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Everything posted by lopburi3

  1. In Philippines you are asked to leave after 3 years and obtain a new tourist entry.
  2. Almost all the women involved with US forces chose to do so after being deserted by Thai husbands and family and used this to support themselves, their children and often family that had deserted them. And in many cases these relationships became long term. This was not part of the Thai brothels' system.
  3. Have always considered being alive the determining factor - life is the tour.
  4. Actually did not read as a blame game but as mostly accurate account. Would point out that New Petchaburi Road was the GI area in the 60's as built for them to keep out of sight - everything was there and until 69 or so virtually no GI would be found on Patpong roads (airline offices and several small bars were it). Later Nana Hotel and the dancing bars of Patpong became the attraction. As for Pattaya it was mostly a family place at first until the 70's and took off after the GI's departed in 75. There were thousands of airmen stationed in Thailand full time at the many airbases being used here and each had a frequented bar strip. Hired wife was indeed the lingo at the time.
  5. If you have insurance it should be more than enough for most with pensions. Savings is just one measure - pension/annuity income would be additional - part time work more still. Medical insurance should pay for most of any medical bill.
  6. Actually suspect most of us using Wise here in Thailand do not have a Wise Card.
  7. What internet provider are you using? Are you using virus/malware software? You are using Windows 10?
  8. Suspect that says it all. I was in Japan from 1961-3 and MC were already accepted as some of the best in the world and Datsun Bluebird was already much more reliable than cars in USA (they had to be driven full out on the roads of Hokkaido). The Chinese have done their homework, just as Japan did after WW2 - was there in late 70's when they first opened up and when they bought equipment they made very sure they understood how it ticked so they could make themselves. After 40 years they are experts and most high tech products are now being made there both by Chinese and other countries.
  9. Actually that is official advise of security and banking officials. There is no need for that code to be on card once you know it. Only you should be using it.
  10. Most people would not have room for such a storage tank in a condo and suspect many would not allow because of weight anyhow but any building supply sells water storage tanks. A good shower head might be a viable option if unable to increase pressure. I have bought below type (although have high pressure - they provide good coverage but are still soft feeling). Have both SS and Al types and they both work well (AL is much lighter in case of drop on toes) https://shopee.co.th/ฝักบัวแรงดันสูง-ฝักบัวอาบน้ำ-ฝักบัว-น้ำแรงและนุ่ม-สปา-สแตนเลส-304-หัวฝักบัว-ฝักบัวอาบน้ำแรงดันสูง-shower-head-i.160139238.8678236328
  11. Which would have resulted in us being up the creek without a paddle when immigration did. Instead they made it public and issued months in advance to allow people to set up the new system and got immigration to allow less than a full year of transfers for first year.
  12. Which is what happened - after set date such affidavits would not be accepted by immigration without Embassy guarantee information was valid - major states with privacy laws could not do that.
  13. Not sure but reports on Thai Enquirer quote as "third-party overseas e-commerce platforms" as what Central Bank said (but knowing reporting here that could be charges rather than data).
  14. Ten's of thousands have used that specific ATM in the last two weeks? Much more likely a data base hack or inside leak.
  15. https://www.thaipbsworld.com/central-bank-tba-suspend-credit-debit-cards-following-suspicious-deductions/ They reporting been happening for some time (2 October).
  16. They are reporting 40,000 accounts and cards are being suspended by Thai Banking Authority due to suspect hacking. https://www.thaipbsworld.com/central-bank-tba-suspend-credit-debit-cards-following-suspicious-deductions/
  17. I did not include in paperwork but they have been removed from passport and copied the last several years.
  18. I believe it was immigration making new demands that Embassies had to guarantee data - which most western governments can not do by law.
  19. Actually found that since change to Wise name amount of $1,500 is confirmed be it immediate or next day if select "long stay" without need for them to first obtain funds - but if more they want me to sign on to my bank account now (not required prior name change). As unable to sign on as bank requires online selection of pin or password first (which they do not take into account) have option to have them make two deposits and transfer is immediate after you enter the amounts. Just to point out up to 1.5k USD may be an automatic approved transfer prior to receiving ACH money transfer now.
  20. They might be providing under the free SMS system they use for foreign deposits which would not be useful in this case - but perhaps if subscribed to the pay SMS notifications service they would be provided for all?
  21. In my experience it was not required prior to 2019 - but in May 2019 I had to have owner make TM30 report (with 800 baht fine as was about 20 years late) and there were dozens making reports at 4 desks set up for that only - and in June 2019 the copy was required for retirement extension of stay and a copy of that report has been made each year since. I do not have a lease so that might be a deciding factor on it being required (as married).
  22. 30 min before breakfast for me using Vejthani Hospital. Have been using for about a decade as Thyroid is mostly removed and remaining not working.
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