large amounts. Now we in USA seem to be getting hit with a week delay for Wise payments if using low ACH exchange rate rather than a 3rd party service.
  6. Official Government registered marriage is the only option in Thailand. That talk was about opening that path to those of the same sex - nothing to do with civil partnership.
  7. For some who may not know: Krungsri, also known as Bank of Ayudhya, is the 5th largest commercial bank in Thailand. Krungthai, also known at KTB, is a government Ministry of Finance owned commercial bank.
  8. As said above - when gets below a set amount (believe 2k is normal for a period of time) they start to charge a monthly fee until empty - but you can still use and make deposits to get it above that amount. Below is BBL official notice: https://www.bangkokbank.com/-/media/Files/Personal/Other-Services/Branch-Services/International-Branches/ExpatBooklet_Jan2017.ashx?la=en&hash=15587776FB3E6C04F9DE10BC2742AFE153E20D44#:~:text=If your savings account has,account will be automatically closed.
  9. It was fine for me yesterday.
  10. And for many months.
  11. Indeed since last month this has been the case - taking at least 5 workdays to send money or fund Wise account for pull from bank (at least at the 2-3k level). They advise will take longer than normal and can try to direct contact bank from their website but no guarantee will help and no explanation on what this would require (perhaps losing all access?). From second post above seems an ACH issue - would be interested if anyone took up Wise to reset financial path and what that involved. If requires a us phone SMS ability likely not viable for many users.
  12. You posted to a year old thread.
  13. Sorry but you are very wrong in the case of USD. Due to fees being based on amount exchanged the exchange rate advantage is lost when sending large amounts from USA due to SWIFT being a fixed rate regardless of amount being sent (or even no fee in some cases).
  14. The same way you could, and still can, have a valid visa in an expired passport. You could not stay beyond passport expiration date but by presenting both passports the full year could be updated and was available without further cost. Believe that changed about 20 or more years ago and since then you only obtain total extension until current passport expiration date.
  15. No harm pushing into bottle. Or using what we expats so often used 55 years ago when faced with such an issue opening local Mosel in Germany.
  16. It depends on your country - if using USD from USA SWIFT will be a better value in high amounts but from EU/UK and suspect OZ seems that WISE maintains an advantage regardless of amount (although not sure if you have to limit each transfer to less than 50k Baht if it would make sense). Just remember if using SWIFT you want to send foreign currency for exchange inside Thailand.
  17. There are no essential minerals in normal water that can not be obtained elsewhere. Bottled water is normally RO water these days.
  18. We are not talking about bug zappers in OP or any other post. OP is chemical killing - some other posts are leading them into air traps.
  19. RO water has no taste - that is the idea - mix with your choice to have the best tasting coffee/tea/drink. But most of us have no issues drinking directly from RO machine or the hundreds of brands of RO water sold in stores.
  20. You are talking single point to provide RO water or some kind of change to entire system? For the single point (which does not cost that much) of most concern is that you make enough and do not have to wait too long to make more.
  21. Just under 1k. And indeed there are fakes for sale - real model has flat bottom - fakes I noticed few years ago had few plastic tab keeping bottom off table if not hung. As for not working - these work very well indeed (and I was a skeptic). This appears to be real unit. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/portoti-pr-25mb-mosquito-pest-killer-led-ver2-led-i174536187-s358395528.html? Edit - checked and bought from above company at 899 Baht in December 2020.
  22. And you want to further poison the air? Can you perhaps get village to do the deed on a one time basis? Once population reset they do not seem to increase quickly. Here in Bangkok used below units and within few days almost none and units easily keep them under control for last few years. The good thing is they seem to only attract mosquitos. Not cheap but nothing to run out and easy to clean. PORTOTI Mosquito Killer PR-25MB
  23. In my opinion the MY LIST available previously was a major factor for making and placing orders - it has not been returned to more than a shadow of before (handful of products with no easy update).
  24. Lotuss is valid alternative with a lot more items for sale - but they do not have a list area or easy mark for next time order (but search seems good). They now seem to have much better stock control than when Tesco however and offer a 3 hour delivery service which is often free.
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