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Everything posted by lopburi3

  1. Actually the topic title was "apostille and or notary service" and my reply was marked for notarization of his signature alone and not for apostille.
  2. Not in my understanding - if death not in hospital autopsy is normal. Edit: believe this will be by police request so above right in that respect. https://www.gov.uk/guidance/what-to-do-after-a-british-person-dies-in-thailand#:~:text=Post-mortems are normally required,carried out by forensic doctors.
  3. Not clear who owns this property. Your wife or is it rented? If rented would be talking with owner about the problem and let them handle it. If owner is there a way to reconfigure entry (as you mention even without that car it is an issue)?
  4. Do I read correctly that a MC taxi driver picked up the cone and it exploded? And another close to it also held a bomb? Someone was a bit serious about reserving their parking space?
  5. Put or use an underground tank. Many people do that. Or an alternative would be using short height tanks connected together (water will seek its own level).
  6. What are you using to read Gmail now? And as noted above it current version?
  7. Actually this is about a school in Mexico and what they require.
  8. If you are asking about a single entry non immigrant O visa from Savannakhet as indicated do not believe there is any show of money required. For multi entry there indeed is. https://savannakhet.thaiembassy.org/th/publicservice/non-immigrant-visa-o-visiting-family-member-of-a-thai-nationality-a-sp?page=5d84a44c15e39c26b400453e&menu=5d84a44c15e39c26b400453f
  9. According to King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital, one of the national leading cancer centres, approximate cost of radiation therapy in common cancers are listed below: Breast cancer: 69,300 – 84,500 baht Cervical Cancer: 145,000 baht Lung cancer: 141,100 – 197,600 baht Prostate cancer: 182,400 baht Colon cancer: 103,000 baht https://www.lumahealth.com/cancer-treatment-cost-thailand/
  10. Below are costs of 4 funeral homes from US Embassy - believe most local cremations total costs locally are in the 30-40k baht range including all paperwork. Amar International (PDF 706KB) AsiaOne (PDF 1MB) EverCare (PDF 446KB) Siam Funeral Co., LTD (PDF 1MB)
  11. There is a good chance he did not understand what you said, or did and turned back to avoid escalation. It may well be a family members vehicle with, as you say, all his possessions. Times are not good for many these days. And yes Thai will avoid issues - but there is valid reason for it - loss of face can become deadly very quickly. Best to let her take care of the matter I suspect - even if it takes more time than you might wish.
  12. Perhaps, if you had to say anything, an offer to help move to a designated area might have been less lose of face (for a Thai with dyed yellow hair). Sorry but agree with your wife on this.
  13. Actually had intended to click on OP post above yours (which said same thing about it being a PIA). Was not saying you were wrong about anything but OP said he thought it was just a notarization in OP.
  14. As have said do not have knowledge of UK systems to verify documents but how is the new school to know those original papers are real and not made in the local copy shop? For USA there would be 2 step process I believe - State of school location certification of copy and then Department of State registration making it a legal document internationally. Easy but takes time. But hope you are right an only a notarization of your signature on an attached paper attesting to it being real is the requirement. For that I would hope your Consulate or designated service could do for you.
  15. Suspect UK Consulate might offer such a service. US does. But is the request only asking for your signature to be notarized or the document to be confirmed true? If the latter expect it must be done by UK in UK. Sorry but expect someone from UK may be able to provide better help. If not perhaps call Embassy and see if they can answer (I know Embassy does not have high reputation but if they know they may be willing to provide answer.
  16. But you could have just replaced 10 or 20 times with a cheap spray for the same price and not have to handle the s..t inside. There comes a time when cheap makes sense. Currently 53 baht on Lazada:
  17. You need to contact the owner as that may have been expensive 3 ply paper on that roll and needs to be replaced with the same or better.
  18. It is known for some time but new study proves and has been in news since mid-month on just about every media out there. Up to delay of two years so a major finding. https://www.washingtonpost.com/wellness/2024/01/18/multivitamins-benefits-memory-loss-study/
  19. Did she perhaps go to hospital for a medical certificate (employment perhaps)? I have never heard of anyone being changed for such a certificate to prove a normal consultation. It has not been asked in any of the 10 hospitals I and wife have used here in Bangkok. At any rate 500 baht would be totally over the top.
  20. It seems to be this. (will stop at that)
  21. 500 baht for a medical certificate? Have never paid extra for that at any hospital (and get at all as required for insurance).
  22. You can only own some condos in Thailand. And Thailand rents seems to be a real bargain so those renting here are likely better off than those in most other countries - rents most places seem to have been almost stagnate for decades (but admit have not followed closely). Having a Thai wife does not make you an owner of her property - she buys property in her name with her money (as you sign your acknowledge of that). If you inherit home you have one year to sell. You could own a building - but not the land - and almost all homes are sold with land.
  23. OP issue is his report is overdue - if not time for a 90 day report the current receipt in his passport would be fine and he could then do normal when due. Not sure how you are timing it to do every extension of stay at Chiang Watanna however. 90 day reports do not follow extensions times in Bangkok. So guess you are using the 45 day window to make extension at a time when 90 day report would be normally due.
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