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Everything posted by lopburi3

  1. Poor quality fresh market as volcanic ash is not the best for quality growth. Not to mention many of us are not keen to cook our own food. There are imported food options in cities - but at a cost. It is not expensive hospital issue - medical attention at all levels leave much to be desired - with only Manila having real international facilities. But there has been recent activity to improve with chain facilities being built - but well below Thailand. But most seaside places have very little outside of the sea - great for a few days but often not so much for longer. And again food becomes an issue - with concrete jungle often the only option for edible meals. But as said with shortcomings there are positives - better communications with others - better visa conditions - very friendly people. But with the paperwork needs/delays not likely a good fit for type A personality.
  2. What exactly is new? ID has always been required for both Thai and foreigners. Foreigners can still use alternative ID card/DL. We had issue 20 years ago with Thai grandchild name not exactly same on birth certificate as boarding pass and refused boarding on CM to Bangkok flight until found amendment paperwork for name spelling.
  3. Not really true - even if they have a pump it is unlikely to be more than about 30 PSI max. New York City is more than twice that. But what Thailand does have is extremely high humidity and heat - both not good for rubber hose.
  4. One factor is batteries have no life in the heat of Thailand.
  5. OK how about 225 baht? https://www.lazada.co.th/products/1-8-12-34-25-2-i2937286518-s15695534410.html? And this seems ever stronger at 245 baht https://www.lazada.co.th/products/25mm-spiral-end-line-washing-machine-washing-machine-dishwasher-top-load-line-washing-machine-washer-line-washing-machine-parts-washing-machine-hose-washer-line-i4955343027-s20831097063.html?
  6. This had 3 meter (up to 10 meter) size. As for brand name even Electrolux is just a tag on name these days - different models made by different makers. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/i3531876845-s13179388777.html
  7. You have forget the drainage of flood waters using anchored ships running their engines at full power pushing all the water to the sea a few years ago?
  8. lopburi3

    Visa needed

    Your airline could require a retur As said above will depend on amount of time last trip in Thailand and airline policy - normally Thailand immigration is not an issue but they could be.
  9. You did notice the requirement for Inlet pressure 200 Kpa min (which is about 30PSI?) and likely more than most people have with a closed tap.
  10. Totally misunderstood - have seen/experienced plastic taps and found nothing to like about them - my reading error. Sorry.
  11. Where we live - in Thailand - most homes do not have a laundry room - have only warmish water - and most washing machines are designed to heat internally if hot water wanted. Suspect most people would (rightly in my opinion) consider plastic taps as trash material. Have never experienced a brass tap rusting out.
  12. No excuse - only 14 baht on Lazada. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/collectibles-sphere-fluorite-natural-healing-gemstone-glass-crystal-ball-quartz-stone-i1710948850-s4857162673.html?
  13. There is a reason for below instructions in Panasonic Washing machines manuals sold here:
  14. There are also vermin that can like the taste of more than cheese. The rats will eat just about anything. And you don't have to go to a dump to find rats.
  15. Don't believe anyone has equated Thailand with a desert - perhaps in the future but at this time humidity is nothing like a desert even at the driest of times. But a few local storms are not going to have much effect even if successful.
  16. Well I have had one split in much less than 25 years so it can and does happen. Which is why almost all Thai will close valve after use - as they have been instructed to do. In our case washer is outside so leak quickly found and corrected without damage (and why valve not closed). In a condo it could be a very serious issue.
  17. Actually it will be a call for cloud seeding by Air Force to make rain to clear some of the dust from the air. Nothing about prevention.
  18. Obvious call to confine themselves to indoor activities.
  19. For other uses, leaks, it would be very useful. But for burst pipe with no drains would likely be to late for action. Good quality shower type hose is easily available in various lengths and works well. Am sure that is the reason most bathrooms have floor drains and water flow is restricted on wall tap. https://www.lazada.co.th/tag/bidet-hose/?q=bidet hose&catalog_redirect_tag=true
  20. The key is prevention - not an alarm telling you that on return you will find a flood.
  21. Agree risk is slight but to be sure you could easily wire up an electric valve (as most dish washers use) to only allow water flow when washer electric is on. Nothing to remember - nothing to forget. https://www.lazada.co.th/tag/electric-water-valve/?spm=a2o4m.home-th.search.1.11257f6dmAoLG5&q=electric water valve&_keyori=ss&clickTrackInfo=textId--3890088500922056844__abId--328631__Score--0.25124045080782903__pvid--e435429c-a96f-487f-ba73-8ead63276b8f__matchType--1__matchList--1-2-3__srcQuery--electric water valve__spellQuery--electric water valve__ctrScore--0.5894976258277893__cvrScore--0.0020882764365524054&from=suggest_normal&sugg=electric water valve_0_1&catalog_redirect_tag=true
  22. This may explain - YouTube action against those using add blockers - or add blocker issue. https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2024/01/youtube-appears-to-be-reducing-video-and-site-performance-for-ad-block-users/
  23. 2,000 baht for conversion entry visa and normal 1,900 baht for any extension of stay.
  24. But they must meet financials (often for visa and always for extension) and suspect Germany may not issue letter of retirement income verification letter unless retired so would require 800k in bank rather than 400k.
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