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Everything posted by ChaiyaTH

  1. That's like the worst place to go in Vietnam, hence they offer up to 30 days visa free, if you can fly there direct. Super boring and expensive.
  2. Going to an embassy helps zero, you need to apply online and if that is last minute, it is gonna cost you 100-200 dollars. If you fly in during the weekend, the emergency visa would only be available for Ho Chi Minh City as well.
  3. The only way to raise the awareness is by complaining, that is why it got more attention since the recent years, even it happens since decades. Other than that, you are entirely right, most people who have a chance to move will usually do it. I personally moved a lot within Thailand and came back to CM since 1-2 years now, and we are now looking to move permanently away later this year or before the next burning season. It's just not worth it, specially not year on year. Just to sit in this air a week already can cause infected eyes, lung infections, sore throats, difficulty to breath, being tired, stuck nose etc etc. It's like I am permanently living in one of those airport smoker rooms.
  4. Does this also apply to Thai nationals moving there? The unlimited extensions to 3 years? Could be a very interesting alternative destination for people who are now here and tired of the visa hassles. Even if it would be only for up to 1 year at the time, or even 6 months, that would be plenty. Starts to ring a bell now why I hear more and more young long-stayers and digital nomads, to have chosen that country as their main base.
  5. If there is no label or info, there would still be a hospital receipt, so you simply are stupid then. At least be smart enough to not take any pills, if you were right, and no single paper with info was supplied to you. Perhaps even go to a real hospital, as a clinic giving you blank pills is dodgy as hell. Why did you even take them home before asking in such case lol. Next thing you know, they are illegal without a prescription.
  6. Vitamine B would not come in such bag let alone in a bag with 5 of them. If you can't even understand this, you should not have replied. To not judge you on the great lack of basic medicinal knowledge, how would a bag of 5 vitamine B pills cure a UTI...
  7. Any banks nowadays do egg scans, this is to avoid people using other people (mules) their bank accounts I guess. I never had to do this with my Kasikorn or Bangkok bank account personally though, but it is a monthly thing on International business. More and more rules will come to this world soon, same to have to apply for European visa's soon similar to Malaysia, with a pre-check, Europeans need to do that too when visiting USA. Eventually all will be iris scans most likely. I you have an existing passport with stamps you might wanna keep it, as it will be less and less too in next years. I think by 2030 it's global.
  8. Be more specific, provide actual readable Thai labels, specify what UTI you got etc etc. If you want a proper answer.
  9. Thank god you are not a pharmacist, Vitamine B, 5 in a bag, on prescription.... Like a dealer selling you meth while you ask for XTC.
  10. Rules are for peasants
  11. In CM they actually installed water taps where you have to put 5 and 10 baht coins in, that is how ridiculous things have become.
  12. Couple of lady friends; I guess reptiles and animals in the garden?
  13. I don't see much issues, just living life as usual but drinking a bit more water at 42 celsius. Just a few celsius from our ideal body temp. If you can't handle this heat; your likely obese.
  14. Dream on unless you have money or contacts, I could hook you up, but won't be cheap. There is a reason why most beaches lack activities, or things missing, you are not having a creative unique idea, it is just the first sentence that is the issue.
  15. I refused to ever do 90 day reporting, I would just leave the country before doing another yearly extension = solves the entire issue already. Same to not care TM30 too. I wonder why most people even do this, it is not needed at all, unless you never leave the country at all. Even then: 1400 baht fine. People need to stop being sheep and just live life. I never been hassled even I don't listen to their rules.
  16. It annoys the FK out of me that people keep saying this, nobody EVER said this was the case, they said they wanted to turn songkran into a festival that lasts longer. NOBODY ever said the water fight days would change AT ALL. Seem nobody in this country, including most foreigners, are able to read + understand. There is a difference between being able to know a language, read something and processing it VS reading something, UNDERSTANDING IT and processing it. But yeah, knowing most people lack that capability, I guess it was a very <deleted>ty news message X 10.
  17. LOLLLL I mean how much more can they make us laugh with their stupid decisions... Drought is even too bad to do more than 1 day songkran.
  18. You don't deal with passports checks, luggage or customs, if having money to fly private. That is for peasants.
  19. Unfazed? The city is as death as the air quality is. Songkran is going to be a joke, with mainly cheap locals in pick up trucks, making up the traffic for a busy appearance. One must actually have lost their mind if going here on holidays for songkran right now. These hotel booking figures are absolute garbage, I guess it is counted from a select few hotels and resorts. 70% booked my ass, Chiang Mai would experience insane traffic jams, super full packed places everywhere, if that would ever be the case. It's funny too: every time they come up with these hotel percentages, it is always 60 or 70 %, must be magic. Any Thai with the option, is running away from Chiang Mai for a cleaner air location, already. I can remember some Thai lady working for TAT in Chiang Mai, at few years ago, she was the least intelligent and informed person I ever met.
  20. What a dumb question, it hs nothing do with liking or disliking Trump. It has everything to do with an obvious deep state / corporate maffia, that rapes America and Americans, which people like to see end. But somehow the Hillary clit lickers and especially the older folks, who have pensions and wealth a young American can only think of as a unicorn, love to hate and hate on Trump, the only person who actually seems to confront the issue, in the first place. AKA 90% of people are but lickers. I always thought that it was kind of a joke, when we were told in Europe, that Americans are kind of dumb. I kind of believe it now. No wonder they are the main match and married counts in Asia too. Messed up every war since, well where to even start. Messed up every country that was about to do good. Messed up their own country + Europe. One wonders how can anyone even feel pride in that, unless being absolutely stupid. America is so big, powerful and rich, yet 70% of the population if not more, lives paycheck to paycheck, and would die within weeks if logistics cut of medicine from Asia. Same for Europe. So much for success...
  21. What a surprise, same I asked a question today at a counter, and she just gave me a zero relevant answer, as her superior was watching, I guess she just wanted to pretend she spoke fluent English to me, and as I walked away, that confirmed to her superior she spoke fluent English.... Standard replies, why, nobody with brains is looking at our emails or listens to what we say, it is always zombie sheeps who are taught to not question a single think, let alone to use their brains to their capacity (which still would be little but enough), to solve the issue or answer a simple question.
  22. One wonders if these activists are even smart enough to know their history, as it is the biggest owners in the fossil industries, who invented green energy + own that now too. It's about the same intelligence as most people have who took the death shots AKA super boost cancer shots. Even more funny is that all those people are the ones who get into health and legal issues, while thinking they were saving the world lol. In a way, the way it is thought out and executed, it is brilliant as a Satan. I guess they do save the world, by dying early, and reducing population....
  23. So what is said was right; this a useless suggestion that doesn't work for most people since years, many times debated on this forum. Hence the only alternative was the single entry or multi entry non-o visa for married people in savannakhet aside from otherwise needing the 400K. So again you are in fact the one who caused this topic to go off tracks.
  24. The fun with people who brag about their income in western countries, if you look at their actual costs, free spending power, quality of life, free time etc etc most people are actually better off with like 1000$ a month here, even most here, would say that is not enough here too lol.
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